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Trump Education Tag

Chief Justice Roberts famously wrote that “The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.” That simple and correct formulation exposes how racial discrimination in the name of anti-racial discrimination perpetuates the problem. It's a problem inherent in affirmative action based on race, which, whatever the goals, is a form of racial discrimination.

When I taught high school English, I realized that education is best handled as locally as possible and developed a hatred for the Department of Education. I've often said I would abolish that department immediately if I ever became president. This may be the first step in the right direction. The White House has proposed merging the Department of Education with Labor after officials spent months reviewing different agencies to figure out how to downsize the government.

Last week the U.S. Senate’s Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee concluded its hearings regarding the confirmation of Kenneth L. Marcus, President Trump’s pick for the position of Assistant Secretary of Education for Civil Rights. We noted in a post back in October, when the White House first announced the nomination, that Marcus is extraordinarily qualified for the job and is an excellent pick for heading the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), Trump appoints attorney who combats antisemitism to key civil rights post.

We previously reported on Education Secretary Betsy DeVos's major policy speech in which she promised a departure from the Obama-era guidance on how universities and colleges must handle sexual assault cases. That guidance has resulted in a substantial lack of basic due process for accused students in a process fairly described as "kangaroo courts." Another aspect of that lack of due process was equally explosive but only now is gaining recognition - the possibly discriminatory impact on black males. This has been the subject of articles in The Atlantic and Reason, as well as a recently released research paper.

If a report in the NY Times is accurate, the Trump administration is getting ready to take on the most precious of liberal dogmas, the institutionalized racial discrimination in college admissions, aka affirmative action. The Times reaches the conclusion that affirmative action will be under attack, even though the documents it has obtained for its reporting don't actually say that. The Times reports, Justice Dept. to Take On Affirmative Action in College Admissions:

Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue has announced his department wants to make a few changes to the school lunch programs that former First Lady Michelle Obama pushed through. The Wall Street Journal reported:
Schools, which receive federal funding for meal programs, won’t have to meet certain guidelines for whole grain, sodium and milk. The U.S. Department of Agriculture said the decision comes after years of feedback from schools and food-service experts, who have faced challenges meeting meal regulations; and from students, some of whom have complained that the meals aren’t appetizing.

President Trump has signed an executive order to give Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos permission to start the process of moving education back to the local level. The New York Times reported:
The order requires Betsy DeVos, Mr. Trump’s education secretary, to review, modify and possibly repeal any regulations and guidelines that are not consistent with federal law.

Once upon a time, a certain Senator from Massachusetts wrote about the virtues of school voucher programs. But you'd never know that based on how Sen. Warren criticized newly minted Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos. Writing to Secretary DeVos upon her nomination, Sen. Warren wrote:
"For decades, you have been one of the nation's strongest advocates for radically transforming the public education system through the use of taxpayer-funded vouchers that steer public dollars away from traditional public schools to private and religious schools. ... "But the actual evidence on how private voucher programs affect educational outcomes is mixed at best, in many cases reveals these programs to be expensive and dangerous failures that cost taxpayers billions of dollars while destroying public education systems."