A whistleblower former employee of the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISACorps) has revealed that she was coerced to attend Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow PUSH partisan forum with Nancy Pelosi, pose for photo ops, given instructions on loading students up with student debt, and then reimbursed travel and hotel expenses with federal funds.
As reported in the Daily Caller this morning, the whistleblower signed an affidavit attesting to these claims, which appear to reveal ISACorps as either illegally or unethically coercing 76 state employees essentially to stump for Democratic Party candidates.
Nancy Pelosi was the headline speaker at the event the 76 ISACorps employees attended, where she endorsed Jesse Jackson Jr. for Congress and praised the elder Jackson’s handle on the U.S. Constitution, as originally reported by Rebel Pundit (VIDEO) in March 2012.
After the meeting, according to the affadavit, the ISACorps employees were escorted to a back room:
“Jesse Jackson Sr. said to work hard to help as many students as possible acquire student loans. Jackson Sr. encouraged us to network students, hold rallies and organize for ‘student loan forgiveness legislation,’” she wrote in her affidavit….
“Jesse Jackson Sr. also told us not to worry about loading students up with too much college debt, because Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats will eventually forgive all student loan debt. On the promise of debt forgiveness, ‘those people will continue to vote Democratic.’”
Bailey added that Jackson Sr. “asked how many ISACorps workers would be able to come to future events because our massive support looked great both in-person and on television.”
The Daily Caller contacted ISAC to follow up on the facts asserted in the affadavit:
In a phone interview with TheDC, ISAC spokesman John Samuels denied that the event was political. “You’re full of shit,” he said.
Samuels also objected to TheDC referring to House Minority Leader Pelosi as “House minority leader,” saying, “It really pains you to call her ‘Speaker Pelosi’ doesn’t it?
The actions asserted in the signed affidavit (corroborated in detail in the piece in the Daily Caller), if true, reveal an abuse of power and breach of ethics akin to those unearthed in the ACORN investigations–and once again shine the light on “Chicago Values.”

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You know, I’m old enough to remember when people could disagree without all the profanity and nastiness. Where have our manners gone? What a crude and rude nation we’ve become.
Sorry, that was the first thing that jumped out at me. The fact that the Democrats are cheating yet again is so familiar to me now, it hardly registers!
Kinda answered your own question, JoAnne. Look no further than the habitual liars. We have sat and took it for decades. No longer.
And they are very frightened. Expect the crassness and the vulgarity to reach levels never seen before. These are over-schooled, under-educated primitives and it is all they have left.
Crooks get less polite when they’re found out.
assuming the affidavit is true:
Cloward-Piven application…check
Vote buying scheme (putting students at risk)…check
Taxpayer funding of Collectivist rally…check
Plan to stick it to the taxpayer…check
Pelosi Constitutional brilliance…check
Several putative violations of law…check
Sounds like a sterling event!
Pelosi Constitutional brilliance…check
*spits coffee*
“…where she endorsed Jesse Jackson Jr. for Congress and praised the elder Jackson’s handle on the U.S. Constitution.”
Of course, “Jackson’s handle” could be subject to various interpretations…
Free laptops and iPods, free education on the promise of debt forgiveness, coercing state workers to support these people with taxpayer loot…
All consistent with Pelosi Politiburo Communist Values.
Once this catches on it will be quite interesting to see how the media covers for Pelosi if not Jesse Jackson. Surely racism will be the first cry, but after that subsidies, as it always does because of lost credibility, will there be any substantive backing? Perhaps it will not be covered at all.
Blame it on the…..
wait for it….
Some students swallow that sheet whole … their education makes them better servants to society, so taxpayers should fund it. Of course they also want a salary, and the right to go on strike if they don’t get paid richly. They should go the military route, and earn their “free” education.
It would be great to get Jesse on video, promising to coerce the student vote with loan forgiveness promises. If there is one thing Democrats are good at, it is buying votes with promises to rob conservative Peter, to
payshare the loot with liberal Paul.They should go the military route, and earn their “free” education.
Can’t have that. Before teh whole ghey thing, your propensity of becoming a liberal, after the military, drops like 56%.
(D)Ullards would never go for that.
With that many involved I hope others step forward to verify the story. If no one does, it will be hard for this one to stand.
Media inquiries can be directed to John Samuels, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, at 847-533-5742 or [email protected]
Sorta off-topic, but not really – There’s an interesting ad on the right sidebar as I read this:
“Obama/Biden – El Presidente aumento la ayuda financiera para que mas de nuestros hijos estudien en la universidad. Enterate” [accent marks omitted]
I don’t speak Spanish, though I can figure out President, finance, study, and university; wonder what that’s about?
My rudimentary Honduran Spanish comes to:
To inform you, President increasing financial aid to our children studying at University.
Short translation: “Look, Freebies!!”
Wher have I heard this before?: “I’ve got this thing and its f***ing golden.”
This is just as it has been to live under communism or fascism.
“Chicago, that toddlin’ town….”
Why do I think that many more federal employees see the writing on the wall of the next election along with the taxpayer fury at the $$$ scandals? Survival says that the first rats in the lifeboat get to keep their jobs.
This is from The Onion, right?
Now to hear ’em tell it, JJJoon-ya is batsh!t crazy (hence, the endorsement by Frau Oberstgruppenführer Peloϟϟi) when he tried to buy Barack Obama’s Slippery Senate Seat.
All joking aside, what serious cultural or societal dysfunction occurred to Chicago that created this mess? Hell, we can at least make the case for Lagos that abject poverty and glaring economic disparities created that corrupt sewer, but Chicago? What went wrong? Lead paint? A hole in the universe? What?
“Chicago Values,” at term that would most likely get most of us mortals toss into jail yet standard operating procedures for the democrats. Ya just gotta luv ’em!
I would love for the soon-to-be-victorious GOP to follow up and prosecute the likes of Holder, Reid, Pelosi, Durban, Schumer and a host of others including the anointed one himself.
Let them all taste the stench of confinement.
The road to serfdom is paved with student loan debt. A great way to divide the country between those burdened by the debt and those who would be burdened by the debt forgiveness. Presumably a similar scenario could apply to public sector employee pensions, when those debts have to be bailed out. If the Democrats are going to use these sorts of strategies, the Republicans need to enact financial changes that prevent organizations from promoting indebtedness. Reducing the cost of University education would be a very good starting point.
[…] ‘The Obama Scandal Is at Columbia’ submitted by The RazorLe·gal In·sur·rec·tion –Whistleblower asserts state employees coerced to attend Pelosi, Jesse Jackson political event submitted by The Mellow Jihadi Daphne Anson – “Deserts Into Gardens & Waste Places Into […]
[…] In·sur·rec·tion –Whistleblower asserts state employees coerced to attend Pelosi, Jesse Jackson political event submitted by The Mellow […]
[…] In·sur·rec·tion – Whistleblower asserts state employees coerced to attend Pelosi, Jesse Jackson political event submitted by The Mellow […]
[…] In·sur·rec·tion –Whistleblower asserts state employees coerced to attend Pelosi, Jesse Jackson political event submitted by The Mellow […]
[…] place *t* with 1/3 vote – Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion – Whistleblower asserts state employees coerced to attend Pelosi, Jesse Jackson political event submitted by The Mellow […]