Nancy Mace | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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Nancy Mace Tag

Nancy Mace is one of the challengers to Lindsey Graham in the Republican primary, along with Richard Cash. There probably will be others. Mace is a newbie as a candidate, although she's been involved as a political consultant for years, and also co-founded the controversial FITS News website. I don't know enough about Mace to say that I'll support her versus the other challengers, but I do know enough to say that I hope a strong challenger emerges and that Graham is forced into a runoff. Mace seems to have the sound-bite friendly bio (1st female graduate of The Citadel, long family military history) to be an attractive candidate. I'm willing to give her a chance, to find out more, and to see how she develops as a candidate. The one thing I do not expect is a slick talker, who has a pat answer for everything. So it really troubled me to see Jay Severin attacking Mace as "not ready for prime time" because of an interview she had with Glenn Beck. Here's the Beck interview, in its entirety:
Was it a great interview? Probably not. She seemed to have a few canned answers she kept coming back to, but it wasn't a terrible interview. And Beck asked some weird questions about her "soul" which probably caught her off guard. Sure, she also should have been better able to answer questions about why she was running, the influences upon her, and so on. I trust she'll earn from these interview experiences. But Severin declared her candidacy all but over: