Nice Truck Terror Attack | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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Nice Truck Terror Attack Tag

Immediately after the terrorist attack by Mohamed Bouhlel in Nice, France, we were told he was a lone wolf, a guy "recently radicalized," suffering from depression, with no connection to Islamists or ISIS, a guy who just went crazy and drove his truck through a crowd. It was all BS, meant to deflect from the Islamic motivation and ties to terror networks. The cracks began to show when it was learned Bouhlel was texting with others shortly before the attack and several possible accomplices were arrested several days ago, *Shocked* – Nice truck terrorist maybe wasn’t a “lone wolf” after all. Now we can put all the "lone wolf" stuff to rest, as well as the "recently radicalized" excuses. France 24  reports, Nice truck killer had support, accomplices for carefully planned attack:

Remember when the media told us the Nice, France, truck terrorist was just a lone wolf, a psycho with no allegiance to or motivation by either Islam or ISIS? Just a wild and crazy guy who happened to load up a truck with weapons and drive it through a crowd celebrating Bastille Day, killing several dozen people? Well, it's not turning out that way. The media's "lone wolf" appears to be part of a wolf pack. Even CNN can't hide the "radicalized" part of Mohamed Bouhlel, though it still presents him as being a depressed loser:

Among the 84 people killed in the Nice terror attack were an American father and son from Austin, Texas. USA Today reports:
The two American fatalities from Thursday's terror attack in Nice, France, were a father and son from this Hill Country enclave who bonded through baseball and were on a family trip through Spain and France. Sean Copeland, 51, was vacationing with his wife, Kim, 39, and their son, Brodie, 11, along with two of Copeland’s children from a previous marriage: Maegan, 29, and Austin, 22.

We've been covering the Nice, France terrorist attack here at LI, including updates as more information becomes available.  Today, ISIS has claimed responsibility for the terror attack that killed 84 people, including two Americans, and wounded hundreds more. The New York Times reports:
The Islamic State claimed on Saturday that the man who attacked the seaside city of Nice, France, was one of the group’s “soldiers.” France’s defense minister promptly blamed the terrorist network for inspiring the assault, while its top law enforcement official said the attacker, who was not previously known to intelligence agencies, may have “radicalized himself very quickly.”

. . . .  The Islamic State had kept silent on the Nice attack until Saturday morning, when it declared, in a bulletin issued in Arabic and in English on its Amaq News Agency channel:

“Executor of the deadly operation in Nice, France, was a soldier of the Islamic State. He executed the operation in response to calls to target citizens of coalition nations, which fight the Islamic State.”

Breaking news reports indicate a large truck ploughed through pedestrians celebrating Bastille Day in the southern beach town, Nice. American media reports as many as ten dead, but foreign outlets have reported as many as 73. Latest updates at bottom of the post; refresh for most recent coverage. What we know: