Just like the JournoList....
Paul Ryan falsely was accused today by left-wing bloggers, most notably Matthew Yglesias (formerly of Think Progress now of Slate), of insider trading based on confidential information provided by the Treasury Secretary to Congress on September 18, 2008. That day, Ryan traded Citigroup stock. The accusation fell...
Think Progress, the Democratic messaging website run by John Podesta of the Center for American Progress, has been a frequent focus here for its outlandish race-card playing and other antics.This week Think Progress hit a new low, when it ran a blog post mocking the...
This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:Aaron Worthing of Patterico's Pontifications and Matthew Yglesias of Think Progress had a bit of a spitting match this week over this Yglesias' post titled Stuff White People Like:...
The people who falsely and maliciously accused Sarah Palin of inciting Jared Loughner to murder now are criticizing Palin for using the term "blood libel."The term "blood libel" has it's origins in the accusation in Europe (and more modern times, in the Middle East) that...
Best headline of the day, via The Daily Mail in Britain:How America's elite hijacked a massacre to take revenge on Sarah PalinThe substance of the article makes points you have heard before regarding the murderous rampage by Jared Loughner:Rahm Emanuel, Mr Obama’s former chief of...
The shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and the killing of several people by gunman Jared Loughner in Arizona yesterday has revealed two sicknesses.The first and most serious is the sickness living in Loughner's head. Evidence in the form of farewell videos, internet postings, and the...
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and over a dozen others were shot earlier this afternoon. At last reports, she was in critical condition and in surgery. The gunman is in custody but no details on his identity or motive have been released.The left-blogosphere already is blaming the...
Merry Christmas to my readers. Enjoy the day while, once again, I defend the internet for you!Here are some thoughts for the day, in no particular order:Self-fulfilling prophecy. Charles, we get it, the lame duck was not good, but your repeated columns about the "comeback kid"...
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