Boston Globe already has Elizabeth Warren buyer’s remorse
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Boston Globe already has Elizabeth Warren buyer’s remorse

Boston Globe already has Elizabeth Warren buyer’s remorse

“Thursday was disrespectful”

Elizabeth Warren continues to treat the press with the same dismissiveness she did during the campaign, similar to how she treated the Cherokee women and Native American DNC delegates who tried to meet with her.

But now that she’s elected, even Boston Globe columnists are willing to write about it (emphasis mine):

For the sake of Massachusetts, let’s hope that Elizabeth Warren gets better than this.
She was always a mildly underwhelming candidate, clutching her talking points like they were a satchel of gold — millionaires and ­billionaires, a level playing field, big oil. As deft as she was at slogans, she was never so good at answering questions, which was odd for a person of such experience and substance….

But none of this could have prepared anyone for the scene that unfolded Thursday afternoon in the governor’s suite of the State House. Warren met with Deval ­Patrick in his private office, and then the pair came into an adjacent conference room, where a battery of cameras and ­reporters were waiting….

“I’m glad,” she said curtly to a question about the high turnout of women voters that undoubtedly propelled her to victory.

“I’m delighted,” she said abruptly when asked her feelings on the number of women voted to high office this week.

“Of course,” she said shortly, when asked if she would seek diversity on her staff.

To the important question of what committee assignments she’d like, she replied, “I will continue to talk to the leader about it.”

After less than 12 minutes of these ­comically clipped answers, a gubernatorial aide called, “Last question,” prompting Warren to flee the room as if the podium was on fire. She made Scott Brown look like Cicero.

It only hurt, not helped, to learn that Warren later told a few reporters by way of explanation, “All I can say is I was a lot more discreet as a candidate than I was in real life.” She turned to an aide as she said this and asked, “Can I say that? Maybe it’s indiscreet to talk about discretion.”

Here’s what Elizabeth Warren needs to understand — immediately. Tens of thousands of good, honest, hard-working people sent her tens of millions of dollars to run what amounted to the most expensive and elaborate political campaign that this state has ever seen.

They didn’t just give their money, these supporters. They invested their hopes, their hearts, their dreams, and for many of them, their time. If she didn’t turn out to be the most scintillating candidate, that was OK, because she was far better than the other option, and they knew she would improve once she grabbed the prize.

And now that she’s won, what these people expect, what they want, is what is supposed to be Warren’s trademark: openness and honesty. They want someone who will treat the public with dignity and give honest voice to the issues that are on everyone’s mind, discretion be damned.

Yes, she is tired. Of course, it’s all new. Admittedly, this is about style.

But election night was lazy. Thursday was disrespectful. If Elizabeth Warren is better than this, and there is every hope and belief that she is, it’s time to start showing it now.

How delusional.  “Openess and honesty” never were Warren’s trademark.  Only liberals in Massachusetts and Hollywood  bought into that narrative

I have an idea, press.  Finally try to get real answers from her for a change, now that the Kool-Aid effect has worn off.

The Boston Globe covered for Warren at every turn, burying its correction of the false story of her having Cherokee ancestry, running puff pieces on Warren alongside hit pieces on Brown, pretending that Warren’s family lore had validity when the facts in its own story proved otherwise, and refusing to investigate Warren’s law practice and likely filing of false employment forms even as it went to court to obtain meaningless testimony from Mitt Romney in an old divorce case of the founder of Staples.

With the exception of The Boston Herald, the rest of the Massachusetts press was no better.

You bought into her, now she owns you. 

And she’s flipping you the bird, like she did the Cherokees.  Get used to it.


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She is just setting her self up as a rubber stamp for Harry Reid. Note this response:

“To the important question of what committee assignments she’d like, she replied, ‘I will continue to talk to the leader about it.’”

Yeah, there’s a thinker for you. A real “..a person of such experience and substance.” She tacitly admitted to the fact that she will simply follow orders.

The only thing worse than an affirmative action flunky is someone who fakes being a minority and using affirmative action to get false preferences. The result is the same though.

Kudos to the tools of MA. You kicked out a genuinely good senator for a lockstep Democrat flunky.

    tjb821 in reply to Dimsdale. | November 9, 2012 at 10:33 am

    Please remember that not of all us in MA voted for this fraud. I talked until I was blue in the face about her criminal activities, but it seems to no avail. One of the biggest problems that I can see is that there are many regional newspapers that only print half truths and the readers (who mostly don’t have internet access) are just stupid enough to believe that if that is what the local paper has to say, it must be all that there is. The Berkshire Eagle is one of those rags whose readers are hill country folk who EW zeroed in on from the start. She knew what she was doing. Then there are those of us who know better. It’s very frustrating voting here. The EW scam is what has finally convinced my husband that it is time to leave this joke of a state.

    casualobserver in reply to Dimsdale. | November 9, 2012 at 11:40 am

    Yes, Dimsdale, we are forever lost. However, we have good company with MO (McCaskill), IN (Donnelly), etc. Hwoever, we are the bad guys. The state that has been overwhelmingly Democrat for a generation is the cause of your misery. Pretty odd way to lay the blame to me.

    “I will continue to talk to the leader about it.”

    bwah hah hah.

    The new meme.

casualobserver | November 9, 2012 at 9:57 am

Gee, will the Globe continue to be critical of her positions and view of government role in commerce and people’s lives? And her leadership style? Oh, wait, they just don’t like her attitude towards THEM……..They love her ideology. Whew, I was shell shocked there for a second…..

(all sarcasm)

LMAOROTF. What was that the press was called in Vichy France: Stooges.
Press: She’s going to have to do better than that.
Warren to aide: So, we have 6 yrs now, what’s the retirement going to be and see if it is more for a minority so I’ll know which box to check.

MA deserves Fake Pocahontas just like Illinois deserves 40K rolex Jesse jackson Jr. News media cannot eat their crap sandwiches fast enough.

read comments there, it boggles the mind that they all think she fought for the little guy.
a D says they fought for the little guy and idiots buy it w/o actually following the money.
screw it, they deserve her.

Massachusetts deserves what they got.

When clear choices present themselves and they choose the worst of all, what more can I or anyone else say?

Enjoy the ride dummies!

RE: “And now that she’s won, what these people expect, what they want, is what is supposed to be Warren’s trademark: openness and honesty. They want someone who will treat the public with dignity and give honest voice to the issues that are on everyone’s mind, discretion be damned.”

Quoting Ms. Warren; “Am I allowed to say this?” The people of Massachusetts are about to experience a prison rape in the most intimate of venues – their pocketbooks and private lives.

The only thing anyone can really say: “Welcome to the reality of American Statism! You voted for it, now you got it. Enjoy!”

Those who voted for Warren deserve her.

Those who didn’t vote for her might want to relocate to Oklahoma.

    tjb821 in reply to logos. | November 9, 2012 at 10:34 am

    Or Texas 🙂

    David Yotham in reply to logos. | November 9, 2012 at 10:46 am

    Help Wanted:
    Goal oriented, fertile Conservatives who like to work and desire to raise a family. Everyone else, stay where you are.

    North Dakota
    South Dakota

    If and, heaven willing, when I’m in a position to relocate, it will be to a mountain state or Alaska.

    TrooperJohnSmith in reply to logos. | November 9, 2012 at 11:19 am

    You know, coming from the same white-trash Okie roots as Warren, some folks may think that I should revel in the success of one of my peeps. To them, I would say that unlike Warren, I’m part Cherokee and several more of the Five and Not-Five, and I have a whole lot of personal responsibility and integrity.

    On the other hand, only in Massachusetts could people be so stupid as to (a.) be that damned impressed by someone who is part Indian; and (b.) look beyond her lies, deception and fraud and see only “-Democrat”.

    And they think us simple-folks out in fly-over land are sooooooo stupid. 😆

    NavyMustang in reply to logos. | November 10, 2012 at 8:45 am

    Me, I live in the People’s Republic of Maryland. I’ve already started my plans to move to Idaho!

Agree with several comments. The citizens of Massachusetts are going to get what they paid for.

Sounds like the Massachusetts voters got the long end of the shtick from Pretenderhontas Warren

This ignorance of the facts – sometimes actually substituting the complete opposite – is very common on the left. It’s why people can claim they voted for Obama because he is so good at foreign policy, or that they believe in global warming because the science is so credible.

I’ve always found it baffling but the tendency for liberals to live on the other side of the looking glass is clear.

The Globe needs to put its dunce cap on, after all, they need to properly prepare themselves for Warren’s 2016 presidency bid!

The Globe obviously forgot who it was criticizing; the fools! 😉

    Good point. Obama showed the way to winning a presidential election through shameless lies and demonizing the opponent. The similarities between the two of them have been noted more than once.

    Therefore, I predict that Warren will be our next president UNLESS things get so bad under Obama that some of the morons wake up. (I also predict that Rick Santorum will be the next Republican candidate on the grounds that it’s his turn. Warren will find him as easy to lie about as Obama found Romney).

Yep, she’s a pathetic, laugh-out-loud Fool & Twit. Apparently that’s the way Mass. voters have long preferred things. Senator Forever Ted Kennedy..? Senator for 30+Years John Kerry…? (This last one A-Mazes me perpetually!!)

Harvard educated..? Lock-step STUPID.

But, hey, I’m living in the state that just renewed the loathsome & squalid Bill Nelson back to the senate…And. voted Allen West OUT of the House.(Unless the recount he’s requesting takes place..)

So, Bottom-Line, my country has Lost Its ****ing Mind!!

“The Infinite Monkey Theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare.”

—The Infinite Un-Biased Journalist Theorem makes monkeys laugh hysterically and throw their poop.

1. Here’s what Elizabeth Warren needs to understand — immediately. blah blah blah

Elizabeth Warren understands — completely.

She doesn’t care.


2. Btw, Boston Globe, you’re owned by the New York Times. When Warren’s time comes, you will write what you’re told to write.

It was a quarter to two–a few minutes before closing–and Lizzie’s Cherokee cheeks looked good after the eight or so Jamesons. So the Globe took her home.

Now, in the cold light of day, the Globe realizes that they’ve slept with Lola.

Here’s hoping that this portends something good about future coverage (of Obama, too). But it’s more likely that another few Jamesons tomorrow night will drive this temporary pang of regret and conscience down the memory hole.

    LukeHandCool in reply to Joel Engel. | November 9, 2012 at 11:28 am

    Phenotype trumps genotype, especially when the cheekbones are so high.

    She may look Cherokee, but, come on, she’s mostly Irish.

    Black Irish, her exotic Iberian roots of direct Spanish Armada lineage unmistakable.

TrooperJohnSmith | November 9, 2012 at 11:11 am

The old copyreader in me screams “Edit!” So I did:

Here’s what Elizabeth Warren needs to understand — immediately. Tens of thousands of good, honest, hard-working people the same brain-dead, reflex-voting Democrats sent her tens of millions of dollars to run what amounted to the most expensive and elaborate political campaign that this state has ever seen.

They didn’t just give their money, these supporters. They invested their hopes, their hearts, their dreams, and for many of them, their time. If she didn’t turn out to be the most scintillating candidate, that was OK, because she was far better than the other option, and they knew she would improve once she grabbed the prize not only got scammed by an expert. They actually elected someone dumber than Obama, more arrogant than Kerry and more ethically challenged than Teddy Kennedy. Getting all this in ONE candidate smacks of the triumph of life-long Pavlovian conditioning over the exercise of original thought and free will.

Of course, I’d expect no less from a state that spent billions of dollars to bury their freeways underground and still managed to fuc* that up.

The Globe piece is not about Warren, it’s about them providing a little cover for themselves for future use. It’s as empty, dishonest, and meaningless as anything Warren says.

All that’s left at this point is to pop some popcorn and watch while Elizabeth Warren underwhelms people with her performance as U.S. Senator.

Hope the Democrats in Washington are happy with Warren’s lockstep party voting and lack of interest in local issues…I very much doubt the people of Massachusetts will be.

On the bright side, I imagine Harvard is incredibly grateful to get rid of her. Now they can quietly stop reporting her to the federal government as a Native American member of the faculty. Embarrassing little problem solved!

    raven in reply to Cassie. | November 9, 2012 at 11:49 am

    Underwhelm? Who would even notice? Anyway, the Senate is just a place for her to build credibility. I fully expect her to run for the presidential nomination in 2016. I think she could win. She’s rock star to the Left, with supernatural fundraising skills.

    If not, to paraphrase Christopher Hitchens, Massachusetts has the same right as every state to a pair of pathetic senators.

    Harvard hasn’t gotten rid of her. She has tenure. She can keep on collecting her Harvard paycheck while being away in Washington, collecting that paycheck at the same time.

    You didn’t think she was planning on a pay CUT did you?

“she was never so good at answering questions, which was odd for a person of such experience and substance”

Do you laugh or cry at such utterings?

It would be easy to say these people are dumber than dirt, but that doesn’t get it exactly right. They’re not so much stupid as virulently deluded. It is childish delusion and the gifts and wealth of America have made it possible for this childishness to escape its proper Darwinian fate. In the end, when the catastrophe of their making finally hits and drags us all under — as many of the rest of us will have seen coming from the beginning but agonizingly been unable to stop — they will look around and, you guessed it, blame us. Because that’s what children do. For decades the adults who ran America have kept them safe and allowed them to ply their foolishness in their little elitist havens, but now it’s too late. They’re loose across the culture. They don’t know how to stop destroying us all, including the very things that have always protected them.

    elliesmom in reply to raven. | November 9, 2012 at 1:38 pm

    Teachers are good at asking questions. Good teachers are also good at answering them. With all of her years in the classroom, answering a couple of questions for a group of reporters should have made Warren feel right at home. It makes me question how good a teacher she is. What is it that she is good at?

      NC Mountain Girl in reply to elliesmom. | November 9, 2012 at 3:55 pm

      That’s easy. Self promotion. All these clowns are. It’s our era’s substitute for ability. Promote yourself hard enough and people assume you are competent. Then like most victims of a con they are too embarrassed to admit they were fooled so the fraud prevails.

Did the Globe call Aunt Bee and PeePaw for their response?

TrooperJohnSmith | November 9, 2012 at 12:01 pm

The irony or ironies will be if she’s assigned to the Senate Committee overseeing the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Memo to my Cherokee brothers: Watch out! You have pissed off a loyal Obama apparatchik. I’d invest that casino money in Arctic real estate, because that is probably where you’re headed. I mean, there’s probably a protected snail or endangered bug on your rez, so it’ll be back on the trail time, real soon. And some of us will no-doubt be right there with you…

Jack The Ripper | November 9, 2012 at 2:23 pm

I am hoping the reporter who asked about diversity on her staff was actually doing it to see if she would squirm.

Of course, she has to talk to the leadership about her committee and subcommittee assignments. She will have no seniority and she has just put herself into a chamber where it takes 60 votes to get most things done.

I do not think that McConnell, Cornyn, Coburn, Rubio, Cruz, Isakson, Chambliss, Shelby, Sessions, DeMint, Vitter, Murkowski, Sessions, Shelby, Paul, Corker, or Lee are going to have much use for her.

Grassley, Graham and Ayotte may play ball.

Being a U.S. Senator-elect and then Senator may be highest accolade and fattest laurel in her life, but a strong argument can be made that she has screwed herself and would have been better off keeping her head down inside the walls of Harvard Law School. She has already exposed herself as a plagiarist, ethnic fraud, trailing spouse, hypocrit, elitist, over-compensated, under-worked, ersartz champion of the poor. Her taking over a Senate seat has all the merit of AOL buying out Time Warner – and look what that did for Ted Turner.

    NC Mountain Girl in reply to Jack The Ripper. | November 9, 2012 at 3:53 pm

    Graham is up in 2014 and has ticked off enough South Carolina Republicans that he has to know he is ripe for a serious primary challenge. Getting too cozy with Warren is likely to insure it happens.

I hope that LI will be able to present a case to the Mass Bar to convict Warren of practicing law without a license.

“{W}hich was odd for a person of such experience and substance….”

Precisely the point. She never was. It’s like Obama. People were shocked by his first debate performance, but that was the real Obama who was always there, beneath the facade and behind the curtain of media adulation. Warren was never a person of (much) experience or substance. The Beantown Bloat (which is what my best friend and I called the Boston Globe when we used to share a delivery route) is merely discovering the real Elizabeth Warren.

Mass now has their own Debbie Stabenow in Elizabeth Warren. Perpetual mental lightweights…taking up valuable resources. Whatta country!

NC Mountain Girl | November 9, 2012 at 3:46 pm

Reminds me of Moseley Braun in Illinois in 1992. Republicans were racist for calling her stupid and crooked during the campaign. As soon as she won the press was shocked to discover she was stupid and crooked. Voters were merely appalled because in addition to stupid and crooked she turned out to be the Senator from Chicago. She almost never made an appearance south or west of I-294.

All was known in advance. Moseley Braun embarrassed her supporters by being unable to answer basic questions about agriculture policy at the Chicago Tribune endorsement interview. It was pushed aside because the symbolism of electing a black woman was more important than electing a competent Senator.

Wanna bet Warren becomes the Senator a couple of parochial concerns and the rest of her constituents can take a hike?

Keep up the pressure on this clown. She’s in her sixties. If she has higher ambitions she can’t wait too long.

John Sullivan | November 9, 2012 at 5:32 pm

The worst/most unfortunate part of this debacle is that the citizens of Massachusetts have foisted this complete fraud upon the American people, not just themselves. Unlike a governor or even a House representative, who has only as 1/435 share of the vote, Chief Warren will soon be a member of the Senate. Moreover, if Johhn Kerry ends up as Hillary’s replacement as Secretary of State, she will be the senior senator from Massachusetts! God help us all.

[…] Jacobson of Legal Insurrection notes… The Boston Globe covered for Warren at every turn, burying its correction of the false story of her […]

I know the majority of MA voters elected this awful marxist fraud, but don’t blame all of us. Think of how much it sucks to be a MA republican, all the time, but especially now. Scott Brown’s victory in 2010 gave us some hope for a little while, but since then we’ve been completely crushed. I think voter fraud has a lot to do with it. The rest is mindless left-wing idiocy.

As if it’s not bad enough that I know I am surrounded by the enemy most of the time in MA, it’s truly awful to go to my polling place in ultra leftist Brookline and look at all the smug democrat voters. On Tuesday I was waiting in line to vote, and one of my neighbors struck up a conversation with a woman who was in line between us dragging a suitcase behind her. She said something about living in NYC, but said her area was not affected by the hurricane. I asked her if she was a student, and she said she wasn’t and had moved to NY two years ago, but confided (because of course she assumed I was another democrat, I mean there aren’t any of those evil republicans around here are there?) that she kept her registration here, at her father’s house in Brookline, just so she could vote for Elizabeth Warren. She said she had heard two years ago that Warren might run, so she wanted to make sure she could come back here and vote for her. She also said she planned to get a NY driver’s license next week, now that the election is done. I listened for her name and address and reported her to the cop on duty afterwards, and even called the secretary of state’s office to report her, but I doubt anything will come of it. So my legitimate votes for Romney, Brown and Bielat, were effectively cancelled out by someone who had no right to vote here.

Please someone wake me up and tell me that the election hasn’t happened yet and I’m just having a really long nightmare. How can we ever win against the party of rampant, systematic voter fraud?

They got her and they’ll adore her. Just give ’em a couple weeks.

[…] for a liberal dunce and Native American impersonator, Liz Warren. Professor Jacobson notes that the Boston Globe is already experiencing buyer’s remorse: For the sake of Massachusetts, let’s hope that Elizabeth Warren gets better than this. She was […]

Liz Warren was always going to win in deep blue MA. (Kennedy, Kerry, Patrick, etc…) The real blame lies with the Romney campaign. Stewart Stevens just ran an abysmal campaign (the ORCA disaster being the final capper) such that it provided zero tailwind to any down-ballot candidates. After taking in the most money ever, Rpmney’s campaign vomited on itself at the end. This had a fatal effect on races all over the country. Warren’s was the least of the problems as it was never realistic to expect to prevail in that state from the get-go. When Stevens went with the Eastwood chair over the Romney film at the RNC convo the fate of Tommy Thomson, Linda McMahon, Scott Brown, Joe Walsh, Alan West was sealed.

The notion that the GOP lost because it “wasn’t conservative enough” is also a red herring. It is provable that the far right candidates have done serious damage to the Republican brand in both of the last two elections. Sharron Angle, C. O’Donnell, Todd Akin, Richard Mourdoch all cost the GOP votes on a national level.

Until the GOP learns to resist it’s most fringe players (including the RW media that has led it down a dark road merely for it’s own financial gains – Roger Ailes) most swing races will be an uphill battle. Warren is not the problem. The problem is in the mirror.