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Dan Bongino: “Why We Fight”

Dan Bongino: “Why We Fight”

Running for the House in MD-06

Dan Bongino, running for the House in MD-06, was our first Operation Counterweight 2014 candidate, selected back in August 2013.

We’ve followed Dan for years, and are hopeful for him this election cycle.

Here is his first TV ad.  It’s a little different, more of what I would call setting a tone for the campaign.

Here’s the explanation that accompanies the YouTube video:

“As a former Secret Service agent, tasked with protecting the President, I know firsthand that the needs of average working-class Americans are being ignored in Washington. I wanted my first ad to be a salute to working-class Americans just like me – the farmers, the small business owners, the manufacturers – who have been forgotten by this administration. They are now, and have always been, my inspiration and are the reason I’m running for Congress.” – Dan Bongino


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He is a former secret service agent and fills in for Sean Hannity on the radio and deserves our support.

healthguyfsu | May 7, 2014 at 11:42 am

I love this guy. Wish he was in my voting district in VA.