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Middle East Tag

During the so-called Gaza flotilla last summer, I pointed out that the main goal was to bust the Israeli naval blockade of Gaza, in which ship heading for Gaza would be inspected for weapons, to open up sea lanes for shipping large quantities of weapons...

In what will come as a shock to no one who lives in reality, the revolutions throughout the Middle East, while sparked in many instances by people who share western-style democratic values, are turning Islamist, and the Obama administration is dithering and accepting the outcome as a...

Well, maybe with the Libyans and others in the Middle East who, according to The New York Times, have embraced this Israeli spoof of Muammar Gaddafi:A satirical YouTube clip mocking Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s megalomania is fast becoming a popular token of the Libya uprising across...

In the aftermath of the overthrow of the Mubarak regime in Egypt, Eugene Robinson of The Washington Post penned a meme which has become common among the mainstream media and left-blogosphere, that The GOP loves freedom, but not for Egypt:The conservative mantra has been: Obama...

Egyptian Cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi has issued a fatwa calling for the killing of Muammar al-Gaddafi.  How could anyone be opposed to taking out the guy who killed over 250 people on Pan Am 103 and who now is killing protesters in the streets?Certainly not me,...

The Obama administration was very active in sheparding Hosni Mubarek out of power in Egypt, yet has been almost silent until today about Muammar Gaddafi, even as Libyan troops have used aircraft to bomb protesters.Explanation?--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on...

The worldwide Boycott Divest Sanction (BDS) campaign against Israel has mostly been a failure in the U.S., but that does not stop brainwashed youth brigades from trying to delegitimze Israel anyway.Via IsraellyCool comes this video posted by the Philadelphia wing of the BDS movement, trying stop a supermarket chain from carrying...

The Obama administration came close to what many of us have feared would happen, abandoning Israel at the U.N.Yes, the U.S. finally -- after a sustained bipartisan Congressional outcry -- did veto a one-sided and politically opportunistic resolution pushed by the Palestinian Authority declaring Israeli...

When it came to overthrowing Hosni Mubarek, the western media thrust itself into the situation and portrayed the uprising as a western-style demand for freedom.The television screens were filled with stories of relatively western figures such as Google employee Wael Ghonim, who became the face...

The New York Times has a story on the return of Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi to Egypt (emphasis mine): Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi, an influential Sunni cleric who is banned from the United States and Britain for supporting violence against Israel and American forces in Iraq, delivered his...

To call the performance of the Obama administration at the UN, through Ambassador Susan Rice, "folly" would be far, far too kind.Mahmoud Abbas, despite repeated U.S. requests, insisted on pressing for a U.N. Security Council resolution declaring Israeli settlement construction "illegal."  The U.S. vetoed the resolution.Standing in isolation,...

Is there anything more sickening than senior U.S. diplomats begging the Palestinian Authority delegates at the U.N. to "compromise" with just a Security Council "statement" condemning Israel, rather than a "resolution" condeming Israel?To which the response from the P.A. delegates was:  "Jump higher," no compromise for...

... I have seen in a while, from A Letter from a Fearfully Concerned Muslim, To an American-Jewish friend (h/t JHoward):"Just ponder how a third-rate community organizer — from the most incestuously corrupt political region in the U.S.; with a record of participation in the most vulgar...

We don't know the details of the "brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating" of CBS News correspondent Lara Logan in Tahrir Square as the Egyptian crowd celebrated the resignation of Hosni Mubarek, but we know enough. Among the things we know is that the night before the...

There isn't much I can add to the numerous comments regarding the "brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating" of CBS News correspondent Lara Logan by a large group of men in Tahrir square in the moments after it was announced Hosni Mubarek had resigned.Some of...

In the wake of the overthrow of Hosni Mubarek, we have heard much praise for the "Arab Street," including by Roger Cohen writing in The New York Times two days ago:In the Middle East you expect the worst. But having watched Egypt’s extraordinary civic achievement in...

With democracy comes responsibility.  The Egyptian people may find that our relatively soon, as even some of its non-Muslim Brotherhood emerging leaders seem hellbent on war with Israel.Ayman Nour, a leading Egyptian opposition figure who is expected to run for President -- and someone who...