John King started the night with a question about Newt’s ex-wife’s interview in which she alleged Newt sought an “open marriage.” Newt answered the question eventually with a denial, but used the oppoturnity to give King a smackdown which will be remembered for a long time.
It was classic Newt, and will be the highlight of the debate.
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Wow. Checkers speech 2012. I have to reconsider. As Lincoln liked to say about Grant: “This man fights!”
I think John King just be came a verb. Robert Bork got Borked. Tonight John King got John-Kinged
King me… no wait!!
I’m deducting one point for Gingrich’s failure to properly show King his own heart after having ripped it from his chest.
John King should simply disappear at the next commercial break.
Newt did the viewers a great service by humiliating John King back into the moderator role.
One of those four men could be the next POTUS, and CNN was in left-wing attack mode, wasting time on tabloid gossip.
Newt set the tone for the better, for the rest of the debate.
King had that classic “deer with a caught-in-headlights” look.
newt has his faults, but I think he is only one willing to insult and demean obama. and we need that. we are beyond the gentleman phase with obama.
We got ourselves a fighter.
Newt “The Ego Has Landed” Gingrich vs. Barack “I am the (Bombastic) One” Obama.
I’d sign-up for it on pay-per-view, pass the popcorn please.
More important, Mitt has a glass jaw. He is starting to look like Obama without a teleprompter when he gets a question he isn’t prepared for. That’s what happens when you are all script, no principles. That’s what makes vetting so valuable 🙂 Mmm, and we get to vote in FL next.
The only thing Newt has to do is not get cocky. Impossible, no, for him? 🙂
Today’s mistakes by the media will be corrected for the next attack run. But, they will be back for the next strafing run soon enough. Say, by Saturday.
all script, no principles
A brilliant summary of Candidate Mittens.
Mitt really dropped the mask tonight. Talk about getting flustered.
Newt kicked a$$!!!
Someone needs to ask King what it feels like to be two inches tall.
As long as it isn’t Scott Pelley. He already knows.
That was brutal.
That wasn’t merely “classic Newt”, that was a new form of excoriation not yet heard by any presidential candidate or any republican in my lifetime. Calling out this well-groomed worm King — the archetype for the “objective” pretense of the media — for beginning the debate in this fashion was massively righteous and decades overdue.
You all may like aggressive Newt, but how will it play with the independents you need to win over?
If cringing and apologizing (because that’s what the left demands) is the criteria for a republican candidate, I’d just as soon the so-called independents stick with Barack.
If aggressive Newt can’t win by pointing out the truth about Barack Obama, then this country is beyond salvation. And electing Romney isn’t going to change this.
I think it will play very well, because I think independents are as disgusted with the current administration as anyone. The ‘meme’ that independents require special wooing, special treatment, is as wrong as was Mitt The Inevitable or Mitt The Electable. All of a sudden it’s Mitt The Sweaty Lipped or Mitt Romney, Drawer Of Blanks.
Should play pretty well, actually. Everyone in America- certainly everyone I know, Right or Left- is weary of politicians who refuse to talk straight. That’s especially true of independents. Newt is not afraid of clarity, and that has appeal.
It’ll play quite well with political independents. The country is hungering for a President ready to call it AS IT IS, whether Republican, Democrat, or third-party.
The precious independents respond to leadership.
Undecideds in head-to-head matchups overwhelmingly disapprove of Obama but haven’t committed to the Republican.
I think Newt says what many of them have been screaming at their TVs for 3 years.
“You all may like aggressive Newt, but how will it play with the independents you need to win over?”
Obama is shivering in his boots. There will be no Obama left, just a puddle of pee on the floor when Newt takes him down. Newt will hold him responsible for solyndra, for the Volt, for the Keystone pipeline, for an unemployment rate among blacks worse than anything since the great depression, for abandonment of Israel. Independents will finally say, “Newt is right. Obama has been terrible for the country.”
also ….signing statement….Gitmo….. gun running ….as a racial angle what if Newt plays up the fact that obama policies are killing hundreds of Mexican citizens ….police on both sides of the border and slowly destroying Mexico as a nation while coming to hispanics with open arms asking for their help with their blood on those same hands ….tough one ain’t it …..then he can ask obama about his broken promise to take public funding for his campaign …..or if illegal aliens are spoken of ask obama when his Aunt and Uncle will be deported ….oh yea if Newt fully develops his mean streak he could gut obama like a fish
Ol Barry would resort to the continuation of what his media is doing now, call him racist and an adulterer…
That’s all he’s got.
Double-digit unemployment among minorities thanks to your policies… etc.
You are soooo right.
Newt is the man that keeps Obama up at night.
Gingrich 2012!!!
We tried to be “nice” (Dole, McCain) and it resulted in getting whacked in November.
Time to fight.
Kicked in the sack, more like.
jimbo ….well if Newt does to obama what he did to king how do you think independents will like obama if Newt is allowed to debate him and make him look like an ass time after time after time ….this is pretty much all they have on Newt and Newt has somehow turned it to his advantage ….granted a very friendly crowd but as most independents are already soured on obama now …..* SHRUG *
I didn’t watch the debate. But Newt loses to Obama in the latest polls by about ten percent. Romney, on the other hand, is tied with Obama.
Throwing the red meat to the highly conservative crowd may turn out the GOP base, but I doubt it will win the general election.
Newt is a serial adulterer. And I suspect the only reason some of the not-Romney folks in the GOP won’t support Romney is because they are bigots against Mormons.
jimbo, you just keep whistling past the graveyard.
The left/Obama has created a seething discontent among the people in this country who produce and, to quote your beloved Rev. Wright, “the chickens have come home to roost”.
The left can try to spin it and say whatever they want but the biggest gift that Obama could receive would be for Romney to become the Republican nominee. For the first time, I see a glimmer of hope that we can deny him that gift.
Gingrich 2012 … fighting for THE Republic!
Mitt could be a pastafarian for all I care. We made a huge mistake with McCain and I don’t want to go down the wishy-washy “progressive republican” road again.
Agreed. I have plenty of Mormon friends – all good conservatives. Why do we get stuck with the only two (now one) liberal Mormons as candidates?
With Romney, you cede the huge enthusiasm gap. Democrats are demoralized and plenty will stay home in November (and the number of self-identified Democrats is way down – half of self-identified conservatives). With Romney, plenty of Republicans will stay home.
“Today’s mistakes by the media will be corrected for the next attack run.”
That is true. They took down Perry. They took down Cain. Newt has dealt the liberal media a mortal blow. Their credibility is shot. All further cheap shots will be seen for what they are and people will see that the liberal press is now being vindictive for being put in their place.
I’m sorry, Perry took down Perry, and Cain folded.
After 8 years of “Bush is an idiot” and getting no response from anybody in the GOP, this is great to see and hear. And why is Newt the only one calling them out? Where is the rest of the party leadership.
And Jimbo3, what answer would make the independents happy? As a great American once said “Sometimes you use have to say What The F*CK”
Let me match your Tom Cruise with a Jack Nicholson:
“The truth? You can’t handle the truth.” The truth is that Newt will pretty clearly lose in the general election to Obama. A whole lot of us remember Newt in the 90s. And we’ll be sure to pass on that knowledge to kids who were too young then.
Newt will fairly clearly be at U of Illinois instead of Yale when this all ends.
Jimbo – way too much confidence. Clinton in 92 trailed Bush and Perot in a weak third until the Dem convention in July. He was viewed as a sure loser. Reagan in 1980 didn’t look like a winner early on either.
And reminding voters of the 1990s is reminding them of an economic boom time and balanced budgets, during which Gingrich happened to run Congress.
When you GOP cub scouts get done with your circle jerk and want to talk reality, let me know. By not going with Romney, you’re giving the election away.
well your concern is touching now go and launder your I BLOW THE O KNEEPADS they are showing signs of over use
To whom, the Other Romney?
Wasn’t CNN at one point declared by themselves a REV WRIGHT FREE ZONE? That was totally unimportant, of course!!!
I guess they had some scruples then, but not now…thank you Newt, this turd got caught red-handed…solid.
I need a cigarette. Hell, I don’t even smoke! WOW.
Can you imagine were John Edwards be a Conservative?
“Mr. Edwards, there have been reports recently going viral on the internet that you have fathered an illegitimate child with a staffer, with videotaped evidence of a potential three-way between her and a male staffer, all the while your wife is dying from cancer. Would you care to respond?”
But they never asked that jackass anything about anything personal…just amazing the level of moral sickness in those people.
i love most that newt doesn’t let John back away and shift blame. He isn’t just a fighter, he knows how to finish someone off when they are on the ropes. Obama would shrivel on national tv in front of this guy.
If Newt doesn’t get the nod republicans should be ashamed.
I would love to see Newt take Obama to the cleaners. Even though I think the media would destroy him, it would be worth the ride to see him crush Obama in 3 debates.
I think Barack Obama would lose it in front of everyone. I don’t think he can handle that much stress.
Prediction: Obama will rely upon 3 carefully timed October surprises to avoid the debating Newt.
War, death, and disease.
And I thought Chris Christie smackdowns of union-goons was HOT!!! Please, please, please, South Carolina — please vote for Newt. I want to see more.
For whatever other political faults Chris Christie may have, I would pay to watch him dismantle the union agenda and get in the face of their thugs. There’s a fighter.
Newt smacks John King, but Karl Rove goes, “ouch!”
Ouch for King or ouch for Newt? I’m assuming the latter.
Anything that helps Newt, hurts Romney, and anything that hurts Romney, hurts Rove, because he is clearly among the leadership of pro-Romney GOP elitism. I’ll flat guarantee that Rove went double facepalm when Newt smacked down John King and won yet another standing O in what, the first 60 seconds of the debate?
Romney = Singles hitter
It was big. I posted some thoughts: ‘Does Angry Bellowing Help Newt Gingrich in South Carolina’s Primary?’
How about firmly expressing indignation?
Read his piece.
Just re-read it.
Still not seeing any substantiation, or justification for use of the descriptive.
Eh, I didn’t think he was being dismissive of Gingrich is all.
I didn’t hear “bellowing”, which connotes some kind of substance-less out-of-control rage. This wasn’t even close. It wasn’t even particularly angry-sounding, but more like forceful chastisement, scolding. There was no stammering, stuttering, or spluttering. I wish folks would get off the “angry” meme. The tone was entirely appropriate.
Scolding and excoriating are the best words.
But in this particular case I don’t think Donald was criticizing Gingrich.
That’s the Newt I know and love! Take that, John!
[…] UPDATE: William Jacobson has some great Tweets on the subject! […]
Conservative porn at its finest
Conservative porn? Can I play some Barry White music in the background?
I think she meant that Newt bent King over and rammed…well, you know. And she’s right. Wonder if King was hearing “Brown chicken, brown cow…”
John King’s going to need a donut cushion for awhile.
and its he ….I have a outie ….not an innie
Sorry. Saw ‘Aggie”, brain read “Angie”. Bad brain.
Barry White? Nah, play the Benny Hill theme song.
Why am I reminded of a picture of the eunuchs leaving the imperial palace in the forbidden city in Peking holding their genitals after the fall of the last emperor? King must envy them right now.
That was excellent!
John King: If you could have a do-over in your campaign, what would it be?
Paul: I would improve my delivery by rambling a little slower.
Newt: I would have ditched my consultants before they ditched me.
Romney: I would have spent another four years to get 25 more votes in Iowa.
Santorum: Nothing. I never dreamed I would sell 1000 sweater vests in two weeks.
Nice. And if the also-rans had been on the stage:
Perry: Instead of “oops” I would have finished my list with “heartless”.
Bachmann: I would have challenged Barack Obama to a staring contest.
Cain: Thank for the question, John. It’s very simple: 9 – 9 – 8. They tell me I forgot to carry the one back in April.
Huntsman: I would have run in China where they believe in evolution and science.
Pawlenty: I would have looked Mitt in the eye and called it Obamney-, Obam-, Obamaney-, um, screw it! When do I get to be secretary of Agriculture?
Christie: What do I have to do? Kill myself? I’m not running, people!
Daniels: Jeez – Gingrich? Really? huh…Gingrich. Dammit, Cheri!
Barbour: Can I take back that decade of lobbying, or is this limited to the last year or so?
Christie… lol nice. I can actually hear him saying that.
After Newts initial response, John King looks like a naughty kid in front of the principal. I swear he’s about to burst into tears! *lol*
Newt just gave us a preview of the Smack-Down he’ll give to Obama given the chance to debate 🙂
John King looked like a 6 yr old who’d just used the f-word with his mother, not realizing it’s a cuss word.
I want an asshole, I made mistakes, I want to get this country in order for President.
Newt is the man.
And he knows inside what the bullshit of “congress” is.
He knows what “is” “is”.
Ex-wives from 12 years ago who hate the man aren’t going to bring him down.
I must say that Santorum was excellent tonight.
[…] question Gingrich hit a grand slam with this answer. He’s been the most consistent, outspoken critic of the media and his assertion that they are […]
Newt Gingrich is a snake.
He didn’t even tell John King “Don’t Tread on Me!” He bit and drew blood!
Go get ’em, you snake!
If Newt gets the nomination, I’m predicting now that Obama will suddenly be too busy to debate except for a one-hour forum hosted by Chris Matthews focused on terrorist-killing policy limited to Yes/No answers airing opposite World Series game 7.
Matthews: Congressman Gingrich, have you personally killed any terrorists? I mean, like Chuck Norris-style, twisted their necks til they cracked?
Newt: Chris-
Obama: I have, Chris. Several, in fact. But let me be clear, I enjoyed killing them and protecting the American people, and I would kill again.
Matthews: Great. Thank you, Mr. President. Let’s go to the footage…
Newt has said that he will follow Obama around, be his shadow, until Obama agrees to sit-down, basically unmoderated debates. Newt will hammer this and the American public will demand it. Obama will not be able to say no.
Obama will probably sic his protective detail on the “mystery stalker.”
TITLE : Nuking Newt
SOURCE: National Review v46 D 31 ’94
“In assessing Gingrich the goal is totalist—no concessions are made. Well yes, he got a PhD and taught history—but he never got tenure. On the other hand, that is not so unusual, at age 28. In any case, Gingrich is “no great scholar.” That’s right, nor has he ever said that scholarship was his primary interest. (At the time Adlai Stevenson, the intellectuals’ dreamboy, was nominated for President, not one listing under his name appeared in the Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature, where minimal journalistic and scholarly events are recorded.) “He is also reminiscent of the middle-brow
thinkers of the nineteenth century who won their fame explaining all in a single volume: Henry George, whose Progress and Poverty led to the single-tax movement . . . ”
“Henry George a middlebrow thinker! What would that make of such as Albert Jay Nock, one of George’s biographers, who deemed George among the seminal minds of the economic renaissance?”
“But you can’t win. Gingrich is a hypocrite, an eccentric, a woozy futurist; he is lacking in wit, given to schematic political constellations. Why, he even makes you-know-who look good! Newt cannot wear the white hat of Ronald Reagan. ‘He wears his black hat proudly and squints, looking back to the future.’”
“Now that kind of rhetoric betrays true fear, and one wonders what are the grounds for this fear . That under Newt, Americans will be permitted to starve? That isn’t really, very likely, but under pre-Newt, Americans are very widely permitted to be killed, mugged, raped, casually impregnated, exposed day and night to the sepsis of modern culture, rendered illiterate by indulgent inattention . . . Dear Newt is not going to change all of that; the prophet Jonah would not succeed against Nineveh . But what we are learning is that those nice people at the opinion stands of American liberalism just don’t like Old Testament sounds . Scary.”
Paraphrasing Buckley: Mister Gingrich may not be beau ideal, but he is the conservative’s nonesuch in his capacity to scare all Hell out of the liberal establishment.
The ABC trash tabloid interview with Newt’s ex-wife, is just another blatant attempt by the liberal media, to take down Newt, at all costs.
This is the same old standard liberal attack theme from either the far left, or the Romney RINO right, which is- go after Newt with gossip trash tabloid personal attacks, when they can’t defeat him on the issues, facts, conservatism, and especially on the debate stage. This is the way they sank Herman Cain, and is now the way they are trying to sink Newt. This is not Journalism, but trash tabloid gotcha political tripe, ie; A targeted political hit job, as so conveniently timed as always.
They, the liberal media, just can’t help make a fool out of themselves, let alone tell the whole nation, what a biased petty political propagandist entity they are, as is so obviously noted in their pattern of political agenda hit job tactics..
I loved how Newt shredded Mr CNN debate host John King to pieces, for even bringing it up at the debates. He ripped Mr. John King and the media a new asset !! I loved it, every second of it.!!
This is the Newt we need and want in the White House as US President, the take no prisoners, no-nonsense, in your face Reagan Conservative leader, to shake up Washington DC !!
Newt beats back the Liberal media and is surging past Romney in SC, as all the polls now say. Newt is the Reagan Conservative, that the Tea Party folks, as well as all other Conservatives and Republicans in America, can rally behind, like a tsumani tidal wave, which we need to defeat not just Romney, but Obama. And make ni mistake about it, Newt will absolutely wipe the floor up with Obama, in any and all debates they have.
You Go Newt, over Romney’s defeated political carcass, and all the way to the RNC Convention as the Republican Party Nominee, then next and 45th U.S. President on 6 Nov. 2012.
Even to the non-Republicans and non-conservatives who watch the debates think the media looks bad
I wish I could draw a picture here to illustrate the vision I see, of seeing a special media club room, where the only members allowed, were those who were thoroughly excoriated, admonished, trounced, and beated to a pulp by Newt, on debate night as a debate moderator.. lol..
And linked
Charleston GOP Debate Highlights
I’m sure you weren’t going to get a lot (if any) Valentines Day cards from your fellow faculty members due to your, ahem, diversity of opinion re politics. In fact, seeing as how you are openly supporting Newt (I am too), I doubt you’ll even get one of those little candy hearts that say “Be Mine”.
What kind of candy do you like? I’d be more than happy to send you some:)
ps–If I could be invisible for a day I’d spend it in the faculty lounge, when you weren’t present. Oh the tales I could probably tell:)
WOW…2 debates in a row, Gingrich lands a knockout punch. First w Juan Williams now John King. Got standing ovations and much applause. I think Gingrich has a pretty good chance of taking SC. Voters there are more concerned about taking back our country just like Gingrich is. Bravo!
Reminds me of “The Honeymooners” when Ralph, when angry would say to Alice, “One of these days, Alice, POW! Right in the kisser.”
Newt delivered one to whoever John King is. POW! Right in his nuts.
Whatever one thinks about Newt, he is the one who surely can beat Obama; I am not convinced Romney can.
I worked late last night, went into work early today and worked late again…just getting to the news…
Gingrich did a Sheriff Joe on John King–who is now parading around the blogosphere in pink jail duds and wearing a sign that says ‘I’m a dumpster-diving doofus.’