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Equal Protection Project Tag

Applicants for Joey Lee Garmon Multicultural Scholarship “must be of an ethnic group that has been historically and traditionally oppressed in the achievement of academic and leadership endeavors,” with special preference given to “applicants of African American, American Indian, Asian American, and Latinx American heritage”...

Webinar on the pressures to use technology to achieve "equitable" group results. Supposed "bias free" algorithms and AI will, in fact, be stealth quotas hidden out of sight: "the showdown between equity and equality through algorithms, machine learning, and artificial iintelligence will not be televised."...

Discrimination by algorithm and AI to achieve stealth quotas unfortunately is not new, but it is the wave of the future after the Supreme Court ruling rejecting Affirmative Action. REGISTER HERE for this FREE online webinar to learn how stealth quotas work and what can be done to stop them.

The Equal Protection Project ( of the Legal Insurrection Foundation was launched in late February 2023 to fight the spread of 'Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion' discrimination. The upcoming Supreme Court affirmative action ruling will make the fight even more important, in ways you may not expect. DONATE to join us in this fight at a critical juncture.