RIP, The Professor:
Because real life professors could not live up to The Professor:
Nasty guy:
Don’t rub it in:
Can’t we be angry at both? Why must we choose?
Hope at last, hope at last, thank God almighty, there’s hope at last:
Because he’s done so well with Obamacare:
- President Obama to Focus on College Costs during Second Term
- Obama’s College Ratings Plan Could Create “Perverse Incentives”
This should work, almost as well as British dentistry:
This should work, almost as well as British dentistry, too:
What about weed? Don’t tell me they banned the weed:
Oh, they can ban free speech, just don’t ban the weed:
Where were these college prep courses when I was a kid?
Bet these kids started early:
They taught to the test:
No one expects the MLK Day anti-Republican Tirade:
(We have some work to do here):
You go, guy:
Got an “A” in Thug 101:
Resistance is futile:
Oh, shut up:

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Loved “Gilligan’s Island.” Loved it!!! Thanks for telling us about the Professor’s passing. I never knew his name, but I loved the show, and he was really good in it.
I read a book either based on the show, or the show was based on, not sure, when I was a kid. I read it 12 times!
“Because real life professors could not live up to The Professor”
Funny thing is, no they could not.
Flew 44 combat missions in WWII, shot down once, awarded the Purple Heart. According to colleagues in Hollywood, a kindly decent gentleman, a loyal friend, and a good father.
That is very un-professorial by the standards of most of today’s professors.
One can look at that picture of Tina Louise and conclude that glamour has died, too.
Today’s sloppy, strident actresses just don’t compare.
Oh, I don’t know. Jennifer Lawrence seems to get it. Brittany Snow seems to be a lovely and elegant young lady. You do have to look around, though. I suspect it was always so.
I was dumbfounded by the statement that Gilligan’s Island was only on for three seasons. Was that accurate? Amazing longevity for a flash in the pan.
The picture of Tina Louise and “Mary Ann” reminded me of why I watched “Gilligan’s Island”.
(It was not for the writing…)
I recall rumors that Dawn Wells has expressed some disappointment that Tina Louise received more “interesting” fan mail.
I never understood why. In my undergrad days we all called Gilligan’s Island the Dawn Wells Show when we caught it on reruns.
Ah yes, all-male dorms … there’s nothing like ’em. And a good thing, too.
The age old question: Mary Ann, or Ginger?
Being a young country boy, I always favored Mary Ann. She looked like she could handle a tractor & plow during the day, and sexy lingerie at night.
The perfect woman.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
Mary Ann, or Ginger?
Yes! Emphatically. YES!
Johnson did indeed turn out to be an excellent choice for what became a seminal role. And he did it without a fake German accent (essential to the earlier conventional notion of a professor of “science”). But the character’s name was inadequate. It certainly couldn’t compare to that other conspicuous American super-genius, Wile E. Coyote.
Roy Hinkley. Not exactly a moniker to conjure with. Shoot, that’s a name you get out of the phone book, and not the MIT phone book, either. Something monumental, like, say, Isambard Kingdom Brunel might have been good, but that was already taken.
Jonas Grumby – now that was an inspired name.
Being able to stump other kids with the real names of the characters was always a great card to play in trivia.
Jonas Grumby
Willie Gilligan
Thurston Howell III
Eunice ‘Lovey’ Howell
Ginger Grant
Mary Ann Summers
Roy Hinkley.
Hey, whaddaya know! I still remember!
Those were the days.
Damn kids now don’t realize that back at the dawn of time we had to know that stuff – we couldn’t just google it.
The “movie star” and Mary Ann: the college professor finally finds utopia, where no man is an island
Of course. Why do you think a man who was able to make modern electronics, even able to recreate the entirety of the Minnow to scale, unable to get them off the island? Gilligan was just the scapegoat.
Great show, loved all the characters. They were the perfect mix.
RIP, good professor. You brought smiles and laughter to millions.
Has no article on the Arizona State fraternity MLK celebration not been written?
I need funding to do a research project. How on earth were people so naturally slim & more – normal?
I intend to highlight the BeeGees white pants in Staying alive vid . That must surely be a climax in this era of civilisation past.