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Glenn Greenwald Tag

When someone finds himself so in need of criticizing the U.S. that he ends up defending the brutal Iranian regime which for over 30 years has funded anti-U.S. and anti-Israel groups around the globe and sought to export Islamist fundamentalism, then all credibility has been lost. See,...

Among the ironies of the intervention in Libya is that those who most bitterly complain about the Israel Lobby were in fact part of a Libya Lobby, as pointed out by David Bernstein earlier this month:As regular readers know, I’ve been highly critical of Professor Stephen Walt...

There are many cheap tricks used against bloggers.Perhaps the most common is to attribute the views expressed in comments to the blogger.  The problem there is that the nature of a comment section is to give people other than the blogger the chance to express an opinion,...

Defenders of WikiLeaks have portrayed Bradley Manning and Julian Assange as heroes who only want transparency, and who did no real harm.In fact, WikiLeaks has put lives at risk and damaged international attempts to rid Zimbabwe of the Mugabe regime.  And beyond that, Wikileaks has damaged...

I have criticized Glenn Greenwald on multiple occasions for playing the dual-loyalty card against American Jewish supporters of Israel.Greenwald uses the phrase "Israel-firsters" and also recently accused Eric Cantor, the incoming Republican Majority Leader in the House, of pledging allegiance to Israel.The charge against Greenwald...

I posted earlier about how left-wing bloggers deliberately misrepresented a statement issued by Eric Cantor's office about a meeting Cantor had with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  Glenn Greenwald accused Cantor of pledging allegiance to Israel over the U.S., and Greenwald's accusations were amplified with...

I have documented how Glenn Greenwald peddles the most rank of dual loyalty charges against American Jewish supporters of Israel, by using the phrase "Israel-Firsters."  Now Greenwald is at it again, suggesting that soon-to-be Majority Leader Eric Cantor has pledged allegiance to Israel.  Greenwald's blog...

Once again I have a seemingly unsolvable dilemma.  If "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," which one of these guys has to be my friend?Via Breitbart TV:[youtube=]--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Greenwald Agonistes Hey Progressives, Are You Motivated Yet?The Left Brought The Wave Down On Itself Follow...

Why does Juan Williams negatively stereotype oppressed minorities?  Here's what he said about crime in the inner city:There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then...

Tom Daschle reveals that a secret deal was cut with hospital executives in the summer of 2009 for the hospitals to accepts approximately $155 billion in cuts in exchange for Dems dropping plans for a public option, which would have foisted massive cuts in reimbursements...

Unlike some, I have not devoted myself to studying the writings of Glenn Greenwald. Others have devoted the time, because Greenwald has such a large following at did, however, write about Greenwald's absurd coverage of the Islamist-inspired, Turkish-led Gaza flotilla, particularly Greenwald's offensive use...

I have not agreed with Charles Johnson on some things, but on the Gaza flotilla he has been spot on in recognizing the fundamental fraud of the flotilla participants and supporters:Hamas Refuses Flotilla Aid: "Do we need any more evidence that the entire incident was...

According to the most recent Gallup poll, support among Americans for Israel over the Palestinians is at a near all time high. 63% of Americans (more than voted for Barack Obama) support Israel, while only 15% support the Palestinians, with 23% choosing "both/neither/no opinion."Despite this...

Not the good Glenn, the bad Glenn, feat. C.G.Via Powerline via Potluck:[youtube=]--------------------------------------------Related Posts:How About Some Honesty From The Useful Idiots?Soldiers With Pens In The Information War Against IsraelPallywood Meets The Gaza Blockade (Or, "Did You Hear The One About How Palestinians Can't Eat Chocolate?")Follow me...

All of the people screaming about Israel's blockade of Gaza, in which goods are checked to keep out weapons, never seem to answer the following question:What is the alternative to stopping and inspecting ships headed for Gaza?A. Allow Gaza to turn into another Lebanon, to...

I have been sounding the warning over Turkey since January 2009. Now that Turkey has instigated a confrontation with Israel, it is important to keep Turkey's greater game in mind.Caroline Glick (h/t Instapundit) explains it quite well.Glick makes another important point, which is that alongside...