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Political Correctness Tag

We've seen the Mayors of Boston and Chicago abuse their power to drive a lawful business out of their jurisdictions by threatening to withhold business permits because the founder and President support the definition of marriage as one man - one woman. When those threats generated an outcry even...

Fortunately, I missed most of the Olympics opening ceremony. Reader Matt sent this link to the BBC with the request "Please tell me this will get a post!!: AP also is running this photo and explanation: Actors lying on beds meant to represent Britain's National Health Service (NHS)...

After Sarah and Todd Palin attended a rally for Ted Cruz in Texas yesterday, they stopped by a Chick-fil-A. Palin posted photos on her Facebook page and also sent out tweets about the visit (h/t Charles). Stopped by Chick-fil-A in The Woodlands to support a great business....

First it was the Mayor of Boston who announced his intention to block business permits for Chick-fil-A not because there is any evidence that it discriminates in employment or services, but because its founder and his son (now the President) support keeping the definition of marriage as one man -...

A lot, according to Hans Bader, who sees a coming quota system in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math enrollment: Quotas limiting the number of male students in science may be imposed by the Education Department in 2013. The White House has promised that “new guidelines will...

From friend of the blog Bill Dyszel who has brought us such classics as Mercurial Redemption, An Eco-Maniacal Opera and The Blagojevich Polka. ...

No one could have seen this coming.  This could be the moment when Obama's campaign stopped receding. Sandra Fluke endorses Obama in an op-ed at (because was not available): Obama is committed to rebuilding our economy upon the values of fairness and opportunity and the...

Not a JDate ad, a new "minority classification" at the City University of New York, and some who prefer to stick with preexisting minority classifications are not happy: Touting a move to make its faculty more diverse, CUNY administrators have  broken out Jews into a separate...

Don't say I haven't been warning you. While the secondary boycott of Rush Limbaugh has been only marginally effective, Color of Change has had more success getting major companies to drop their participation in the American Legislative Exchange Counsel (ALEC) by falsely tying ALEC's support of "stand your...

I have warned you about the total war, in which petitions and boycotts and other pressure tactics are used to silence conservative voices. There is no better example than a case reported in the NY Post via National Review (h/t Jonah Goldberg) about a blogger at The...

Kay Hymowitz:  Why Women Make Less Than Men (h/t Instapundit): One stubborn fact of the labor market argues against the idea. That is the gender-hours gap, close cousin of the gender-wage gap. Most people have heard that full-time working American women earn only 77 cents for every dollar...

We live in a world where groups like Media Matters and Think Progress monitor and record every word uttered by any conservative of prominence in the media, hoping to find something "insensitive" with which to mount a campaign to silence the speaker through intimidation of advertisers. So...

It doesn't know any better, it lives for self-parody, UN rights council delves into US voter I.D. laws: The controversy over requiring voters to provide photo IDs has reached the world stage. The United  Nations Human Rights Council is investigating the issue of American election  laws at its...

But then again, not too few to mention. Dave Serchuk in Forbes, Congratulations! You Just Made Rush Limbaugh Sympathetic! (emphasis mine): Imagine this scenario: you are a lifelong liberal. You pretty much hate everything Rush Limbaugh stands for, and says. You are really glad that the times have...

There's a lot of talk today about imposing a coffee mandate on employers, including Mormon institutions which oppose the use of caffeine, because of the health benefits of coffee. Not enough. It must be a "good coffee" mandate. We have something here that's free and they call "coffee,"...