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Obamanomics Tag

The Congressional Budget Office released its Monthly Budget Report for fiscal year 2009. Most of the news reports have focused on the deficit numbers, up to $1.4 trillion: CBO estimates that the federal budget deficit was about $1.4 trillion in fiscal year 2009, $950 billion...

Barack Obama is fiddling on his grand plans to remake the U.S. health care and energy systems, while our economy and our position in the world burn. The most recent evidence of the harm being caused by our fiddler-in-chief is the move internationally to abandon...

The efforts by Barack Obama to force NY Gov. David Paterson not to run for election in 2010 have roiled NY politics, and baffled many who wonder why a President felt the need to get involved in state politics.The crushing NY State budget gap has...

So predicts Gerald Warner in The Telegraph newspaper, in a column with the lengthy and highly descriptive title President Pantywaist in retreat: Barack Obama hoists the white flag over Stalinist health care proposals. [h/t Tim Blair] After reading the title, I'm not sure you...

The political world looked bleak on April 29, 2009, just after Arlen Specter had announced that he was switching to the Democratic Party. The Democrats, understandably crowing, seemed to be unstoppable. The Democratic agenda to control the most minute aspects of our lives through health...

The notion of August being a time to debate the specifics of the Democratic and Obama health care restructuring plan is something of a misnomer, since there is no single plan. The illusion is being created of a true debate, but in fact we are...

The much ballyhooed Cash for Clunkers program has had the unintended consequences of driving up the cost of new and used vehicles and used auto parts, according to independent studies of the auto markets. The Cash for Clunkers program demonstrates the danger of government trying...

An article in the NY Times, Climate Change Seen as Threat to U.S. Security, deserves a special place in the annals of journalism in the service of liberal politics. The thrust of the article is that global climate change "could" cause massive geopolitical disruption in...

The big economic news of the day is that the unemployment rate dropped one-tenth of one percent. The Obama administration is hailing this as the start of a turnaround and a sign that the stimulus spending is working, something of the end of the beginning...

Much has been written about the Cash-for-Clunkers program, where people are given money by the federal government to trade up their older cars for newer models. The initial $1 billion likely will be increased by another $2 billion.The press reports reflect hundreds of thousands of...

The NY Times reports on whether the Treasury's "Pay Czar" will try to break the contract Citigroup has with a Phibro commodities trader, under which the trader is owed $100 million. There apparently is no dispute that absent the Treasury lending Citigroup money, and the...

A Democratic pollster is quoted as saying that “this is a president who needs a vacation.” Obama is making a big push on everything all the time, but the polls are moving against him.If Obama were an endurance cyclist, we'd say he was bonking or...

Every now and then, David Brooks makes sense. Today is one of those days, in his column at the NY Times, Liberal Suicide Watch:It’s not that interesting to watch the Democrats lose touch with America. That’s because the plotline is exactly the same. The party...

As if all the problems with the Democratic health care proposals, such as increasing the federal budget deficit even assuming large new tax revenues, were not enough, now add this: The proposals will break the budget of the states as well. From the NY Times:The...

Without any expansion of federal health benefits, the cost of Medicare and Medicaid is sinking the budget, according to this Congressional Budget Office release:Under current law, the federal budget is on an unsustainable path, because federal debt will continue to grow much faster than the...

Yes the nation was, to use a phrase popular with Democrats, "lied into" electing Barack Obama President. Or as this author puts it, Obama on the flying trapeze:We've seen him in action for a bit more than six months. What we can say with confidence,...

Sarah Palin's announcement that she will resign as Governor of Alaska has kicked off a new round of attacks on Palin's intelligence and integrity from pundits on both sides of the political spectrum. For most of the commentators, the resignation signals an end to Palin's...

Want to laugh out loud? Read "Barack Obama, Deficit-Slayer" by Matthew Yglesias: As the economy recovers, tax revenues will rise, social safety net outlays will fall, and stimulus measures will begin to tamp down. If we can assume further growth in 2011, the complete expiry...