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Paul Ryan Tag

The choice of Paul Ryan, and the reaction, finally got me off the donation sideline. I just donated to the Romney-Ryan campaign.  And in case you were wondering, maxed out. For the first time in my adult life I was proud to do so. It's not...

It's official, it's going to be Paul Ryan. The Romney Veep App made the announcement earlier this morning, and every news source is reporting it. The decision was made on August 1. The left already is going crazy, but that would have happened regardless of who the...

Newt Gingrich has been raked over the coals for using the term "right wing social engineering" with regard to Paul Ryan's Medicare Plan released last spring.  In context, Newt was making the point that the plan as proposed went to far in one fell swoop to pass...

Makes sense.  Very good guy, but didn't seem to have his heart in it. Via ABC: After much speculation and some pressure from fellow Republicans, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin and the House Budget Committee Chairman, says he is NOT running for President. "I sincerely appreciate the support from...

New reports have surfaced (h/t CharlieSykes) that Paul Ryan is reconsidering his prior decision not to run for President: As Wisconsin congressman Paul Ryan comes to a final decision about running for president, several top national conservatives are encouraging him to join the race. Ryan, who has...

Almost the entire Democratic Party theme for the 2012 elections at every level is that evil Republicans want to destroy "Medicare as we know it," whereas Democrats want to save the program by raising taxes on the "rich." As Michael Alan  documented here, groups behind the "Mediscare"...

Don't spy on the labels on wine bottles ordered by people at tables near you, because it's none of your business. Don't then look up the price on the wine list, because it's none of your business. Don't then calculate how long a family of four could live...

Specifically, tell me about Paul Ryan as a presidential candidate, now that there are murmurings that he may jump in.Why not?  Republicans are going to have to defend the Ryan plan, who better to do it than Ryan.  Someone who conveys a seriousness about policy without being...

That's the phrase that jumped out at me from Paul Ryan's op-ed in The Wall Street Journal setting forth the Republican proposal to reform the system of entitlements which is driving us off a debt cliff (emphasis mine):No one person or party is responsible for...

Update:  Final stats, 982 readers participated, generating 537 comments in about 3 hours.  Thanks to all.Event feed goes live at 8:00 p.m. E.S.T.You can comment in the feed with any of the usual social media user i.d.'s such as Twitter, Facebook and Open ID (Google, Yahoo,...

The people have spoken, and there will be no Live Event for Obama's State of the Union address.Instead, we will have a Live Event for Paul Ryan's historic address to the nation on Tuesday night, starting at approximately 10 p.m. E.S.T.But since we don't know precisely when Congressman...

Bill Kristol has floated the idea of a Paul Ryan - Marco Rubio ticket in 2012:Having just returned from the e21 and Manhattan Institute-sponsored Conversation with Paul Ryan (very ably conducted by Paul Gigot)--and having seen Marco Rubio speak recently as well, I'll just say...

Via Public Secrets:[youtube=]But, could we have held the tax rates steady without the Christmas Tree ornaments hung onto the bill?--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

My favorite Congressman, Paul Ryan, is really on the ball this Sunday. Today, he was on Fox discussing the end of looming tax hikes. He also had an op-ed published in one of his hometown newspapers. "The deficit debate is not merely an exercise in...