After Weak Jobs Report, Dow Plunges
The economy is starting to tailspin: The the S&P 500 had its worst July in 10 years and manufacturing activity contracted....
The economy is starting to tailspin: The the S&P 500 had its worst July in 10 years and manufacturing activity contracted....
Steps the investment management firm agreed to take include barring biased sources like the UN Human Rights Council and WhoProfits from its reporting....
There's a reason why the Pelosis have become incredibly rich while she's been in the House....
Stocks sink, with the Dow briefly down 1,000 points....
On Friday, Goldman Sachs was charged by the Securities and Exchange Commission with fraud in the formation and marketing of a mortgage backed product, a so-called Collateralized Debt Obligation.The gist of the allegations is that Goldman Sachs failed to disclose that a major hedge fund...
Barack Obama is claiming credit for "saving" the economy from a full-blown depression based on passage of the stimulus plan.As with most Obama claims of success, Obama simply is exhibiting his prowess at using strawman arguments.Obama compares where the economy is now, versus where the...
The NY Times reports on whether the Treasury's "Pay Czar" will try to break the contract Citigroup has with a Phibro commodities trader, under which the trader is owed $100 million. There apparently is no dispute that absent the Treasury lending Citigroup money, and the...
Sarah Palin's announcement that she will resign as Governor of Alaska has kicked off a new round of attacks on Palin's intelligence and integrity from pundits on both sides of the political spectrum. For most of the commentators, the resignation signals an end to Palin's...
The financial crisis seems hard to understand. How did we go from a robust economy to "the worst economy since the Great Depression"? (h/t Barry O)There are 27 visualizations which make things easier to understand. I like this one in particular (click on picture to...
Larry Summers, Obama's chief economic adviser, says we must overcome the "excess of fear":President Barack Obama's top economic adviser said Friday the nation's economic crisis has led to an ''excess of fear'' among Americans that must be broken to reverse the downturn.National Economic Council Director...
I think the British paper The Times of London has it right, in its article, "Barack Obama bets the farm in $4 trillion poker game."One of the most seductive elements of Barack Obama's ascent to the White House was his unshakeable conviction that he was...
Jim Cramer, the television investment personality, has been in the news recently since he criticized Barack Obama's economic plans as a destroyer of wealth. The petty White House reaction to Cramer has put Cramer on the White House enemies list, along with Rick Santelli and...
Back in the day, when the alpha male Clinton roamed the White House, the high tech stock bubble grew, and grew, and grew. That bubble began to burst in March 2000, nine months before "W" took office, and caused the S&P; 500 to head almost...
Will AP's cheerleading never stop? AP cheers the "audacity" of Obama's speech to Congress last night, while Marketwatch reports on the reality of Obama's massive plans for spending. ---------------------------------------------------UPDATE: Drudge Report gets it right:...
Second time this week, I'm in agreement with a NY Times columnist, at least on the language I quote if not the overarching Obama-maniacal subtext. First, it was Maureen Dowd writing on the cowardice of Eric Holder. Now David Brooks, warning that the administration's economic...
The beginning of a protest movement against Barack Obama's redistributive policies is underway. Though still small, every movement starts somewhere. While called the "Tea Party" after the Boston Tea Party, this movement is similar to movements throughout history where the producers of society refuse to...
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