That is a name I had not heard in decades. When I studied in the Soviet Union many of the East European students loved the group Boney M and were surprised that none of the Americans in our group had heard of it. To them, Boney...
I traveled extensively throughout the Soviet Union during the early 1980s, both with groups and on my own approved itineraries. I also lived in Moscow, and had a chance to slip out of the ring road with Soviet friends into the countryside, which was not permitted...
When the story broke last June about the arrest of 10 Russian sleeper agents, none of whom seemed to be in a position to do any real damage, many people laughed at the supposed ineptitude of the Russian secret services, and joked about femme fatale Anna Chapman.I...
The Stuxnet malware apparently was designed to damage or destroy industrial system controllers of the type used in Iran's nuclear program.It is too early to assess what, if any, damage has taken place in Iran because of the secrecy of the Iranian regime. Based on...
I originally linked to this in the sidebar (via It Don't Make Sense), but have promoted it front and center because if ever there were a reason to fear government, this creepy video of Chevy VOLT dancers and the VOLT song is it.If a camel...
There is a must read article at City Journal by author Claire Berlinski, A Hidden History of Evil - Why doesn’t anyone care about the unread Soviet archives?:In the world’s collective consciousness, the word “Nazi” is synonymous with evil. It is widely understood that the...
One of the perks of being a big time blogger (hah) is that sometimes people send me stuff for free. As in a free copy of Zev Chafets' biography of Rush Limbaugh, An Army of One.Which now occupies a hallowed place on my bookshelf next...
In 1940, the Soviet Union executed 22,000 Polish officers in the Katyn Forest near Smolensk, Russia.The mass grave was discovered in 1943 by invading German troops, but the Soviet propaganda machine create the mythology that the massacre was committed by the Nazis:In late 1943, as...
Jim DeMint (R-SC) famously said that health care would be Barack Obama's Waterloo.But Waterloo probably wasn't the best analogy, in hindsight.Waterloo was a short but decisive battle. The health care fight has turned out to be more like the battle of Stalingrad.The battle of...
What a great day, the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. That symbol of tyranny and oppression fell after decades of U.S. and West European refusal to give in to what at the time was proclaimed by the left to be the...
Dan at Gay Patriot has an interesting post on how Ted Kennedy saved a girl from the Soviet medical system, which could not treat her disease. Fair enough, Teddy saved a girl (I'm resisting the urge to mention ...
Many, including Barack Obama, have dismissed the notion that Mir Hossein Mousavi, the leader of the opposition in Iran, would make any difference to the policy of Iran since Mousavi, among other things, is considered the father of the Iranian nuclear program, and is steeped...
Is the collapse of the Soviet Union a reasonable analogy for what may happen in Iran? There are certain parallels, including repressive regimes bent on imposing ideology to perpetuate their own rule. In each case, it is hard to imagine how the repression could end,...
Oh boy, has this administration become unhinged in its efforts to force through Obama's "bet the farm" economic plans.Rahm Emanuel runs anti-opposition campaigns from inside the White House against Rush Limbaugh to take down the leading opponent of Obama's economic plans. The White House coordinates...
President Barack Obama's proposal to give up the missile shield program for Russia's help on halting Iran's nuclear weapons program ended badly. The Russians rejected any link. Obama then denied there ever was a link.I have a better idea. Let's propose that we give up...
From Moscow News, this explanation of history:In this sense Russia has always differed from the West. Western countries regarded themselves as more developed and generally more advanced, while Russia was seen as backwards, barbaric and foolish. In spite of this negative view of Russia, our...
Barack Obama sent a letter to the Russians offering to halt the European missile shield in exchange for Russian help in stopping Iran's nuclear development. The Russians said thank you for agreeing to halt the missile shield, but we don't haggle, so you get nothing...
The website DebkaFile is reporting that Bibi Netanyahu's choice for Israeli Foreign Minister is Anatoly (Natan) Sharansky, a hero of the Soviet refusenik movement. For those of you who are not familiar with Sharansky, his story is inspiring. In the weeks just before and after...
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