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Taxes Tag

I've written before about Barack Obama's penchant for creating strawman arguments, in which Obama presents an exaggerated and misleading characterization of Republican proposals in order to make Obama's own policy seem like the only reasonable choice.Most typically, Obama will frame the sentence beginning with words similar...

As I write, the "tax deal" worked out between Obama and Republicans in Congress has passed its first procedural hurdle, with more than 60 Senators voting to open debate on the legislation.As I have pointed out before, a marginally acceptable bill as originally announced has become an...

The original compromise tax bill was a mixed bag, at best.  I understood the benefits, as well as the conservative arguments against.  At least we were arguing over the merits of the bill.Now the tax deal is becoming an insult to the Republican and independent voters who...

When the "framework" of the tax deal was announced, I wrote that Obama "had a pretty good day."As the details of the actual bill are coming out, it looks like Obama had a great day, Senate tax bill lures Democrats with sweeteners:But in the face...

News crossing the wires is that the Democrats in the House have rejected Obama's tax deal with Republicans in a non-binding vote:The House Democratic Caucus on Thursday rejected the tax deal negotiated between the White House and Senate Republicans. The non-binding vote of the caucus...

The tax framework is falling apart, as a substantial number of Democrats and a few Republicans start taking shots at various provisions unrelated to marginal tax rates.Once again, Obama has chosen complexity for the sake of complexity, a lot of moving parts and social engineering.There...

One of the interesting aspects of the "framework" announced by Obama to prevent marginal income tax increases on anyone is that part of the quid pro quo demanded by Obama was a one-year 2% drop in the portion of social security (FICA) taxes paid by...

If Barack Obama had his way, taxes would be up across the board.  Most obviously for the job creators in the form of higher marginal income tax rates, but also for everyone in the form of a health care mandate, energy taxes, increases in capital gains...

What a whack job.  What kind of idiot would use Grey Poupon to prove a point?  Are you suggesting that only fancy, foreign, John Kerryish types use it?  No real American would use that stuff, right Alan?Sure, sure, you were just joking around to make a...

Democratic Party leaders didn't get the message of Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts.There is no sign they received the message of November 2, either.Nancy Pelosi, fresh off her victory celebration, is in no mood to compromise on keeping tax rates from going up:House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)...

This will serve as an update to my post last May about the construction of the Big, Unfair House, and the hope that it would be redistributed to me.The construction looks just about completed, at least on the outside.  Mighty fine looking home.Mighty fine, mighty big,...

Obama can't let go of his war on the "rich."  It was an integral part of his campaign, and an even more integral part of his presidency.Obama's obsession with playing class warfare politics is his undoing, not because it necessarily loses him support in isolation, but because...

Allowing people to keep more of what they earn is a horrible giveaway tantamount to welfare for the rich, rendering anyone who would suggest such a thing evil and greedy.That attitude is the fundamental public policy prescription of the Democratic Party and supportive economists, as...

There were two important developments recently in the continued unraveling of the Obamacare public relations BS.First, the Obama administration cemented its legal position that the health care mandate is a tax, which means that Obama is raising taxes on people making less than $250,000 a...

...[youtube=]Update: A reader e-mailed me as follows:While Biden’s remark demonstrates the hubris of the Governing Class, Obama’s Ex-Im Bank Board takes the food off their tables.See:, for POLITICAL and IDEOLOGICAL reasons alone, a Milwaukee success story may lose 1,000 employees AND a $600++ million...

Saw this yesterday while on a walk in the most pro-Obama voting state in the country:What most amazed me was that someone was willing to put such a bumper sticker on the car. In 2008 people were afraid to use McCain/Palin bumper stickers for fear...

The pharmaceutical industry is under attack by the Obama administration and Democrats for supposedly obscene profits.Despite the industry's support for Democratic health care efforts, reached last spring in exchange for certain protections, Obama continues to demonize the industry. Obama's new plan, rolled out yesterday, increased...

Understandably, the raw numbers in Obama's budget -- both deficits and taxes -- are receiving huge attention.There is another aspect which makes the raw numbers even more pernicious. Many of the new tax increases are a function of the taxpayer's overall income, such as caps...