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Foreign Policy Tag

James Jeffrey is the outgoing United States envoy in Syria. During a recent interview, he rather candidly admitted lying to President Trump about the number of American troops that have been kept in Syria, contrary to Trump's orders. Jeffrey was appointed to other diplomatic positions under Presidents Bush and Obama. He is part of the permanent, unelected leadership class in Washington, DC.

Serious concerns over German Chancellor Angela Merkel's health have grown after she was seen shaking uncontrollably in public for the third time in the last few weeks. Chancellor Merkel, whose term ends in 2021, downplayed the trembling episodes claiming she was doing "very well" and "no one should be worried." The first bout of trembling occurred on June 18 when she stood alongside Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during the playing of the national anthems. Days later she was seen shaking during a public appearance with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

Thursday morning, President Trump canceled the upcoming Singapore summit with North Korea, "based on tremendous anger and open hostility displayed" in their most recent statements. North Korea recently insulted Vice President Pence calling him "ignorant and stupid" and a "political dummy."

Ahead of Chancellor Angela Merkel's one-day visit to Washington scheduled for Friday, German media have complained about the lack of ceremonial pomp accorded to the visiting leader. German media outlets were incensed by the fact that French President Emmanuel Macron, who is also touring the US this week, was receiving an preferential treatment from the White House. Germany, given its economic strength, considers itself a bigger player in Europe than France.

Rattled by President Trump's proposal to raise tariffs on steel and aluminum imports, the European Union is threatening the U.S. with a full-blown trade war. "We will now impose tariffs on motorcycles, Harley Davidson, on blue jeans, Levis, on bourbon," Jean-Claude Junker, President of the European Commission, warned earlier this week. "Should Trump follow his words with actions, Europe will reply proportionately," German Economy Minister Brigitte Zypries said in response to the proposed move.