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Taxes Tag

In the current controversy regarding Tom Daschle's failure to report income (and thereby evade the taxes on that income), Daschle has portrayed himself as the most honest person in America, who always intended to pay all the taxes he owes, and who simply made an...

Barack Obama is about to propose a massive, trillion dollar stimulus package, the centerpiece of which is infrastructure projects. Large-scale infrastructure projects have a long history of cost-overruns, mob-influence through corrupt unions, and are not effective at long-term job creation.But that is not the worst...

My home state of Rhode Island has been asleep at the wheel when it comes to grabing proposed federal instrastructure stimulus dollars. Although it has been known for weeks if not months that Barack Obama was ready to throw hundreds of billions of dollars at...

It appears that Barack Obama intends on following through with his campaign promise to issue refundable income tax credits so that people who pay no income taxes will get “refund” checks from the federal government. Obama justifies these payments as being a refund of payroll...

Stifling taxes and a large government bureaucracy really work:The violent unrest that followed the shooting of a 15-year-old boy has driven Greece to the brink of a political crisis. The rioting marks an explosion of rage by the country's young people who have few prospects...

In his weekly radio address today, Barack Obama repeated his intention to stimulate the economy and "create" jobs through a massive public infrastructure program. As we have noted before, "[o]f all the concepts to help build the economy, Barack Obama has seized on the one...

This headline from my hometown paper, The Providence Journal, says everything you need to know about why Rhode Island has the highest unemployment rate in the nation:"Assembly Considers Making R.I. Attractive To Business"An overwhelming government budget fed by high taxes, a Democratic state legislature beholden...

Will President Obama be the moderate of the presidential campaign, the liberal of the primary campaign, or the radical of the past? Which Obama will assume the presidency when we open Door No. 2?The Obama who voted straight party line in the Senate, or the...

It has been a while since I have agreed with Thomas Friedman, but Mr. Friedman has a good observation on the economic forces which may lead to the collapse of the Iranian regime:Under Ahmadinejad, Iran’s mullahs have gone on a domestic subsidy binge — using...

Barack Obama has put forth a plan to issue refundable income tax credits so that people who pay no income taxes will get “refund” checks from the federal government. Obama justifies these payments as being a refund of “regressive” payroll taxes. At the same time,...

Comrades! The revolt by the five kulak volost's must be suppressed without mercy. The interest of the entire revolution demands this, because we have now before us our final decisive battle "with the kulaks." We need to set an example.1) You need to hang (hang...

Barack Obama has vilified a small minority to whip up popular anger. Obama has turned that anger into political support. While Obama portrays himself as a new style of politician, the mistreatment of a small minority to gain popular support is one of the oldest...

Joe the Plumber made it to prime time in last night's debate. In fact, just about the only thing anyone will remember about the debate is the name Joe the Plumber.Joe the Plumber first became known when he confronted Barack Obama during a campaign stop,...

From Investment News: House Democrats contemplate abolishing 401(k) tax breaks Powerful House Democrats are eyeing proposals to overhaul the nation's $3 trillion 401(k) system, including the elimination of most of the $80 billion in annual tax breaks that 401(k) investors receive. House Education and Labor Committee Chairman...