Amazingly, while Barack Obama’s college, law school, and State Senate records are sealed in a vault to which there is no key, The Wall Street Journal has uncovered Newt’s employment records from the 1970s when he was teaching history and then geography at West Georgia College and campaigning for Congress.
The records are not at all harmful, although the WSJ story attempts to paint Newt as overly ambitious and always seeking bigger things. Has anyone ever doubted Newt’s ambition and that he sought bigger things?
One interesting item in the file (at p. 32) was a newspaper clipping of Newt campaigning with Barry Goldwater at his side as Newt challenged the Democratic incumbent in 1976.
A columnist at The Atlanta-Journal Constitution, who includes another photo of the 1976 campaigning with Goldwater, credits Newt with helping build the Republican Party in Georgia:
Long before there was a mighty Republican machine running Georgia, there was a handful of brash conservatives plotting to lift their tiny, financially struggling party so they could end more than a century of Democratic dominance.
Among the chief architects was Newt Gingrich, a West Georgia College assistant professor who ran for Congress three times in a blue-collar district — twice against an entrenched Talmadge Democratic incumbent — before finally winning.
Gingrich, now a presidential hopeful, traveled West and North Georgia during the 1970s and ’80s, preaching the Republican gospel and arguing that the GOP had to choose between remaining a silent, permanent minority or aggressively taking the fight to Democrats.
He chose confrontation and played the role of provocateur, unwilling to accept second place….
U.S. Rep. Jack Kingston, R-Savannah, calls Gingrich an “indispensable early trailblazer” for Georgia Republicans. Kingston remembers his college days, when Gingrich came to the University of Georgia to recruit students to get involved in GOP politics.
Newt’s conservatism isn’t something concocted by campaign strategists, he’s lived it his entire political life and fought battles which would have made lesser candidates run against conservatism just to get elected.
It’s a wonder that the convenient conservatives are so demeaning, but that’s the age we live in, and apparently our presumptive future.
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“arguing that the GOP had to choose between remaining a silent, permanent minority or aggressively taking the fight to Democrats.
He chose confrontation and played the role of provocateur, unwilling to accept second place….”
Hmm. Doesn’t seem like the kind of guy we need in charge. He sounds like an “undisciplined leader.”
I think we need a guy that can measure the winds and then go the way that they blow.
@ trave. If this is sarcasm you’re spot on. If not, you need to dig a deeper hole.
Spot on.
I think the “scare quotes” ID this as sarcasm.
I’ll take a guy who will stand up for what he believes in and not a guy who bends easily.
You know, just saying.
Great Post! I had initially doubted Newt’s claims that ran here in Iowa, that he was, first, a soldier in the conservative movement, and then, second, as time progressed became a more prominent and central figure in shaping and championing big ideas, theories, and enacting policy. In his ads are the pictures of him as a congressman sitting with Reagan, but there’s Newt with Goldwater himself. Like Reagan, Newt had to lose a few times in becoming a better candidate. Newt is ready to add the Presidency as part of the third step in his political career.
The proof is in black and white. How dare the Republican establishment claim Newt is not conservative, nor one of its stalwart champions!
The Republican Establishment dare because they aren’t really conservative. “Conservatism” for them is a convenience, sort of like “last time you were the cowboys and I was the Indians, this time I get to be the cowboys and you hafta be the Indians”: school yard posturing.
The Republican Establishment for years has promoted an anti-abortion agenda while hoping they never had to truly follow through. They have promoted a family-friendly agenda while hiring openly gay staffers in Washington; staffers they would be embarrassed for the hometown folks to see. The Republican Establishment has benefited financially from the growing deficit. Didn’t George Will point out that George Bush never even hinted at the need for restraining the growth of either the Federal Debt or the budget? Conservative? My ass.
No question Newt fought the good fight in Georgia. Georgia of the 1970s looked to be ‘yellow dog’ Democratic country forever, and Newt was one of the people who turned it around. He displayed those same qualities as House Minority Leader, and that attitude was instrumental in the historic 1994 election.
And yet —
That attitude also made his time as Speaker more difficult. To be Speaker is to rise above a lot of petty squabbles, at least in public. You’re a constitutional officer, after all (something Pelosi certainly never figured out). People expect you to behave a certain way, and Newt had trouble with that.
Now in this campaign, every one of us appreciates Newt ripping a new one for Juan Williams. My question is this: is that the best attitude for a President? It might be the only way Newt knows to be, and it may work well on the campaign trail, but does it work as President?
I honestly don’t know, and that’s one of the things that holds me back on Newt. Can he be ‘presidential’?
(And don’t get me started on Obama: that is the most anti-presidential President we’ve ever had).
At this point in our history, yes. With how far the left has come and the vile tactics they used to get there, we need someone ready to take a few punches and counter them.
Apparently according to the GOP illuminati we’re not to look back any further than 2007 when it comes to examining a candidates stance on core conservative issues. Funny, that….
Wow, the Dems are playing the race card against Newt with a vengeance (NYT, Carter), and this is when they think Romney is the sure nominee! The idiocy and willful misapprehension of the charge goes without saying. I think this means that though they’ll savage any Republican who gets the nod, no one gets in their faces like Newt…because Newt threatens them like no one else – striking to the center of their government-bloating, handout-loving hearts. Newt IS the Honey Badger.
Yes, they’re truly scared of Newt. It’s a dead giveaway.
As Rush Limbaugh says, Democrats will ALWAYS tell you who they fear. As they feared Palin in 2008, they fear Newt Gingrich now.
Give me a warrior who strikes panic in the heart of an enemy. We have too many RINOs playing nice already, padding their portfolios and “reaching across the isle”. Bah! I want a scrapper, not a “go-alonger”.
You said it, 49er!!
The headline was something like “I don’t want to give him a bloody nose, I want to knock him down.” That was Newt being quoted.
OK, its an aisle, but otherwise…..
Somebody get the honey badger and Goldwater ads up and running, pronto!!
Awesome …. now some of the newbie’s will get knowledge about Newt that older conservatives already know. Newt has been a warrior for conservative/cooperative governance all along for a better America. He is the only logical choice to fix the damage that has been done by both parties to this great nation.
If the WSJ wanted to attack Newt, this may have backfired big time! It actually shows him to be conservative, something that often was in doubt. They may want to rethink their strategy!!
49er— spot on!
Nice post. Good stuff.
Karl Rove was on Hannity radio during my drive home tonight. He’s clearly in the tank for Romney. But man, you could hear the panic in his voice as he talked about what Romney needs to do and what Gingrich needs to stop doing. He sounded just like he did in October 2008 when it was coming clear that McCain was tanking.
Rove is pure establishment GOP, as established by the Bush era, and he knows he loses big time if Romney loses.
You nailed it! The know they will be left out in the cold if Gingrich comes to town.
This story might even give Newt a few more points. A real conservative that worked his way up, and rattled a few cages.
Of course he is not flawless … but seems much closer to the real deal for conservatives, than Obama the phony deal for the leftists. Gingrich writes and debates and has a long history of accomplishment …
Obama has someone else write for him, sticks to race baiting, class warfare and old talking point schtick, and reads from the teleprompter. And Obama had no real accomplishment.
Quite a contrast.
Obama cannot think on his feet. Period. One debate with Gingrich and Obama’s suspected smallness becomes immediately obvious.
If Gingrich pulls of a miracle and knocks Romney from being the presumed GOP nominee, I expect political chicanery like there has never-before seen by Obama and his allies in the media. The nation will be lucky if there is even one Presidential debate, especially so with Gingrich at the top of the ticket.
This is presumptive still, we’re still in the primary stage, and the Romney campaign appears to be colluding with ABC news about getting an interview with Marianne Gingrich to air before the South Carolina primary this Saturday.
The Romney campaign must be in possession of VERY BAD internal polling to go this cutthroat and scorched earth. If they are truly behind this, they’ll poison the well, winning a Pyrrhic victory only to lose the General election. There’s no way conservative Republicans will support Romney in the General if they are acting like ACORN, like the Clinton War room.
McCoy, I wouldn’t presume that the Romney campaign has anything to do with this (they’d damned well better not).
I do think that if Newt gets the nomination, the MSM will go all-in on trying to destroy him the way they did Palin. The trash we’re seeing today will seem mild in comparison.
And I think you’re right about the debates: no way in the world Obama wants to debate Newt.
Every time a Gingrich request for a debate is refused by Obama, Obama will look weaker and weaker, and Gingrich will make the request daily. The groundswell for the debate will overrun Obama.
I have to wonder why all the chest thumping by some (EE of RedState) demanding that Rick Perry throw in the towel before Saturday and endorse Newt? If Perry’s poll numbers are correct, and he is doing so badly in SC, he’s not really taking enough votes from anyone to do them anygood.
Makes me scratch my head wondering if those who study elections think that come Florida, and Super Tuesday, Perry could really gain some steam, and if he did that, Newt, as well as Mitt, would both be in trouble. Why not demand that Santorum get out? Or Paul.
As I have told y’all before, it takes 1,143 delegates to get the nomination. The breakdown is currently:
Romney – 15
Paul – 9
Santorum – 6
Gingrich -4
Perry -3
So Gingrich has one more delegate (from Iowa which is non-binding) than Perry.
And Super Tuesday brings some heavy hitters that could be game changers; Georgia with 76 delegates, Oklahoma with 43 and Tennessee with 58. I don’t think Romney will carry any of those states, and I am not sure that Gingrich will carry Georgia.
Those who are screaming for Perry to get out are beginning to look desparate to try to help their candidate at any cost. Nice way to lose credibility.
I’ll bet when the Titanic was sinking and everyone was scrambling into the lifeboats, you were down in the engine room yelling, “choke it! Choke it!”
Holy $#!+ that’s priceless!
We know you like Perry dude, but it’s time to face reality.
Seems to me his teaching record will be the attempt to pin Gingrich as a progressive and/or environmental wacko. Tomorrow’s debate will not be boring. Sooner or later we will start hearing about the conservative solutions for the real priorities that need to be fixed in our country.
There’s a caveat about this material. It shows that Gingrich has a huge ego, although that’s a given about politicians who run for President. It also shows that because of that ego, Gingrich will aim for an historical Presidency. Listening to Gingrich talk about Washington and Victory or Death confirms that he is a historical romantic. He’ll be the type of President who will want to negotiate a “Grand bargain” for good and necessary reform; he’ll give up something to get something. What he will give up for a Grand Bargain in the name of history, in the name of good reform is the scary part.
CWLsun, yes.
Sorry professor, but this has just been put up on Drudge, front and center …
Marianne Gingrich has said she could end her ex-husband’s career with a single interview.
Earlier this week, she sat before ABCNEWS cameras, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned… MORE… Developing…
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned??? This election is making me ill.
Why don’t cannibals eat divorced women? They’re bitter. Fortunately there are enough bitter divorced women out there that this isn’t news. Of course an ex-wife will be ready to bust-a-gut trashing Newt. My ex-wife hates me so much she would rather her children not have a father than be nice to me. I suspect plenty of ex-wives are that way. Why wouldn’t this woman talk and talk?
Better she talk now than have this come out later.
Why don’t cannibals eat lying, sneaky, cheating, vow breaking husbands?
And I can get a pretty good idea why your ex hates you so much.
Damn. You go right to the heart of the matter without breaking stride or a sweat. Sure can’t get anything past you.
Maybe because men who cheat on their wives are no better than men who cheat at cards.
If a man doens’t love the woman he is married to anymore, fine that happens, but he should at least have enough respect for her, and for himself, to divorce her before he starts chasing another skirt.
A cheat is a cheat is a cheat.
Milwaukee, what you don’t know is some men are better than other men, just ask them.
And he makes it personal.
As I will have said below, OMG. John F. Kennedy. Bill Clinton. You’re very welcome.
While that may be true, it’s interesting to compare that with Fred Thompson last time around. One of the things that interested me in him was that no one could get his ex-wife or any of his numerous girlfriends from his single days to come out and trash him.
You can bet the Romney campaign is moving money around to get ABC to broadcast that interview before this Saturday’s primary. Like I said in a reply up above, if Romney is connected to get this interview to happen, then Romney is as bad as Obama, and their won’t be a hairs difference between their administrations. I don’t see how conservatives will support Romney if his campaign is going full scorched-earth using ACORN tactics. I won’t.
Nah, don’t think so. Romney may be hoping for it, but you can bet it is the Obama campaign pushing for the release.
Guess you aren’t a duck hunter. You never go after the lead duck first. You pick them off, one at a time, from the rear. And before they know what hit them, the lead duck is on the ground.
Nope. Not a duck hunter. That’s a great analogy. While Romney is Newt’s hurdle to the nomination, it probably is Axelrod and his Chicago minions doing their darnedest to leave Romney the last man standing as the GOP nominee. I jumped at a conclusion way to early.
Unfortunately, your boy Perry is the last duck.
There’s a reason why in the past, interviews with ex-spouses were considered tabloid fodder.
Well, considering that Reagan was the first one to campaign that had been divorced, and it was Jane Wyman that wanted the divorce, not him, there wasn’t much to go after.
Kerry was the only other one and he’s a Dem, so no one was interested in what the wife, he dumped after she had a nervous breakdown, had to say. Or ever bothered to interview the attorney that he was bumping uglies with while he was married to Wife #1.
OMG. Excuse me. John F. Kennedy. Bill Clinton. You’re welcome.
I guess there’s never been divorced governors, mayors, city dog catchers, or congresscritters before Reagan too.
well, we now live in a world where Kim Kardashian is famous.
Drudge is now reporting that they interviewed Marianne Gingrich a couple of weeks ago that are very damaging to Newt and are at war among themselves over when to air the interview. This could be curtains for Newt.
Meh. Hype like that rarely pans out. It often even backfires.
Well, if she did give the interview, reportedly for two hours, I bet she has lots to say that Newt is not going to appreciate.
Remember, their divorce was so bitter that his kids didn’t have much to do with him for a long time.
Let’s hope so, although given liberal media’s hate of Gingrich (Connie Chung interview w/ Newt’s mother), there is no doubt whose “side” they’ll take in reporting.
If Newt is going to counter this, he needs to convince his children with Marianne to come forward and soften the blow from the interview when or before it airs, if they’ll do that for their father.
Kinda puts a new light on why Erick Erickson is beating his chest so hard for Perry to get out before Saturday and endorse Newt.
Maybe it’s just a vast right-wing blog conspiracy to annoy you.
ABC did the interview.
I’m reading the news about it. Does anyone here not believe parts of the interview will not be released before the primary? ABC is saying the entirety of the interview w/ Marianne Gingrich will air next week, but that doesn’t mean a sensational portion of it won’t air. How many new programs are there on ABC that segments of the interview can be aired before Saturday. Counting tonight, more than 10 news programs could air portions of the interview before the Primary.
The latest Drudge headline is “NEWT EX-WIFE UNLOADS; ABC DEBATES ‘ETHICS’ OF AIRING BEFORE PRIMARY”. Of course, just talking about having done the interview, about having this material on tape, could be more damaging than what is actually on the tape. Had ABC been honorable, and had the least shred of decency, they would either have not done the interview, or not talked about it. (The sky in here in La-La-Land is green. Did I suggest ABC having integrity or honor?) ABC is interested in doing as much damage as they can, not reporting the news.
Where are 0bama’s ex-girlfriends? How about his ex-classmates, or teachers, or landlords or anybody from his past?
Is Newt’s shady morality any less honorable than ABC News reporting it? That is one of the many problems that come from the GOP problem of running a RINO stampede as an alternative to Obama. “Anybody but Obama” is a false dichotomy.
We need to take a few steps back and come to grips with how the same dirty money funding both Obama and Romney and ONLY Obama and Romney manipulates the entire process. We need to either force a brokered GOP convention or find the common sense to vote for the “lesser of THREE evils” by voting against the two evil establishment alternatives.
Dear Professor Jacobson – I can tell from the last sentence of your post, and from your response to the “learn to love Gingrich” tweet (as if he’s the atomic bomb? what is that about?) that you have many people arguing with you and trying to discourage you.
Professor, courage!! (Say that with a French accent)( — not sarcasm — I once heard a French family call out courage!! courage!! to a boy riding his bicycle up a steep and winding hill in the gorgeous piney terrain the South of France, and it has always stayed with me as a sweet moment of life.)
Professor, you are in the right. You have looked and you have seen.
Newt is the only candidate who can defeat the Obama machine AND THEN, and this is the important part, HELP THE AMERICAN PEOPLE RESTORE OUR GOVERNMENT FROM THE DEPREDATIONS OF THE LAST 80+ YEARS.
God only knows what is wrong with the many people we respect, who are insane enough to think that Mitt Romney 1) could win against Obama 2) is qualified to be president and 3) would not be a disaster as president who would lead to potential chaos for our nation, by contributing to the utter degeneracy of political discourse and the CONFUSION ABOUT THE IDEAS AND PRINCIPLES that underly the MEANING of America.
So Professor, you are doing the hard work of standing up, publicly, for Newt and for American Exceptionalism and truth and — yes — THE AMERICAN WAY – because the American Way is that THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS ARE ENDOWED BY THEIR CREATOR.
So you are taking a lot of heat, I suspect, because you have taken a public stand. But I want you to know that I support you and I think you are in the right and I think, if the spark of love for the truth Newt was speaking on Monday spreads out among the American People, there is no way to stop this, and the Establishment types are on the wrong side of this, and I believe that Newt will win the nomination and the general election.
Because WE THE PEOPLE will make it happen. And this is what the Establishment senses, and this is what the Establishment hates, and this is what the Establishment fears.
Professor, this campaign season has been heartbreaking because people I admire and respect are not supporting Newt. (Yet.) (In the primary.)
I can only think that they have let their prejudices prevent them from informing themselves. Newt is a visionary who sees how We The People can work together to restore prosperity and opportunity, and to IMPROVE capitalism.
This is why I constantly offer the link to Newt’s speeches. Becaue there are brilliant, educated, wonderful people, who are themselves visionary intellectuals, who absolutely would be thrilled to support Newt’s ideas if they just understood what the ideas are.
So for the as yet unpersuaded brilliant among us, here is a link to 17 of Newt’s speeches:
Professor, also, as an antidote to discouragement, I offer Newt’s HIGHLIGHTS from Monday’s FOX/WSJ debate. Listen to the audience. You are not alone. The roaring, joyous, whistling approval of the audience when Newt tells the truth is a tonic.
Let’s remember that and know that the PEOPLE of the UNITED STATES can decide that enough is enough and respond to the truth that Newt is speaking and the solutions Newt is offering. Let us uphold the tradition of the the unconquerable spirit as did George Washington and his small Army on Christmas Eve in 1776, when their password was “victory or death.”
I, for one, am tired of watching the little Potters of Washington and Wall Street run the USA as if we are Pottersville. I’m ready to invest in Jimmy Stewart’s Savings and Loan and return POWER TO THE PEOPLE. But this time for real, not just some crypto-communist slogan from the 60’s. ( No offense to the 60’s, I love the 60’s.)
This is the flame of freedom, that makes people jump to their feet and applaud. This is the love of opportunity for EVERY AMERICAN and the hope to make things better for every person in the world. American people are in the process of choosing.
Newt wants prosperity, self-reliance, local control and the constitutional basis for our government restored. If we are in the process of choosing that, no one can stop it, because the energy comes from the American people. And they know it and that’s why they’re trying to stop it.
Thank you, MontereyZman.
Hope Change | January 18, 2012 at 8:34 pm
corrected text below: [“learn to love Romney”, not Gingrich]
• Dear Professor Jacobson – I can tell from the last sentence of your post, and from your response to the “learn to love Romney” tweet (as if he’s the atomic bomb? what is that about?) that you have many people arguing with you and trying to discourage you.
• Professor, courage!! (Say that with a French accent)( — not sarcasm — I once heard a French family call out courage!! courage!! to a boy riding his bicycle up a steep and winding hill in the gorgeous piney terrain the South of France, and it has always stayed with me as a sweet moment of life.)
• Professor, you are in the right. You have looked and you have seen.
• Newt is the only candidate who can defeat the Obama machine AND THEN, and this is the important part, HELP THE AMERICAN PEOPLE RESTORE OUR GOVERNMENT FROM THE DEPREDATIONS OF THE LAST 80+ YEARS.
• God only knows what is wrong with the many people we respect, who are insane enough to think that Mitt Romney 1) could win against Obama 2) is qualified to be president and 3) would not be a disaster as president who would lead to potential chaos for our nation, by contributing to the utter degeneracy of political discourse and the CONFUSION ABOUT THE IDEAS AND PRINCIPLES that underly the MEANING of America.
• So Professor, you are doing the hard work of standing up, publicly, for Newt and for American Exceptionalism and truth and — yes — THE AMERICAN WAY – because the American Way is that THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS ARE ENDOWED BY THEIR CREATOR.
• So you are taking a lot of heat, I suspect, because you have taken a public stand. But I want you to know that I support you and I think you are in the right and I think, if the spark of love for the truth Newt was speaking on Monday spreads out among the American People, there is no way to stop this, and the Establishment types are on the wrong side of this, and I believe that Newt will win the nomination and the general election.
• Because WE THE PEOPLE will make it happen. And this is what the Establishment senses, and this is what the Establishment hates, and this is what the Establishment fears.
• Professor, this campaign season has been heartbreaking because people I admire and respect are not supporting Newt. (Yet.) (In the primary.)
• I can only think that they have let their prejudices prevent them from informing themselves. Newt is a visionary who sees how We The People can work together to restore prosperity and opportunity, and to IMPROVE capitalism.
• This is why I constantly offer the link to Newt’s speeches. Becaue there are brilliant, educated, wonderful people, who are themselves visionary intellectuals, who absolutely would be thrilled to support Newt’s ideas if they just understood what the ideas are.
• So for the as yet unpersuaded brilliant among us, here is a link to 17 of Newt’s speeches:
• Professor, also, as an antidote to discouragement, I offer Newt’s HIGHLIGHTS from Monday’s FOX/WSJ debate. Listen to the audience. You are not alone. The roaring, joyous, whistling approval of the audience when Newt tells the truth is a tonic.
• Let’s remember that and know that the PEOPLE of the UNITED STATES can decide that enough is enough and respond to the truth that Newt is speaking and the solutions Newt is offering. Let us uphold the tradition of the the unconquerable spirit as did George Washington and his small Army on Christmas Eve in 1776, when their password was “victory or death.”
• I, for one, am tired of watching the little Potters of Washington and Wall Street run the USA as if we are Pottersville. I’m ready to invest in Jimmy Stewart’s Savings and Loan and return POWER TO THE PEOPLE. But this time for real, not just some crypto-communist slogan from the 60′s. ( No offense to the 60′s, I love the 60′s.)
• This is the flame of freedom, that makes people jump to their feet and applaud. This is the love of opportunity for EVERY AMERICAN and the hope to make things better for every person in the world. American people are in the process of choosing.
• Newt wants prosperity, self-reliance, local control and the constitutional basis for our government restored. If we are in the process of choosing that, no one can stop it, because the energy comes from the American people. And they know it and that’s why they’re trying to stop it.
What gets me about the Marianne Gingrich interview is that it very unlikely that she will tell us anything substantial about Newt that we didn’t already know. He is a moral scumbag. And yet, the same people hearing it again will change their votes.
Money is power in this country and the only two candidates getting money, Obama and Romney. are getting it from the same big globalist donors. Now that we know that what are we going to do about it? Follow the script of course! We will hold our noses and vote for the evil we are complaining about kidding ourselves that it matters that it is a Republican who will drive us over the cliff rather than a Democrat.
Lemme guess, the Almighty Ronpaul will save us?
Probably the best way to stick it to the republican establishment is to nominate Newt. Then sit back and watch them run around like ants who’s hill has been demolished. There were a lot of people (some still in office) who were instrumental in Newt’s disgrace and resignation as speaker. Republicans have this neat idea of jettisoning any republican who is accused of any wrong doing. Truly or falsely doesn’t matter. I’ll bet they’re scared to death of a Newt presidency. Pay back is a b*tch.
Why wasn’t the establishment afraid of McCain? The scenario is not the same but he made many enemies with his arrogance. Also it is claimed that his temper is volcanic. They were not afraid of him because he is part of the establishment and could be controlled to a certain point. It didnot matter to the establishment that the base didn’t want McCain and a lot refused to vote for himle. Sound familiar? I would venture to say that any long time congressman or senator is in the tank for the GOP establishment and will get their “turn”.
We need to primary out these long time vultures. The House and the Senate have become an “good old boys clubs”. They look after each other no matter what party. Remember when an aide found something bad the dims were going to do on the computer and reported it to Hatch and was fired? The naive little twit didn’t realisze this was taboo.