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Energy Tag

Because the administration's energy positions are scientific, based on real science, by real scientists not brainless folks driven by ideological considerations.Listen to the science!And if the administration doesn't like the science! it just, well, as reported by Politico:The White House rewrote crucial sections of an...

Last January, and again in late September, I wrote that the Achilles heel of the Obama green energy agenda -- which involves a stifling of carbon-based energy use through taxation and regulation in favor of "green" energy sources -- failed to take into account that green energy...

On January 1, 2010, I wrote of The Coming "Green" Collapse.  The issue was "rare earth elements" which are vital to so-called "green technology" and are mined almost exclusively in China.  I warned at the time:The green economy envisioned by the Obama administration as the means...

On June 17, when Obama "informed" BP how much money it would have to set aside in a claims fund, I cautioned as follows:If the Constitution means nothing to you, and all you want is retribution, you will be left very unsatisfied.The claims procedures apparently...

In mid-June, when Obama went on television to announce that he would "inform" BP how much it had to contribute to a compensation fund for the Gulf oil spill, I predicted that the fund -- despite the grandstanding -- would not put much money in...

Four months left until the November election. Time is running out on the Obama agenda.Not the time to ease up, but to push harder because soon it will be too late.Democrats are approaching ramming speed trying desperately to complete the picture, having taken over the...

Here is a full copy of Judge Martin L.C. Feldman granting a preliminary injunction preventing the implementation of the Obama administration's 6-month drilling moratorium. The actual Order is here.The key finding (at p. 3) was that the government was misleading in claiming that all experts...

Barack Obama has staked the energy future of this country on wind energy:"Some say" Obama is obsessed with wind energy: Obama's speech: There's a pipe spewing a gazillion gobs of oil into the gulf, so let's build more windmillsAs with Obama's dream for socialized health...

Headline: "Payments from BP settlement slow to arrive in Gulf"Subheadline: "Unexpected bureaucratic snafus snarl claims system."--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

There is so much wrong with how Barack Obama has handled the Gulf oil spill, it's almost hard to know where to begin.Put aside the ineptitude of the approval process and clean up response. For today, I'm focusing on the tentative settlement with BP. While...

There is something profoundly bass ackwards in the way Obama is reacting to the disaster in the Gulf.Obama keeps focusing on legal liability:President Obama will use his first Oval Office speech Tuesday night to outline a plan to legally compel BP to create an escrow...

The evidence mounts of bungled permitting, delays in response, and understating the impact:U.S. Said to Allow Drilling Without Needed Permits - "Those approvals, federal records show, include one for the well drilled by the Deepwater Horizon rig, which exploded on April 20, killing 11 workers...

This is my obligatory "Tommy, you're doing a heck of a job" post. Or more appropriately, "Tommy, keep paddling."Jake reports, I repeat:Though his agency was charged with coordinating the federal response to the major oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Department of the Interior...

My my, how Paul Krugman worries that our President may come under criticism from the vast right-wing conspiracy for the Eight Days In April.The Eight Days In April during which our President twiddled his environmental clean-up and emergency response thumbs in the face of what...

The reaction to Obama's announcement that he is opening up some offshore areas to drilling is laughable. There will be no drilling anytime soon, and the plan closes more areas to drilling than it opens.This likely is Obama's attempt to tack to the center as...

As I posted earlier, the key elements in "green" technology are rare metals mined mostly in China. The green economy envisioned by the Obama administration as the means by which we will grow "green jobs" and lessen our dependence on foreign oil in fact simply...

The global warming debate has entered the conspiracy-theory phase with this hysterical article at The Guardian: Revealed: the secret evidence of global warming Bush tried to hide.Contrary to what the global-warming alarmists claim, however, there is scientific dispute over ice measurements.What is not lacking, however,...