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Obama Snubs Egyptian President al-Sisi

Obama Snubs Egyptian President al-Sisi

Karma: Putin then snubs Obama over Middle East policy.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is one of the key heads-of-state participating in the United Nations General Assembly’s 70th meeting.

President al-Sisi, an advocate of an Islamic “reformation” and one of the most engaged warriors in the war against terror, says the struggle he faces is “ferocious.”

Egypt’s President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi said in an interview that the Mideast region needs to cooperate to defeat a worsening terrorist threat that has led to a “ferocious war” in Egypt and created the danger of some countries “sliding into failure.”

In a wide-ranging interview with The Associated Press Saturday night, el-Sissi also said that Syria should not be divided after its civil war, that the Egyptian military needs to be “augmented” to defeat terrorists fighting in the Sinai and Western Desert, and that efforts should be renewed to solve the Palestinian issue and expand Egypt’s nearly 40-year-peace with Israel to include more Arab countries.

Egypt’s President also indicated that the last two years were a “real test of the endurance and strength” of the ties with this nation. It appears that al_Sisi has a bit more to endure, as he has been given another taste of the Obama Administration’s SmartPower™.

While Mr. Obama insists on welcoming the Russian autocrat whom the West has sanctioned for invading his neighbors and repressing his own people, he has refused to meet the president of Egypt, the most populous Arab nation and a traditional American ally that is battling Islamic extremists on two fronts.

In an interview, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry expressed guarded optimism about Russia’s growing military and diplomatic involvement in the Middle East and ongoing efforts to end the four-year-old war in Syria, which has killed more than 250,000 and forced millions of Syrians to flee.

Mr. Shoukry said he hopes that Russian mediation might help find a “solution” to the crisis given Moscow’s “longstanding relationship” with Syria’s regime, referring, among other things, to Russia’s naval base in Tartus, its only Middle Eastern port.

“All the international community should be involved in trying to end Syrian suffering and find a solution,” he said.

As I have noted before, Putin has recently been courting Egypt with more vigor than Caesar did Cleopatra.

And, like Caesar, Putin seems to be backing his interest with military might. Russia has now has increased its participation in the fight against ISIS with something more that hashtags and platitudes:

For the second time this month, Russia moved to expand its political and military influence in the Syria conflict and left the United States scrambling, this time by reaching an understanding, announced on Sunday, with Iraq, Syria and Iran to share intelligence about the Islamic State.

Like Russia’s earlier move to bolster the government of President Bashar al-Assad by deploying warplanes and tanks to a base near Latakia, Syria, the intelligence-sharing arrangement was sealed without notice to the United States. American officials knew that a group of Russian military officers were in Baghdad, but they were clearly surprised when the Iraqi military’s Joint Operations Command announced the intelligence sharing accord on Sunday..

If it is any consolation for al-Sisi, Putin snubbed Obama:

In his long-awaited speech at the United Nations, the Russian president fiercely attacked American policy in Syria and around the world and criticised the West for “exporting social experiments” in the form of democratic revolutions, which he blamed for the Middle East crisis.

Earlier this month, the US sent 75 more troops to assist al-Sisi in his battle against ISIS. However, given the recent snub, it appears that Egypt’s President will have to endure more SmartPower™ antics until Jan. 20, 2017.


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Sissi struck a blow against the muslim brotherhood, to whom obama owes allegiance, which makes Sissi close to being an ally of American interests, so of course he’d be snubbed by obama.

I bet you couldn’t pay Barracula enough to go and give another Cairo speech today!

I might be very, very dangerous!

    tarheelkate in reply to Ragspierre. | September 29, 2015 at 8:13 pm

    I was in Cairo when Obama came. All Egypt was in a swoon over him. Friends of mine were shocked to learn that I had not voted for him and didn’t think much of him. They see now that I was right.

People are unimpressed by the Obama-created humanitarian disaster across two continents. The social activists are doing their best to expand the chaos to three, four, and possibly more.

IOW, Obama — who hates America and American freedoms, values, and ideals — snubs our allies, courts our enemies, and provides sympathy and support to groups pledged to destroy both us and our allies.

This is my shocked face.

After throwing our long-term ally Mubarak under the bus and nearly giving Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood, more than a quarter of Egypt’s population took to the streets to demand relief. That is Sisi, who wants to be a close US ally in the tradition of Sadat and Mubarak.

478 more days of this wretched embarrassment . . . will we have any allies or influence left at all when this malefactor Obama is through with us?

Some time ago, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi just called out the Muslim clerics and insisted that they have to change what they preach.


And, he is getting some support


He continues to follow up, and I wish I had a transcript of his latest speech to the UN, but it may not yet have been published.

God bless him and help him, for he is a man of decency and courage.

So let me get this straight — I, a mid baby-boomer, staunch Zionist and anti-Communist, find myself agreeing more with the Presidents of Russia and Egypt than my own President?

Please give me medication for dizziness, I am about to pass out from my head spinning….

It’s an honor to be snubbed by the likes of Obama.