I guess Democratic Congressman Jim Matheson running against Mia Love in the new Utah-04 district is a moderate compared to Nancy Pelosi. His claim to moderation is that on a small number of key votes he has voted against his party, but not when his vote mattered.
Matheson was one of almost three dozen Democrats Pelosi freed up to vote against Obamacare, because their votes were not needed for passage. Matheson’s vote against Obamacare was anything but heroic, it was a calculated political move made with the consent of those pushing Obamacare in order to protect Democrats in Republican or mixed districts. (added) Matheson’s opposition to Obamacare was fleeting, as he voted against the House repeal act.
Now Matheson’s playing the hero again by announcing he will vote to hold Eric Holder in contempt. That vote which will hinge on how many Republicans vote for it; any Democrats who go along will add nice window dressing, but will not make an actual difference so long as Republicans hold together.
Don’t be fooled. Anyone who votes for Jim Matheson votes to put Nancy Pelosi back in power. And he still supports Obama.
Matheson has a 71% rating from Planned Parenthood (compared to 0% for Hatch and Chafetz), only a 47% rating from the National Taxpayers Union (compared to 90% for Hatch and Lee, and 93% for Chafetz), only a 42% rating from the American Conservative Union (compared to 100% for Hatch, Lee, and Chafetz), and uniformly low ratings on budget issues from many groups,
Matheson is voting to hold Holder in contempt for one and only one reason: Mia B. Love. While Matheson has a sizable lead in one recent poll, that gap will close and the race will be competitive:
A new Deseret News/KSL-TV poll of registered voters in the new 4th Congressional District shows Love trailing her Democratic opponent, who has served six terms. She has the support of 38 percent of respondents compared to 53 percent for Matheson.
Eight percent of those polled by Dan Jones & Associates said they were undecided in the November match-up. The poll was conducted June 15-21 of 379 voters in the 4th District and has a margin of error of plus or minus 5.1 percent.
Pollster Dan Jones said the gap between Love and Matheson will close before the race is ultimately decided.
“There are still a lot of people who don’t know who Mia Love is in the 4th District. But they will, ” Jones said, predicting the race will attract even more national attention between now and November.
She needs your support. As reported by WaPo two days ago, Matheson has outraised her 10-1 so far. (By all means scroll through the 2500+ comments to the WaPo article, to see how they are going after her in the same way they have gone after other black conservatives.)
Via Power Line:
To remedy this imbalance and support a rising conservative star, please visit Mia Love’s campaign website and consider making a contribution.

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Since the NRA has announced it will be scoring this vote in their candidate evaluations I would be very surprised if there aren’t a few more defections.
Any bets on votes for contempt from the Congressional Black Caucus Deemocrats?
It appears the NAALCP is kicking in the race card to shield Holder, too.
Deduction: “people of color” has definite limits.
Quick Update Colo. Sprgs. Fire: 15,000 acres. No deaths. Hundreds of homes were endagered , no count how many burned. Firefighters are fighting to hold & establish lines. Over 1000 are involved. They are primarily local & area. Fed & State involvment is background , Feds somewhat bogged in red tape. The Ute Pass aspect is stable. Springs somewhat less. lts largly now at the mercy of the weather. They are calling yesterday a perfect fire storm. The southern housing area of the Air Force Academy is still in peril. The houses that did burn were scattered throughout a larger area. Most evacuees are making their own arrangments. The shelters are underutilized. . . . Comment: Colo. Sprgs. is a conservative enclave with a large military componate. People are just doing what needs to be done. Thank you for your patiance. l thought you might like to know.
The one point that I haven’t heard explained is that there were one (or two) attempts at doing some variations of “gun walking” prior to “Fast & Furious.” I’ve heard that as soon as DC found out about guns “walking” in “Wide Receiver” that they shut it down. My point is, if the Bush era attempts were so bad (and the probably were), why did the super-geniuses in the Obama Administration decide to try an even worse variation on an unpleasant theme ?
“Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.” ― Albert Einstein
This claim that “Bush did it too” merely shows that the Obama Administration is at least equally stupid and probably more so for following a stupid program with an even stupider, bigger program.
The Bush plan put hidden RFID tracking chips in AND watched in every way they could. They shut it down when they discovered the drug gangs searched, found and removed the devices.
Guns entirely legal in the US such as a .357 Magnum are illegal in Mexico. F&F was intended to do what it did [produce a body count of 2000+] without the secret getting out, thereby creating a “Popular Demand” to eliminate the second amendment.
“Jim Matheson plays a moderate on TV.”
When I read the post title, I mistook Jim Mathson for actor Jeff Daniels and thought this would be a post about “The Newsroom.”
I happened to see just a clip of this stinker of a show … where Daniels, a member of a panel, proclaims America is not the greatest country in the world … and then had the misfortune, while flipping channels, of coming across Daniels and Sorkin on Piers Morgan.
Daniels said everything in that cringeworthy impromptu speech was true.
Really? America is 178th … almost dead last … among the world’s countries in infant mortality?
Really? If you’re gullible enough to believe that grubby little statistic, you might also believe we lag behind Mongolia in medical technology.
But Mr. Daniels somberly assures us it’s true. Funny how Piers Morgan didn’t challenge that. He practically challenged Jonah Goldberg on his right to breathe.
Did you catch the “Sultan Knish” [Daniel Greenfield] post on the “Newsroom” show yesterday?
Daniel has been writing for years most notably at frontpagemag – “Sultan Knish” is his own blog.
BTW today’s post is good, too.
I got into twitter with the stoprush thing and added Greenfield, Iowahawk, and all my other favorites after that.
Thanks for the link, Kobayashi-san! I enjoyed it!
He’s been joined by John Barrow of the area around Augusta Georgia, Collin Peterson from rural northwestern Minnesota and Nick Rahall from the southern part of West Virginia.
I can’t imagine Obama is popular in Rahall or Peterson’s district though I expect both of them are safe bets for reelection at this point. Like Matheson, Barrow faces an electorate that is substantially more Republican that the one he faced in 2010.
This post is so inspiring I chipped in to Mia Love’s Congressional campaign. Matheson’s a poseur, and has done enough damage to this Republic in his last two terms.