Movies | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2
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Avengers: Endgame is a box office monster having grossed $357 million in its opening weekend. This shouldn't be surprising given that the movie is the highly anticipated series finale for the 22 films in the Infinity Saga. While the Marvel Cinematic Universe clearly isn't going anywhere (considering they already have Spiderman: Far from Home, The Eternals, Black Widow's solo movie and a half dozen other films in development) Avengers: Endgame is a solid finale to end the story arcs of the last eleven years of Marvel movies.

Post contains some plot spoilers: I can't begin to tell you what it actually is that writer/director S. Craig Zahler believes in politically. According to the interviews he's done to promote his newest movie, Dragged Across Concrete, he doesn't care what people think of his movies. He's making movies about bad people and he wants to depict them in their entirety without putting a message behind it. That's a brave notion in the current year.

Warning: Spoilers ahead In the opening minutes of Jordan Peele's Us, we see a depiction of a seashore carnival being attended by a large group of diverse and wealthy people circa 1986. It's an idyllic, colorful and exciting vision of comforting and happiness in American life. A young family and their daughter win a Michael Jackson T-Shirt in a game, buy candy apples and explore the various rides the park has to offer. Yet there is something churning under this beautiful wonderland of lights and prizes.

2018 was a mixed year for film overall. There were several notable studio blockbusters worthy of discussion but for the first time in my adult life, I found myself predominantly attracted to smaller independent/personal films this year as opposed to the largest studio blockbusters. I enjoyed Avengers: Infinity War as much as anyone else but it was far from the film that inspired me to think about it obsessively and watch it multiple times. That's not to say that big-budget studio films don't find a home on this list. They certainly do.