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Syria Tag

There seems to be a change in Syria, a worsening of the situation for Assad. I can't tell if this is the turning point, a turning point, or just a bump in Assad's road to staying in power with the military help of Iran, Hezbollah...

With so much going on in the domestic political arena, it's easy for attention to get distracted from the Iranian-Hezollah-Russian attempt to keep Bashar Assad in power. Other than when there is a heavy one-day body count, Syria is not in the U.S. news media radar. This...

Not the destruction in September 2007 of the nuke facility likely being built with the help of the Norks. Via Jerusalem Post, a story I had not heard before, Syria’s chemical weapons program has been focus of Israeli intelligence operations since the mid-1970s. It was July 2007...

But it's no time for joy.  The dithering on Syria has given the same elements who transitted Syria to kill U.S. troops in Iraq a chance to build up their operations in Syria and return the violence on the Syrian government. Suicide blast in Syria hits...

UN monitors flee protest when Assad forces open fire: Syrian security forces opened fire Wednesday on anti-regime demonstrators surrounding the cars of a UN team meant to monitor a shaky cease-fire, sending the observers speeding off and protesters dashing for cover, according to activists and amateur...

It might be a little premature for Bashar Assad to claim victory, but he's feeling confident enough to do so anyway. Via Reuters: Syria says the year-old revolt to topple President Bashar al-Assad is over, but the army again shelled opposition areas on Saturday and rebels said...

A month ago it didn't look like it would turn out this way, but a month of ineternational dawdling has given the Assad regime the time it needed to crush rebels in their last remaining stronghold in the northern city of Idlib:  The Syrian army has recaptured the northern...

When Iranian protesters took to the streets in June 2009, the Obama administration policy was to keep quiet and indirectly support the regime in the hopes of luring Iran into nuclear arms talks. Only when the political pressure became too great did Obama speak out, and even...

The Arab Spring has sprung. But for us, it has been mostly doom and gloom, an extended winter. Throughout the Middle East, we have seen an uprising against the established order. In most cases, these uprisings have been overdue as the tyrants had their collective feet...

I keep thinking, when, not if. And what will happen to the heavy missiles and chemical weapons. I presume the Israelis have a plan. Some of the latest headlines: Now we're getting tough - Obama Administration Seeks to Remove Syria From Human Rights Committee. 'Syrian military...

It's easy to come up with conspiracy theories for any bombing, but the two car bombings in Syria in restricted areas have raised suspicions that it was a set-up by the Assad regime to rally public support and set both Arab governments and the West...

Like I said Friday, the fuse has been lit.  I think it's too late for Assad to put it out without a major blow up. Now the Arab League, in an unprecedented move, has imposed economic sanctions on Syria, including travel bans on senior officials and...

Just wondering how much longer until the explosion takes place.  Some links: Walter Russell Mead, "when poets buy guns, tourist season is over.  They are buying them now in Damascus...

That's the question I have, because the French obviously have different rules than we do (h/t Israel Matzav): Syrians loyal to President Bashar Assad stormed the US and French embassies in Damascus on Monday. The crowds managed to break into and enter the American compound, but...

Seems like an appropriate blog post title.The bloggers were neither Syrian nor lesbian nor female, and according to my readers, the Republican Debate was not a debate.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

I saw this coming from a mile away.  Actually, from two months away.Obama insisted on a U.N. Security Council Resolution authorizing a no-fly zone in Libya.  But the U.S. and NATO attacks on Libya have exceeded the U.N. mandate.  What was hailed as a major...

The Assad regime is claiming that 120 security officers were killed in northern Syria in the past couple of days.  These figures and the circumstances are disputed, and there is speculation of a mutiny, but regardless of whether real or exaggerated, this could be the...

On Friday the Syrian army killed 63 Syrian protesters against the Assad regime.As before, Assad tried to deflect international attention by sending Palestinians to try to crash the border fence on the Golan Heights, with predictable results that Israel did not allow them to breach...