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Bloomberg anchor apologizes to Ted Cruz for awkward interview

Bloomberg anchor apologizes to Ted Cruz for awkward interview

“Look guys, I wasn’t really trying to prove Cruz wasn’t authentically Hispanic, ok?”

Yesterday, a video released by Digitas Daily featured a condensed version of Bloomberg host Mark Halperin conducting a super creepy interview with Sen. Ted Cruz.

In a series of bizarre questions, Halperin grilled Sen. Cruz on his Cubaness.

The interview was so bad, the left-wing group Think Progress condemned it as, “the most racist interview of a 2016 candidate.” Think Progress came to the same conclusion as many on the right: Halperin seemed determined to get Cruz on the record about the minutia of his Hispanic heritage.

Facing the wrath of the Internet, Mark Halperin released an apology today:

The text of the apology reads:

mark halperin apology to ted cruz for racist weird awkward interview bloomberg

Sen. Cruz, who handled the whole ordeal with impressive graciousness, made the following statement late today:

Mark Halperin is a serious and fair-minded journalist. Today he kindly issued an apology for some silly questions he…

Posted by Ted Cruz on Monday, May 11, 2015

Though the interview was cringeworthy, props to Halperin for apologizing. It was the right thing to do.

Judging by what we’ve witnessed so far, the 2016 race will likely be a completely different ball game for the talking heads who think they can score cheap points on GOP contenders a la 2012. Not only are candidates more comfortable holding firm boundaries with intrusive press (see media maestro Carly Fiorina for example), but the politically active public is less willing to offer a pass to media intentionally seeking to railroad the GOP’s best and brightest.

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Not A Member of Any Organized Political | May 11, 2015 at 6:18 pm


GeorgeCrosley | May 11, 2015 at 6:20 pm

Kemberlee, you probably mean “minutiae,” not “minutia” of Cruz’s Hispanic heritage.

“minutia” is singular; “minutiae” is plural 😀 😀

bob aka either orr | May 11, 2015 at 7:21 pm

Mark Halperin is a racist. Period.

Damn, Halperin neglected to ask whether Cruz likes burritos, guacamole and tequila. And, whether he knows how to hand-roll cigars. Or, if he constantly plays “Buena Vista Social Club” on his CD player. This could have yielded some true insights about Cruz.

    Ragspierre in reply to guyjones. | May 11, 2015 at 7:45 pm

    “The Lost City”. Greatest movie about Cuber EVAH…!!! Andy Garcia is a super talented cat.

Halperin didn’t have to apologize to Cruz – just to Bloomberg for accepting a paycheck.

What ever he was forced to say it is nice to know that Halperin and perhaps Bloomburg had an awkward moment of intense discomfort when they realized they are not as clever as they think they are and we all think they stink.

legacyrepublican | May 11, 2015 at 10:32 pm

Haleprin doesn’t like eating crow. Good!

“I also understand why some felt that the questions were inappropriate” is NOT an apology, damn it! It’s simply code (yes, code) for “you’re too stoopid to appreciate my insight”. Keep the pressure on Halperin and Bloomberg.

But was he truly sorry he asked the question? Heck no. He was only apologizing to those he offended. He would have no problem doing it again.

landofmanyinone | May 12, 2015 at 9:24 am

I think Halperin should be suspended for 6 games and Bloomberg should lose 3 draft picks and pay a $5 million fine

Non-apology apology IMO. The “to those that were offended” phrasing still really says, not my responsibility, you rubes.

Sam in Texas | May 12, 2015 at 10:49 am

Isn’t this the same Helprin who finds out all kinds of stories relevant to an election before the election, but does not publish any of them until after the election in a post-election book?

I do not believe Helprin was trying to prove anything. I think he was trying to keep the time Ted Cruz had, for discussing any serious matters, to a minimum. Then, others could comment that Cruz did not have anything worthwhile to say.

We’ve seen this before.

I sure hope Mr. Halperin is as diligent in his questioning of Elizabeth Warren regarding her Cherokee heritage as he was in his questioning of Ted Cruz on his heritage.

Henry Hawkins | May 12, 2015 at 11:59 am

Halperin was clearly going for the big Gotcha and it backfired, making him look….. no, revealing what an idiot he is. He thought he’d come out of this a hero on the left.

BUFFALO BILL | May 15, 2015 at 4:23 am

Sen. Cruz Class act!