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Political Correctness Tag

* a piece of pizza shaped like a gun. This is from the "you can't make this stuff up" file (h/t @SteveEgg via @SykesCharlie): For the rest of the semester, a Rutherford County elementary student has to eat lunch at the "silent table" for allegedly waving around...

Take one Bibi a Day and you will feel better. The Prime Minister of the Jewish State doesn't seem to feel the need to stick to Happy Generic Holiday which happens to arrive in late December every year and is not the one invented in the 1960s. It's a...

There are three branches of government, and one of the branches gets to decide who gets to be in one of the other branches.  Via The Denver Post: In a blow to Colorado Republicans that could affect election outcomes for the next decade, a judge has...

An employee of the L.A. School District and active Occupy Los Angleles supporter was fired for her anti-Semitic comments which have garnered a lot of attention. Here's the video of her reaction to the firing, where she doubles down (h/t IsraellyCool): The easy answer would be sure, fire her,...

Scrolling through The Daily News' live blog of the Occupy Wall Street protest in Times Square yesterday, this photo and caption jumped out at me: Student loan debt a hot topic among Times Sq. crowd. "Student loans screwed up my credit!" one protester screamed while Shakina Nayfack,...

Florida Governor Rick Scott is proposing refocusing funding away from liberal arts programs at state universities and colleges, which has various groups accusing Scott of being anti-anthropology, or something like that.  Instapundit has the story and lots of reader comments. Let me suggest that Scott is not...

George Mason University School of Law is considered "conservative," at least by law school standards. So when CAIR played the Islamophobe card and demanded that the school shut down a speech by Nonie Darwish , Dean Daniel Polsby said no thanks to CAIR's attempt to squelch dissenting voices: It appears...

Doubly good. First, because the tweet by CNN reporter Alison Kosik was hysterical, and second, because the humorless leftist reaction (added: here, here) to the tweet caused her to take it down, but it lives on because people grabbed screenshots. ...

There is a lesson here, it's that we cannot allow science to become religion, and must always question scientific authority particularly when it is used for political purposes. From The NY Times (emphasis mine): Israeli scientist Daniel Shechtman won the 2011 Nobel Prize in chemistry on Wednesday...

I have posted numerous times before about the case of Lawrence Connell, the Widener Law School Professor who was placed on one-year unpaid leave and forced to undergo a psychiatric examination as a condition of return. The sanctions imposed by Dean Linda Ammons were so controversial that...

Via Chicago Tribune: An investigator for Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn’s human rights agency got a slap on the wrist for forwarding an e-mail before last November’s election that contended the Republican Party had been hijacked by “dangerous, radical hate mongers called the ‘Tea Party.'" The e-mail, sent...

I posted on Saturday about Alumni Resignations at Widener Law School In Wake of Connell Case. I noted that Widener had confirmed that "[a] member of the Board of Overseers for the School of Law and a member of the School of Law Campaign Subcommittee have...

It's close to over, as prosecutors have moved to dismiss the indictment finding the alleged victim to be truth-challenged: When they moved Monday to drop the biggest case on  their docket, the woman was portrayed as its fatal weakness. She "has not been  truthful on matters great...

Lots doing in the world. The end is near for Qaddafi, or not, who knows:  "Libyan rebels said they were less than 20 miles from  Muammar al-Qaddafi's main stronghold of Tripoli on Sunday, a day after  opposition fighters launched their first attack on the city.  The...

As you know, I have been following the case of Widener Law School Professor Lawrence Connell for several months. Connell claimed that he was singled out by two students for false accusations of racism and sexism, and that the Widener administration backed the students without bothering with...

You probably have no idea what I'm talking about. Victory Day, formerly known as VJ Day, formerly known as Victory Over Japan Day, no longer is celebrated anywhere in the U.S. except in my home State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.  It is celebrated the second...

The New York Times and New York Magazine have the long knives out for Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. But tell me, what precisely is it the DA's office did wrong in the Strauss-Kahn case? There was a quick indictment and serious terms to home confinement based upon...