Charges dropped against pro-Israel Ohio U. students
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Charges dropped against pro-Israel Ohio U. students

Charges dropped against pro-Israel Ohio U. students

Arrested while protesting anti-Israel student Senate President by reading a Legal Insurrection post out loud!

[Rebecca Sebo, Ohio University)(photo credit: Kaitlin Owens video]

You may recall our extensive coverage of the Ohio University incident in which the student Senate President Meghan Marzec conducted an anti-Israel “blood bucket challenge” hijacking the Ice Bucket Challenge designed to raise funds for ALS research.

Ohio U. Student Senate President Megan Marzed "Blood Bucket Challenge)

[Ohio U. Student Senate President Megan Marzed “Blood Bucket Challenge)]

Pro-Israel students then demonstrated during a student Senate meeting and were arrested at the behest of Marzec.

In fact, one student, Becky Sebo, was arrested while reading a Legal Insurrection blog post out loud!

It is clear having listened to the audio that the pro-Israel student was reading statements of university presidents from this Legal Insurrection post, University statements rejecting academic boycott of Israel, specifically the entries regarding statements issued by Brandeis University, the University of Chicago, Hamilton College and U. Connecticut, against the academic boycott of Israel

[Megan Marzec ordering arrest of Pro Israel student Rebecca Sebo Ohio University)credit: Kaitlin Owens video)]

[Megan Marzec ordering arrest of Pro Israel student Rebecca Sebo Ohio University)(credit: Kaitlin Owens video)]

Four students were arrested and charged with disrupting a public meeting, and those charges were pursued by prosecutors for months.

(Original video link here)

I just received word from Sebo that all charges have been dropped. Here is her email to me:

Due to lack of a speedy trial, the case was dismissed this morning from the Athens Municipal Court. We were supposed to attend a new pre-trial and trial this coming monday and tuesday.

We are clearly thrilled that the case has been dismissed. I personally am excited to be able to focus on the rest of my senior year without anxiety. The amount of support we have received since September has been incredibly helpful and reassuring.

The Cleveland Jewish News further reports:

Kenneth Bossin, the attorney representing Sebo, said he was “thrilled to death” that the charges had been dismissed, and that he doesn’t believe Sebo committed an illegal act. Bossin blamed the university and the OU police department as the reason why the case took six months to be resolved.

“This whole case was driven by the university and the university police department,” Bossin said. “I think they were wrong in pursuing it the way they did and in the way they handled the whole case. It was driven by their desires, not by the City of Athens or the prosecutor’s office.

“I think they handled it poorly. If the university had let the prosecutor’s office and defense lawyers handle the case I think it would’ve been handled a long time ago.”

Congratulations Becky and the others, for standing up for what is right and not being intimidated.


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We could use her as our House Speaker!

how can a student order the arrest of another student?
why, every time I ask, can nobody tell me why we allow kids to have power like this?
there should be no student governments or any of that crap.

    weenchit in reply to dmacleo. | March 6, 2015 at 2:21 pm

    I totally agree and I have always disliked student governance. As for why, the reason is that universities have become miniature countries that the administration and faculty use live inside the type of world they want to create. It’s like a living version of their own, personal Dungeons and Dragons role play. The university has become a complete replacement for civil society as it has its own government, social services, religion complete with high priests and their very own fantasy justice system. It’s sad that these arguments even need to take place there. Universities should be places you go to study real academics full time, but that has been relegated to a low-level priority. #1 is stupid people getting even anyone they deem as not progressive or not progressive enough.

    Anchovy in reply to dmacleo. | March 6, 2015 at 3:49 pm

    They are just tyrants in training so they can eventually retire (if they ever find a job) and then take over the HOA board at some over 55 retirement community.

    Believe me. I would explain more except right now I have to go change my outdoor porch light to a higher wattage one that meets the CCR’s.

    guyjones in reply to dmacleo. | March 6, 2015 at 6:44 pm

    A valid point. Then again, becoming inured at a young age to siccing law enforcement on political opposition as a means of intimidating and silencing political opposition does make for good training and a résumé feat to aid in one’s future job interview at DOJ or the IRS.

    Estragon in reply to dmacleo. | March 7, 2015 at 12:48 am

    I would demand an apology in exchange for not filing a lawsuit based on violating my civil rights.

“Pro-Israel students then demonstrated during a student Senate meeting and were arrested at the behest of the …………. “

“…one student, Becky Sebo, was arrested while reading a Legal Insurrection blog post out loud!”

It’s official. Legal Insurrection is now an actual insurrection.

Rational and reasonable prevail.

Cute girl.

I absolutely love that first photo. The character and pride she displays is awesome. Becky, if you’re reading this, there are a bunch of folks who are real proud of the stand you took. Keep that spirit, always.

How is it that a pro Israel person can be arrested and persecuted for 6 months so easily, but university government and police can never figure out how to stop disruptions or arrest and persue demonstrators at a University speech when the speaker is pro Israel or conservative politically???? Hmmmmmmm

Good on Ms. Sebo, her co-defendants, and LI! And Athens, Ohio, what a remarkable municipality. It accepts interrupting a student government session on a college campus as its problem to investigate and adjudicate. I wonder if they and Miami University would be as diligent were allegations and accusations of rape involved. It’s likely everyone, the excused excepted, of course, would be happy to have this settled in the faculty lounge. A lack of time is cited as the reason for discharging the case after six months; why was it accepted in the first place? Are the town’s elders that intimidated by the university? It’s time for municipal and civil authorities everywhere to accept their responsibilities, grow up, and put these city-states in their place.

Probably the first time in a long while the police did not feel they had to wash their hands and take a shower after arresting a “protester”.

It appears Marzec is saying “Marcia Marcia Marcia!!!” She can’t take being upstaged.

I remember the olden days when Universities were a place where minority voices were heard and encouraged. In the true historical sense of the word liberal, dissenting opinions were welcomed. Sadly those dissenting opinions of yesteryear were the voices of the progressives, communists and Marxists. Back then, the university faculty welcomed those voices within the university as an opportunity to inform a diverse opinion on matters of politics, economics and racial equality. Once the progressives, communists and Marxists acquired tenure and a controlling majority within the university power structure, in true fascists measure, they began their own pogrom of intolerance to anything other than the party line of the progressives, communists and Marxists. The new generation of college professors do little to protect the rights of students to voice an opinion in opposition to the current types of acceptable and allowable speech. The counter-culture has become the University culture, and the professors will do anything they can to punish those who violate the thought crime provisions of modern day progressivism.

I just read a post by one of my favorite Warriors for the Cause, Professor Mike Adams, of UNC-Wilmington. Professor Adams recently won a major First Amendment case against the University System, and is one of the more articulate of those who fight the good fight against university sanctioned fascism. Please take a moment to read his latest. Of course, he said it so much better than I:

Prof. Adams, you are my heroe.