Political Correctness | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 25
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Political Correctness Tag

Mao Zedong caused the death of 45 million people according to a scholar who was given unprecedented access to Chinese Communist Party archives.  As reported by The Independent in Britain:Mao Zedong, founder of the People's Republic of China, qualifies as the greatest mass murderer in world history,...

A gunman has taken hostages at the Discovery Channel headquarters.  According to reliable reports, the guy is an environmental activist motivated by fears for the planet, and spouting rhetoric about how the planet doesn't need people.Guess what it is I will not do?(Hint - rub...

The Eliminationist theorists in the left-wing blogosphere thought they finally had their man.  Having struck out with the Anti-Muslim Cabbie Stabber in the quest to prove that there is a rising tide of right-wing violence instigated by Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, and wingnuts, the Eliminationist theorists were cheered...

Apparently, it constitutes race baiting to mention Al Sharpton when criticizing the boycott of Arizona, according to Kevin Johnson, at ImmigrationProf Blog:The Securetheborder.org website mentioned in Palin's message includes the following "defense" of Arizona:"instead of taking action to help, the state has come under attack...

Also known as killing two birds with one stone.We get to apologize to and beg forgiveness from China for the sin of Arizona seeking to enforce the U.S. immigration laws, thus satisfying the 11th Commandment, "thou shall apologize profusely."And, as the twofer, we get to...

A lot of people are upset about these lines in Pat Buchanan's column, Are Liberals Anti-WASP?: If Kagan is confirmed, Jews, who represent less than 2 percent of the U.S. population, will have 33 percent of the Supreme Court seats.Is this the Democrats' idea of...

So says Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley (remember her?), regarding the arrests in Boston of possible Times Square bombing suspects on immigration charges.As reported by Where Are My Keys blog, via Howie Carr:The question at the press conference at the State House yesterday was, Why...

I've been feeling lately that maybe I took the wrong career path.Investment law is interesting and satisfying, but I can't escape the gnawing feeling that there could have been other, even more titillating fields in which to concentrate.Cornell Prof. Michael Lynn obviously is having no...

The Onion recently released a spoof of a mythical Supreme Court ruling upholding the right to freedom of speech, replete with a fauxto of Ruth Bader Ginsburg flipping a double bird. As with many productions by The Onion, there was a glancing plausibility to the...

The Washington Post, among other mainstream media outlets, relentlessly stokes claims that Tea Partiers are racist.Eugene Robinson accuses almost everyone who opposes the Obama agenda -- but particularly those active in the Tea Party movement -- of being motivated by racism and prone to violence.Jonathan...

I was waiting for this ruling, because I could not stand living in a world where it was illegal to wear baggy pants so low that your ass showed.From Britain, our window into the future where underpants get to see the light of day (emphasis...

Retired General James Jones, who is a senior national security advisor to the Obama administration, told a joke at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, regarding a Jew in the desert of Afghanistan who outwitted a member of the Taliban. The joke plays upon...

It is not a good thing to jump to conclusions when there is a shooting, at least on the issue of whether the shooting was a mere crime or terrorism. On Thursday, I cautioned against jumping to the conclusion that Nidal Hasan was motivated by...

Alternative headline: "Obama Critic Says It's Gone Too Far."Let Obama play hoops and hit the links with the guys. Exactly which high-powered woman is he supposed to set a pick for, box out, or look the other way when she uses the foot wedge? Hillary?...