% Reporting – 92
√Thompson – 34.3
Hovde – 30.7
Neumann – 22.8
Fitzgerald – 12.2
11:30 Eastern – AP Calls race for former Governor Tommy Thompson — the more conservative/Tea Party vote was split between Hovde and Neumann, with Fitzgerald pulling in just over 10%, allowing Thompson to win with just over one-third of the vote.
This apparently is a real tweet from Emily’s List, calling the moderate Thompson an extremist:
Here we go! Our
@tammybaldwinwi is squaring off against GOP extremist Tommy Thompson this November. Let’s send her to the Senate!#wisen— EMILY’s List (@emilyslist) August 15, 2012
We are all extremists now (but you knew that).
PHOTO: Tommy Thompson delivers victory speech.
#WISen twitter.com/MattSoleyn/sta…— Matt Soleyn (@MattSoleyn) August 15, 2012
It’s a radical liberal Madison Democrat versus a legendary conservative reformer.
#wisen— Sean Hackbarth (@seanhackbarth) August 15, 2012
Polls close at 9 p.m. Eastern. I’ll update at meaningful times, but will not follow it minute-by-minute.
Results at Politico. Keep up on Twitter with @SykesCharlie, @kevinbinversie and #wisen hashtag.
Polling has shown a tight race among Tommy Thompson, Eric Hovde and Mark Neumann, with state Senate Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald way back.
The winner faces Rep. Tammy Baldwin.
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O/T but it looks like Mr. West squeaked by in his Floria primary…
Oh, dear! I sense another Florida recount drama!
You played me. 🙂 I actually got worried for a second. Here’s to West winning in the general just as easily.
Allen West trounces opponent in GOP primary
to put West win in context …he received nearly as many votes as everyone else ….on both the Republican and democrat tickets
Newt endorsed Tommy. Newt reminded Wisconsin voters that without Tommy Thompson’s pioneering work in Wisconsin, there would have been no welfare reform in the 1990’s. Also, that Tommy Thompson was a national leader in school choice as governor of Wisconsin.
Tommy will almost certainly win this senate seat.
Then Wisconsin will have two fiscally responsible senators, Tommy Thompson and Ron Johnson!
With the statewide reforms of Scott Walker, Wisconsin is going to have a vibrant economic future, increased freedoms, and will help take the schools, children and teachers out from under the straitjacket of the teachers’ unions. Hurrah! What good news!
This is a harbinger of brighter days to come. Thank God.
How about Mia Love! First female President!
I hope she wins. She’s in a tough race.
As Horace Greeley stated:
“Go West, young man” and they did, male, female, young, old and in between.
Focus: FL-16 (Allen West) ’12
The Associated Press has called the District 18 Congressional race a win for Allen West at 8:06 p.m.
“Results at Politico” No thanks. I can wait to get them here.
Who is the most conservative? And, if there is no majority winner, how does WI handle that – runoff of the top 2?
Just wondering……I’m in VA, so it’s Allen vs. Webb here.
Neumann was endorsed by the Tea Party Express.
Thompson has been around forever but was a pioneer (in the US) of workfare welfare reform and also pushed school choice.
Don’t know about the rest.
Thompson polls best against Baldwin, with Neumann the worst. Some of that is probably just early name recognition.
Tammy Baldwin claim to be any part La Crosse ? Word is she has an Indian nose
Baldwin should have stayed in her safe seat in the House. She’s unbeatable in Dane County, (Madison) but I don’t think she will win the rest of the state, with the exception of Milwaukee. WI is really sharply red or blue. We used to say it was two states, Dane County surrounded by reality.
“I always use the word extreme,” Mr. Schumer said, “That is what the caucus instructed me to use this week.”
That was about the Tea Party, but now it has spread to everyone not bowing to the Democrats.
Schumer is an extreme asshat.
[…] Tommy Thompson wins Wisconsin Senate primary. Funny part is Emily’s List calling Thompson an “extremist”. Pffft. I was kind of ambivalent about this race: On one hand, Tommy Thompson is definitely the “establishment Republican” candidate that we Tea Party types are fighting almost as much as the Democrats. On the other hand, Thompson on the ballot for all intents and purposes guarantees another Republican pickup in November. He was the “safe” pick, if not the ideal one. […]
Thompson is a libertarian. i.e. too liberal on social issues, too conservative on economic ones. No one likes them. Except the people of Wisconsin.
I think I was confusing him with his brother Ed.
except perhaps other libertarians. I’m too socially liberal for most here – but I think we agree on limited government, 2nd A, foreign policy and many other areas.
Socially libertarian is a live and let live philosophy.
Example: Re social – you can be for gay civil ceremonies (allowed to visit in hospitals) and reserve the term marriage for a religious ceremony
Is that the same Emily’s list trying to build her business? If so, email on the way.
So it is Tommy vs Tammy.
Ok. Sounds more like a beachball contest.
Or a bad 80’s sitcom featuring two sibling lawyers where one is a public defender and the other a prosecutor.
If EMILY’s List is in full salivating rant mode, then Thompson’s win must be good news.
I really wish such statements were more embarrassing for dems, Tommy Thompson is a lot of things, some of which I disagree with, but he’s hardly an “extremist”. Do they even know what that term means anymore?
Liberal’s definition of “extremist”: anyone who disagrees with a liberal.
[…] A PRIMARY WIN FOR THOMPSON in Wisconsin. […]
Thompson will likely win and he’ll do a pretty good job, especially when it comes to finances, jobs and the economy.
No worries. Just get him in, WI. You can do this.
Mixed bag for TP last night. Looks like we might have an upset in Florida (YOHO vs 12-Term Stearns)
Tea Party vote took 53.5% in WI. Unfortunately, it was split between Hovde and Neumann. However, Thompson is no booby prize, especially in **formerly** blue Wisconsin.
This was very sad for WI Tea Party. Neumann was supported by outside TP money that did not contact local TP’s at all. Locals will not fogive Neumann for his conduct towards Gov Walker..distinct lack of character. Locals chose Hovde…obvious without outside TP money Neumann would have dropped out and it would have been clear sailing for Hovde, who as it is only lost by a few% points. One TP candidate would have won easily. Thompson is a hero for his time..but not lately, not at all. Supported Obamacare and since his visit to DC as DHS Secty he went RINO and healthcare lobbyist. He will attack the issue of welfare/work requirment because that was his lasting legacy to solvency in WI that lead Clinton to agree. But, he’s very soft on Obamacare and gun control issues. 53% of conservative voters are very unhappy in WI tonight.