Mental Health | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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The CDC released a heartbreaking and incredibly concerning report Thursday. The national suicide rate has climbed 25% since 1999. But that's just an overall average. North Dakota has witnessed the most tragic climb in suicides at 57.6%. Vermont has seen a 48.6% increase, Utah? 46.5%. Other states whose suicide rates have crept over 40%: South Dakota, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Kansas, and Idaho.

Well-loved educational children's show Sesame Street will soon introduce a new character. Julia will join the Sesame Street crew as the show's first autistic muppet. While the distinction is noteworthy and needed, the show's writers hope Julia will be a seamless part of the cast. "I would love her to be not Julia, the kid on "Sesame Street" who has autism, I would like her to just be Julia," said Christine Ferraro.