Maureen Dowd | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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Maureen Dowd Tag

MoDo: "Are we ready for our new Republican overlords?"...

When MoDo is good, she's really good.  When she's bad, she's really bad. This is really good MoDo: Reagan didn’t socialize with the press. He spent his evenings with Nancy, watching TV with dinner trays. But he knew that to transcend, you can’t condescend. The portrait of the...

So she writes another "Obama's not all he was cracked up to be" column, and everyone is ready to stick a fork in him because MoDo says he's done. Pahleeeese.  This is what MoDo does.  Two weeks after Republicans nominate someone for president, she'll write a...

Soon after the raid in which Obama got bin Laden took place, as Obama was in the midst of his not-spiking-the-football victory lap, I asked readers to predict when Hollywood would roll out a major motion picture about the raid in order to help Obama's...

I take offense to MoDo's PDS hyperbole:Sarah’s view of America is primitive. You’re either a pointy-headed graduate of Harvard Law School or you’re eviscerating animals for fun, which she presents as somehow more authentic.I'm the former, but not the latter, yet.  But the two absolutely are...