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Israel Tag

Accusing Israel of indirectly killing American soldiers is the newest and most pernicious argument of the anti-Israeli left, traditional Arabists in government, and now, the Executive Branch of the United States government.As detailed here before, the argument goes that because the people who kill American...

Barack Obama has given the go ahead for the "targeted killing" of al-Qaeda operative Anwar al-Awlaki, who happens to be a U.S. citizen.I don't have a problem with it. The fight with al-Qaeda is war. Al-Awlaki is trying to kill Americans, and if the only...

Well, why not?Immigration is an issue on which the U.S. seems incapable of reaching a political consensus, instability on the Mexican border has led to hundreds of deaths and cross-border drug trafficking, and neither the U.S. nor Mexico seems willing to solve the problem.A solution...

There is plenty of speculation that the Chinese will agree to, or at least not block, new sanctions on Iran. The Obama administration stands ready to claim the credit, but if China comes around, it may be the threat of unilateral Israeli action which made...

"The fiercely pro-Israeli Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi was among the guests at the controversy-filled Arab League summit in Libya with the supposed aim of forming a unified strategy against Tel Aviv's illegal settlement plans in Palestinian territories.At one point, according to reports, Berlusconi, whose country...

The malicious campaign run by the coalition of leftist academics, internationalists and Islamists against Israel continues unabated.We know that in the U.S. and elsewhere, speeches by current or former Israeli officials are disrupted, and there have been organized boycotts of Israeli academics.Now they even are... Israellycool, which posts the following challenge: "See if you can spot when a palestinian state existed."--------------------------------------------Related Posts:What If Palestinians Were Settlers?Law Professor Continues His Personal IntifadaFollow me on Twitter and Facebook...

The FBI has indicted Norman LeBoon Sr. of Philadelphia on charges of threatening Congressman Eric Cantor. LeBoon appears to be motivated by anti-Israeli sentiment, and a general paranoia reflected in anti-government rants.Here is a video "Norman LeBoon Sr" made attacking Israel's conduct in Gaza:Israel Starving...

Never change:For not just one alone has risen against us to destroy us, but in every generation they rise against us to destroy us; and the Holy One, blessed be He, saves us from their hand!--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

The United States has a hard time getting a sanctions resolution against Iran through the U.N. Security Council because Iran has two protectors (Russian and China) among the five permanent members with veto power.Israel has only one reliable veto-wielding friend on the Security Council, the...

Barack Obama's insistence that Israel cease all building in Jewish neighborhoods of East Jerusalem, calling such neighborhoods "settlements," raises an interesting question. Who are the settlers in Jerusalem? A good example of the lack of clarity over Palestinian claims to Jerusalem is found in prominent Palestinian-American...

Let me guess, this is all Israel's fault in the new "balanced" approach to the Middle East. From the Times of London:SAUDI ARABIA is pouring hundreds of millions of pounds into Islamist groups in the Balkans, some of which spread hatred of the West...

The reaction to Obama's treatment of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin ("Bibi") Netanyahu was as strong if not stronger than I have seen in the comments here and elsewhere in the blogosphere on any other issue. (I didn't let through a number of over-the-top comments.)Why this...

Here is how Hamas has responded to Obama's peace initiative (i.e., humiliation of Netanyahu and contrived crisis):A Hamas cross-border attack on Israeli forces outside Kissufim Friday, March 26, killed an officer, Maj. Eliraz Peretz, Dep. Commander of Golani Battalion 12, 31, from Eli and 1st...

From Nile Gardiner at The Telegraph (h/t Gateway Pundit via Instapundit), on the destructive Obama foreign policy:I wrote recently about Barack Obama’s sneering contempt for both Israel and Great Britain. Further confirmation of this was provided today with new details emerging regarding the President’s appalling...

In late October 2008, shortly before the election, I wrote an article for American Thinker titled It's 3 a.m. and the Prime Minister of Israel is Calling.The title of my article was a play on Hillary Clinton's 3 a.m. campaign ad, which suggested that Obama...

Jackson Diehl in The Washington Post: Netanyahu is being treated as if he were an unsavory Third World dictator,needed for strategic reasons but conspicuously held at arms length.Wrong. Unsavory Third World dictators are not treated this poorly by Obama:--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Israel Is The New HondurasObama Throws...

I told you this was coming. Increasingly, those who think Israel is to blame for the lack of peace in the Middle East, and who view pushing Israel back to barely defensible borders as the answer, have been pushing hard the meme that Israel is...