michael steele | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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Salon.com said This may be the worst race-baiting campaign ad since Willie Horton. Greg Sargent at WaPo announced Willie Horton is back!. The freaking out was over an NRCC-sponsored ad linking Rep. Lee Terry's (R-Neb.) Democratic opponent to convicted murderer Nikko Jenkins, who also happens to be African American. The ad attacks state Sen. Brad Ashford over his support for the state's "good time" laws, and blames those laws for Jenkins' early release. It doesn't mention Jenkins' race. Here's the ad:
Here's the original Willie Horton Ad:

The Democratic National Committee issued the following statement regarding Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele's comments that Afghanistan was a war of Obama's "choosing" and that history shows that land wars cannot be won in Afghanistan (emphasis mine):Here goes Michael Steele setting policy for the...

Many of the criticisms of Michael Steele have been unjustified.The hoopla over $2,000 spent by an RNC staffer at a "sex-themed" club without Steele's knowledge or permission, may have made interesting headlines, but it was not probative of Steele's Chairmanship of the RNC.Today, however, Steele...

Michael Steele, the possible new Chairman of the Republican National Committee, has some common sense thoughts about the country, the election, and the future. The audio is here....