Just more “pro-Palestinian” protests: Nazi salutes in Paris, “death to all Jews” in the Hague
Seeing them for what they really are — in the political real world there is no difference between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism

We’ve documented many times the open anti-Semitism that infuses many “pro-Palestinian” anti-Israel rallies around the world, including the United States.
- France’s Jews Fled As Rioters Burned Shops To Chants Of ‘Gas The Jews’
- Pro-Palestinian Berlin mob: “Jew, Cowardly Pig, Come On Out And Fight” (Video)
- Islamist Jew-haters and their leftist enablers: “The Jews are Beasts”
- Paris Synagogue attacked by Pro-Palestinian crowd carrying boycott message
- Miami anti-Israel rally: “Jews, remember Khaybar, the army of Muhammad is returning”
In Paris, scene of vicious anti-Jewish protests, another protest today Thousands protest Gaza operation in Paris, some with Nazi-like ‘quenelle’ salute:
Several thousand gathered in Place de la République in Paris, France to protest the Israeli operation in the Gaza Strip on Saturday, defying a state ban on the demonstration.
Protesters chanted “Israel is an assassin, Holland is an accomplice” and “we are all Palestinians,” and some were seen gesturing the quenelle, a reverse Nazi-salute, AFP reported. Tension mounted as hundreds of protesters, some masked, began throwing stones and projectiles at police who responded with tear gas.
“This event is illegal, but for us it is more than legitimate. This is to show our solidarity with people who are now being massacred,” Hugo, a New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA) activist, told AFP.
The NPA decided to defy the ban and hold the protest as planned in an assertion of the party’s “solidarity with the Palestinian people,” NPA leader Olivier Besancenot said.
Earlier, France’s interior minister called on the protest’s organizers to observe the order, fearing anti-Semitic violence.
In The Hague, Netherlands, meanwhile, Dutch News reports, The Hague mayor urged to get tough after anti-Jewish chanting at rally(via Jihad Watch):
The Hague’s mayor Jozias van Aartsen is being urged to get tough on anti-Jewish demonstrators after people were heard chanting ‘death to Jews’ at a protest rally in the city on Thursday evening.
During the rally, in which some of the 100 protesters carried pro-Isis flags, Muslim youngsters were heard to shout ‘death to all Jews’, news magazine Elsevier reports.
Esther Voet of the Israel information centre CIDI said on Twitter: ‘people who made themselves unrecognisable, Isis flags, death to Jews and journalists take to safety. The Netherlands 2014.’
I take them at their word.
In Berlin on Friday, the organizers had to implore the protesters not to spew anti-Jewish rhetoric, and the police were there in a heavy presence:
Police here sent 1,000 officers to monitor a demonstration Friday against Israel’s military actions in Gaza, after other protests against Israel in German cities in recent days featured anti-Semitic slogans.
A police spokesman said around 1,200 people took part in Friday’s mostly peaceful protest. Demonstrators waved Palestinian flags and placards denouncing the violence between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas.
The event’s organizers called on the crowd to show restraint and to avoid incendiary statements directed against Jews, which have made headlines in Germany in recent days.
“It’s sad that some people can’t control themselves, but most people here and the organizers can,” said Ugur Soyuk, a 20-year-old student. He added, however, that he thought the police presence at the demonstration was “excessive.”
I have mixed feelings about such a crackdown. On the one hand, I certainly don’t want protests demanding that pig Jews come out and fight, as previously happened in Berlin.
On the other hand, seeing them for what they really are helps debunk to the myth that in the political real world there is a difference between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. Better not to sweep that reality under the rug.

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Yet we are H 8ers for supporting Israel and Palestine living in peace…
“Don’t call us Jew haters and Nazis!!! Ignore our Nazi salutes, our applauding of the Holocaust, and our signs promising the death of those who disagree.”
Geez, Prof., how many “other hands” do you get?
Keep that up, and you’ll become an economist…!!!
BTW, LOVE it when metaphysical justice asserts itself…
Europe to a large extent has rejected the one true God in order to bow to moral relativism with its pretence of acceptance. So, the repeat of history is not suprising, supremely saddening, but not surprising.
You cannot dialog with evil. Evil breeds confusion. Evil must exposed to the light of day, but do not dialoge with evil.
Israel suggested a 4-hour extension of today’s 12-hour humanitarian cease-fire, and Hamas rejected it, resuming sending rockets into Israel.
If true, a cease-fire or truce is obviously not what they want.
In the era of Facebook, this is “Why We Fight”…
Zionist boobies!
I’m put in mind of the great line from “Operation Petticoat”…
“The enemy has nothing like this…!!!!”
Is it me, or has anyone else noticed that the pictures we see by the media concerning these protests in europe have a very small percentage of European origin and an overwhelming percentage of others, mostly middle eastern looking people. Just though I would banter that about.