Book Review – The Conqueror: Book One of the Hieronymus Papers
A fictional look at Alexander the Great, co-authored by military history expert Barry Jacobsen....
A fictional look at Alexander the Great, co-authored by military history expert Barry Jacobsen....
The "roaring 20's" is not complete without the discovery of an ancient Egyptian royal tomb. The burial site of King Tutankhamen's great-great-great-grandfather Thutmose II revealed. ...
While indigenous peoples had their own names for the Gulf, such as the Maya term Chactemal, these were replaced mainly during European colonization....
The Pentagon will no longer officially recognize events such as American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, and other cultural observances previously listed....
"A few of the statues have been taken down, but many more exist, she said."...
"Malicious compliance" disintegrates under the power of a fully operational new media platform....
"The measure was, according to numerous groups which commented on it, intemperate and needlessly political"...
"The trench could be part of the Battle of Fort Sanders from November of 1863, which was fought on and around what is now the Knoxville campus."...
"Medieval studies resisted the woke turn in the humanities but eventually succumbed to it."...
"Israeli public diplomacy efforts are characterised by disorganisation."...
"Carter’s true legacy is one of economic misery at home and embarrassment on the world stage." After losing reelection, Carter worked "against the United States and its allies in a manner that could fairly be described as treasonous."...
"The entire bill consists of three short paragraphs, two of which merely restate existing state laws."...
"Standing up for America’s past is one of the most important things we can do as conservatives."...
“We envision a stronger and braver Yale University community that is radically inclusive of all sexualities, gender identities and expressions”...
“expressions of Christian faith”...
"young Americans’ historical and civic illiteracy is a clear and present danger to the Republic and it cannot be allowed to continue"...
"being met with criticism both on and off campus"...
“You know it’s funny, you need at least the attitude of a comedian when you’re doing this business”...
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