Think Progress | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2
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On Christmas Day 2009, Abdul Farouk Umar Abdulmutallab attempted to detonate exposives contained in his underwear on a flight arriving in Detroit.  Abdulmutallab unexpectedly pleaded guilty in November 2011. As reported by ABC News on December 26, 2009: The plot to blow up an American passenger jet over Detroit was organized...

I posted previously about accusations that groups such as Media Matters and the Center for American Progress (which runs the Think Progress blog) routinely used questionable terminology (such as "Israel-Firsters") and were pushing an anti-Israel agenda under the guise of battling the "Israel Lobby." The story...

I posted two days ago about the interrelationship between the Obama campaign and the Center for American Progress, White House and Think Progress merger complete.  A former senior Obama campaign staffer now runs CAP, and a current senior CAP strategist is set to take over...

The Center for American Progress (CAP), the George Soros funded Democratic messaging machine, runs the aggressive Think Progress website. Think Progress is obsessed with attacking the Tea Party movement as racist, the Koch Brothers as evil manipulators, and Clarence Thomas as corrupt.  Think Progress blogger Matthew Yglesias helped ignite the false story...

John Podesta, former Clinton ally and confidant, built the Center for American Progress -- which runs Think Progress -- into a potent, misleading and devious message machine in favor of the Obama administration. Podesta is stepping down, and is being replaced by Neera Tanden, a former Obama...

Think Progress is in a tizzy because Herman Cain told it like it is as to the politics of jealously and envy which are the driving force bechind the Occupy Wall Street movement and the Democratic Party's election strategy. ...

As Kathleen posted earlier, Warren Buffett is backing away from the so-called Buffett Rule, which apparently is not so much a Rule as a stream of consciousness sprinkled with thoughts and afterthoughts. The best thing about the Buffett Rule Non-Rule What Are You Talking About, is...

It's not often I thank Think Progress, but thanks for this video interview of Allen West on the issue of Obama foreign policy in Libya and the Middle East.  Think Progress, with its videographer following West on his trip to Israel, figured they'd get good...

Democrats, from the top politicians on down to their messaging drones at Think Progress, have targeted the Koch brothers, as documented here many times. So good for Koch Industries for sending this letter to Sen. Patty Murray in response to a "request" for a sizable donation to...

John Hinderaker of Power Line Blog has done an excellent job tracking down and debunking the serial lies of Think Progress regarding the Koch brothers.  I've chimed in too from time to time, but John really has led the charge.In a post today, John demonstrates...

I previously posted about the lawsuit by Widener Law School Professor Lawrence Connell.  Widener is seeking to terminate Connell after Connell used a hypothetical example in his criminal law class of the Widener Dean being attacked, and a small number of students alleged that Connell made racist...

The conspiracy theories run deep at Think Progress when it comes to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Koch Industries.The latest post by Lee Fang, the designated Koch investigator at Think Progress, attempts to bring David Prosser into the conspiracy as well, by claiming that recent environmental regulations...

TaxProf has the details on a campaign to prevent a conservative scholar from becoming Dean of Case Western Reserve Law School: And now a public controversy has erupted over one of its dean search finalists:  Bradley A. Smith, Josiah H. Blackmore II/Shirley M. Nault Designated Professor of Law at...