Greg Pollowitz at National Review asked, Which Is Worse: ‘High Cheekbones’ or ‘Redskins’?
A few things are bothering me about Bob Costas calling the term “Redskins” a slur on Sunday night.
One, Democrats had absolutely no issue when then senate candidate Elizabeth Warren justified her Native American heritage with her “high cheekbones.” That’s the same as me saying, “Can’t you see I’m half-Jewish from the size of my nose?” If it was anybody but liberal-darling Warren, there would be outrage at her saying such a thing. But since Democrats have tacitly endorsed “high cheekbones” as politically acceptable, I vote to rename the Redskins “The High Cheekbones.”
The song even works, “Hail to the Cheekbones! Hail Victory!”
For those of you who don’t remember, Elizabeth Warren supposedly (doubtfully) relied on “family lore” to justify checking the Native American box in order to get herself put on a short list of “Minority Law Teachers” and “Women of Color in Legal Academia” as she was climbing the law school ladder towards Harvard Law School.
Among those stories (now cast in doubt) was about her Aunt Bea and high cheekboned ancestors:
Warren has admitted she did not meet the legal definition of Native American. She never associated with Native Americans, and did not even list herself as Native American when she joined the Senate.
So, is falsely claiming to be Native American for employment purposes only, and telling stories of ancestors with “high cheekbones” to justify that conduct, offensive?
But not to the progressives who demand The Washington Redskins change their name, and who will demand that Warren run for President.

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Vikings had high cheekbones…
So do the actors who play them.,0,214,317_.jpg
Rags, if I may. Got this via linkie
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Strange. Works for me…
Strange indeed. Got the same deny, thingy..
Switched browsers, From Google Chrome TO Firefox,0,214,317_.jpg
Sum Ting Wong. Next browser, will be I.E. We shall see.
from I.E.
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OK. Lemme’ see now. Is Mojito, spelled correctly?
Stop screwin’ around and Piss Off NSA.
Same here.
Elizabeth Warren also has a big stick up her ass. I am not sure that is exclusive to any particular racial or ethnic group, it just seems to apply to stuck up tedious prigs.
Something tells me that the fake Indian can’t ride a Harley either…
Often wondered to which “high cheekbones”, Lizard was referring to.
I find it interesting that Paula Deen, a middle-aged white woman, had her reputation destroyed by the media for racist utterances, while Elizabeth Warren, a middle-aged white woman, was never even called to account for her racist statements. High cheekbones indeed.
Paula Deen, Democrat and Obama supporter, but when there was a chance to throw her under the bus, liberals had no problem whatsoever doing so. They just assumed she was a conservative and let her have it.
That is Pro Choice for you. They can put you down anytime they want.
Sitting on a Harley Bagger that has ape bars and is obviously sitting on its kick stand – this is the very penultimate definition of a Loser.
Just a little hog on hog action.
I prefer a more inclusive nickname for the team, one which honors the warrior skills of both the American Indians and those brave ancestors of our Beloved leader who conquered the weaker tribes of West Africa, enslaved their peoples, and sold them to Dutch traders to eventually elect a descendant of their oppressors with a unanimity and gusto unparalleled in the annals of the conquered.
Behold, the Washington “Spear-chukkers”!
The left’s hypocrisy is a well-known fact. Likewise, everyone knows that obama is a pathological liar.
Neither fact gets any traction.
These stories are all fun, but they constitute preaching to the choir.
Nothing to perk up your spirits on a rainy New England day like a great article about Lieawatha.
The only bright spot: I do not live in Taxachusetts.
Why stop with sports teams? Why not exploit the military? Why not shame the open-source community? Why not sue municipalities?
Seems like a lot of work and a lot of shaming. Perhaps Americans should just forget former enemies and allies alike. The price of perpetual extortion is not worth honoring them.
Here’s another suggestion. Let’s distinguish between the empires, nations, and tribes, and explicitly identify those which participated in genocides, slavery, rape, murder, and elective abortions (i.e. sacrificial rites).
As far as big noses go, I had no idea a big nose had anything to do with Jews. I’ve had a big nose all my life (!) and nobody ever called me a Jew. They did call me Indian once in awhile.
And then I saw the Redskins logo. Talk about a big hook nose! And what’s with the Nike emblem on those cheeks?
It’s a pejorative stereotype intended to mock a perception of Jewish greed. Think big noses and liberal consumption of oxygen.
Put something exciting between your legs?
Maybe she is sitting on it because it’s an “Indian”, not a Harley!
Anyone these days can get high cheekbones, even if they weren’t born with them.