KOGO AM 600 | Leslie Eastman Inverview | #LikeAGirl Ad
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Leslie Eastman Chats #LikeAGirl on San Diego’s KOGO AM 600

Leslie Eastman Chats #LikeAGirl on San Diego’s KOGO AM 600

Leslie talks Super Bowl commercials—and earns a convert!

When San Diego’s talk station KOGO AM600 announced they were going to chat about obnoxious Super Bowl ads, they asked listeners to call in with the ones they wanted to discuss.

Instead, I sent a producer I knew my piece, I am apologizing #LikeAGirl for Super Bowl Ads’ #WarOnMen. As a result, their independent-minded host, Bob “Sully” Sullivan, invited me to chat with him about the commercials, as well as my work at both Legal Insurrection and College Insurrection related to the challenges men face today.

Here’s a video with the exchange:

Sully is the father of two daughters and really enjoyed the #LikeAGirl advertisement from the makers of Always feminine hygiene products. However, during show prep, he uncovered material related to several subjects were follow here: The hostile environment our young men face on many college campuses and the “neutralization of maleness” in our society.

I am happy to say that he came away from our chat a believer. When he rewatched the #LikeAGirl clip with a fresh perspective, Sully recognized that a boy had been “sacrificed” in the female empowerment ad. He also understood the double standard I described in the T-Mobile ad.

Now, a phrase that I used during the chat, “hashtag activism”, is part of a clip that is making the rounds on the airwaves promoting Sully’s show.

I really enjoyed the chance to shamelessly promote Legal Insurrection to the very independent-minded San Diego audience.

By way of background, Sully has been in the radio business for over 20 years, His work contributed significantly to the effort to remove “Filthy Filner” from the mayor’s office.

Sullivan was a driving force behind the recall effort of former Mayor Bob Filner, who he nicknamed “The Emperor.” To collect signatures to get Filner booted from office, he hosted “Sully’s Petition Drive Thru” in August at the radio station.

“We can fully take credit for planting that seed for Bob Filner and starting the Recall Bob Filner Campaign,” Sullivan said. “We had 2,000 people in front of the studio the day he resigned.”

I was very grateful to be able to share the Legal Insurrection team’s great work with the KOGO AM 600 audience, which is the eighth largest in the nation.


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MaggotAtBroadAndWall | February 5, 2015 at 9:40 am

Great interview. Your position is not only correct, but you offer it with clear reasoning, energy and passion – crucial for radio. If they are smart, they will keep reading Legal Insurrection and when they read something you’ve written that piques their interest, they’ll bring you back on to share your perspective.

Well done.

Absolutely wonderful interview. You are a pro, Leslie. It won’t be long before the TV networks are calling. I have always enjoyed reading your articles, and seldom listen to radio interviews, but this piece was exceptional. Great job.

Awesome, way to take positive advantage to get a message out.

However, please stop defending me as a male. It makes me look like a sissy, like I need my (pretty) little sister to protect me. All the guys are laughing at me.

2nd Ammendment Mother | February 5, 2015 at 12:29 pm

Just too many thoughts on how that ad does more to degrade women than anything. Like much of the war on women crap, it sets women up as pathetic harpies keeping old arguments alive to prove a long dead point. The only person who holds you back is yourself. If you don’t think your boss appreciates you – Then stop complaining about glass ceilings, go into business for yourself and prove him wrong.

The only war on women is the one we get sucked into by other women who want to be coddled by the government rather than owning their own shortcomings and victories.

And there is nothing wrong with not being a great runner or swimmer. I freely admit that no one wants to see me do either – it is a spectacle. But give me a bow, a firearm or a horse and I’ll own it.

Henry Hawkins | February 5, 2015 at 1:00 pm


Women: “Hey, there’s a new thing called feminism. Heard about it? Support us?”

Men: “Um, sure. Hey, did you know there’s a new thing (snicker) called, um, the sexual revolution? Heard about it?”

Women: “No! Tell us!”

Men: “Oh, it’s great (bwa-ha). No more waiting until marriage. Women are giving it up left and right as one way to, um, fundamentally transform (giggle)our, um… patriarchal culture. You have the power now! You say jump and we men have to jump right into the crib!”

Women: “Awesome! Count us in! What’s your sign? Do you live nearby?”

Men: “Taurus. And I live right over here… (heh).”

Noblesse Oblige | February 5, 2015 at 9:16 pm

Have you ever seen Obama throw? Now there’s an assault on masculinity.

Obama’s “War Against Women” nonsense is just one of many strawmen he sets up to incite polarization among Americans of different race, creed, color, wealth, you name it – blaming it on Republicans, of course, and then claiming he’s the one trying to bring us all together. He cares nothing about our welfare, just about his own phony political gain.

David R. Graham | February 7, 2015 at 1:48 am

Great post and mission in life, thanks!