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This "privilege" train has officially gone off the rails.  It's one thing for adults to argue that all white people are secretly, even unknowingly, racist and quite another to teach—systematically and purposefully—self-loathing and racist hate to 6-year-olds.  Yet that is what is happening at the progressive Bank School for Children on the Upper West Side of New York City. The New York Post reports:
An elite Manhattan school is teaching white students as young as 6 that they’re born racist and should feel guilty benefiting from “white privilege,” while heaping praise and cupcakes on their black peers. Administrators at the Bank Street School for Children on the Upper West Side claim it’s a novel approach to fighting discrimination, and that several other private New York schools are doing it, but even liberal parents aren’t buying it. They complain the K-8 school of 430 kids is separating whites in classes where they’re made to feel awful about their “whiteness,” and all the “kids of color” in other rooms where they’re taught to feel proud about their race and are rewarded with treats and other privileges.

The City of Baltimore has had a rough time over the last couple years. Riots and a high profile legal case, both of which were largely based on race, have dominated headlines. How is the city helped by hiring Black Lives Matter activist DeRay McKesson for $165,000 to run human resources for Baltimore schools? Note how the Baltimore Sun has upgraded McKesson to "civil rights" activist:
Civil rights activist DeRay Mckesson to join new city schools cabinet Civil rights activist and former Baltimore mayoral candidate DeRay Mckesson will return to his old stamping grounds at city school headquarters to lead the district's office of human capital.

As we've documented countless times at College Insurrection, many students in America today have a flawed understanding of free speech and other Constitutional subjects. There once was a time when it was safe to assume students were taught about the Constitution and America's other founding documents, but the behavior on many campuses today suggests that's no longer happening. South Carolina just passed a new law to remedy this situation. The Daily Signal reports:
This New Law Ensures South Carolina Students Will Study the Founding Documents Gov. Nikki Haley, a Republican, signed a South Carolina House bill into law that implements the study of U.S. founding documents into the state’s public high schools.

National Review's David French suggests that states should reject federal funding if they wish to remain free from executive actions such as the Obama administration's directive on school bathrooms [emphasis mine]:
Without an act of Congress, without a ruling from the Supreme Court, and without even going through the motions of the regulatory rule-making process, the administration issued a letter drafting every single public educational institution in the country to implement the extreme edge of the sexual revolution... ...We must fix our education system or slowly but surely lose our culture. Indeed, virtually every other conservative endeavor — whether it’s winning elections, transforming media, or infiltrating pop culture — will fail if the entire edifice of public education is arrayed against us. The system, however, can’t be reformed from within: It’s stacked top-to-bottom with progressive activists even in red states.

Madeleine Albright is set to deliver the commencement address at Scripps College. You would think that the nation's first female secretary of state would be welcomed at the women only school but we live in strange times. Back in April, students objected to Albright for being white, now they've decided the real problem is that she's a war criminal. The Los Angeles Times reports:
Madeleine Albright a war criminal? Scripps College's baffling crusade for simple thinking Ah May, when flowers are blooming, allergens are wafting and aggrieved college students are mewling about commencement speakers whose politics don't sufficiently hew to the ultra-liberal standards set by the campuses' most outspoken activists.

Late last night, I blogged about a NYT report that the Education and Justice Departments were issuing a bathroom edict to all government-funded schools. As the NYT pointed out, the letter is not legally binding and has, "no force of law," but is a threat no less. Without force of law, the only threat remaining is federal money (which should make for a fun 10th amendment fight). So the ED and DOJ trotted out Title IX to preach about discrimination. But it's not a threat. Public schools will lose federal funding for noncompliance, but it's not a threat though: Potty Decree highlights (or lowlights):

The Family Policy Institute of Washington recently spoke with some students from Seattle University and asked them simple questions about gender and the differences between men and women. Here's a description from their blog:
The second episode in FPIW’s wildly popular College Kids Say the Darndest Things series launched Monday afternoon, just hours after the federal government inserted themselves into the battle between the unrealistic social justice agenda and biological science.

Because the issue isn't contentious enough, Obama Administration Officials will issue a directive to public school districts nationwide, instructing them to allow students to use the restroom of their choosing. Officials from the Justice and Education Departments have signed the letter which preaches against discrimination. The New York Times reported late Thursday evening:

Harvard is instituting a new policy which will punish students who join single-sex clubs by prohibiting them from serving in leadership roles. While many students are unhappy with the new rules, it was women at the school who recently staged a protest. The Harvard Crimson reports:
Hundreds of Women Protest Harvard Sanctions Continuing to mount pressure on administrators, more than 200 women rallied in front of Massachusetts Hall Monday against a new Harvard policy that will bar members of unrecognized single-gender social organizations from holding leadership positions in official clubs and receiving top fellowships.

The University of Chicago has the distinction of being recognized by FIRE as a model for free speech in higher education. At the same time, the school is home to a number of BDS activists who typically engage in the shouting down of people with whom they disagree. This dichotomy has led to an ironic impasse on campus. While the administration is committed to free speech, some members of the student government are not. This struggle has been going on for some time. In April, the College Council passed a resolution to divest from Israel. The Chicago Maroon reported:
College Council Passes Resolution Recommending Divestment College Council (CC) approved a resolution last night calling on the University of Chicago to divest from 10 companies that the resolution’s proponents say enable Israeli human rights abuses in Palestine.

Campus culture has drifted so far to the left that students at Georgetown are protesting Obama's secretary of homeland security Jeh Johnson, who's slated to deliver the commencement address for their School of Foreign Service. Students have decided Johnson is too conservative on immigration to speak at the university. Blake Neff reports at the Daily Caller:
The Latest Campus Speaker Denounced As Too Conservative Is An Obama Cabinet Secretary Students at Georgetown University are protesting against the school’s choice of commencement speaker because he enforced the law by deporting illegal immigrants. Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson is scheduled to deliver the commencement address May 21 to graduates of Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service. Some student activists are dismayed by Johnson’s selection, because his role as secretary places him in charge of monitoring the country’s borders and deporting illegal immigrants.

I always found Jay Leno's "Jay Walking" segment depressing. He would wander around Los Angeles, conducting man on the street interviews with passers by, most of whom showed complete ignorance about very basic American history questions. I never found it humorous, I found it disheartening, but also context for why things are the way they are. This video is no different. Who fought in World War II? Who was Hitler? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Last week we covered the story of three students at the University at Albany who were facing charges for staging a race hoax. The school has now expelled two of the students and suspended another. FOX News reports:
Two New York college students who claimed to be victims of racist attack expelled Two black female college students who claimed to be victims of an assault by a group of white men and women reportedly were expelled from the University at Albany. University at Albany President Robert J. Jones said in an email to The Albany Times Union Thursday that Ariel Agudio and Asha Burwell were dismissed from the college. A third student, Alexis Briggs, was suspended for two years.

Harvard clearly thinks single sex organizations are a bad thing and they're taking extraordinary measures to discourage students from joining them. Let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that progressives believe in choice. The FIRE blog reports:
Harvard Brings Back the Blacklist for Final Club, Fraternity, Sorority Students BOSTON, May 6, 2016—In a stunning attack on freedom of association, Harvard University announced today that members of independent, single-sex, off-campus organizations will be blacklisted from Rhodes and Marshall scholarships and banned from leadership of on-campus organizations or athletic teams.

Earlier this week, we reported at College Insurrection that Virginia Tech disinvited conservative Wall Street Journal columnist Jason Riley over concerns about offending students and protests. Riley addressed the situation at the Wall Street Journal:
I Was Disinvited on Campus ‘Progressives rule higher education,” write political scientists Jon Shields and Joshua Dunn Sr. in “Passing on the Right,” a new book on the dearth of conservative professors. “Their rule is not absolute. But conservatives are scarcer in academia than in just about any other major profession.” Profs. Shields and Dunn aren’t exaggerating. In the humanities and social sciences, they note, surveys show that the percentage of self-described Marxist professors is around 18%, or nearly double that of self-described Republicans...

A decidedly progressive student group at Cornell University called Black Students United has sent a letter to school administrators saying they want the entire faculty to undergo training in diversity and a host of other garden variety issues in identity politics. The Cornell Daily Sun has the story:
Cornell Black Students United to Submit Faculty Training Resolution to Student Assembly Black Students United will present a resolution prompting the Faculty Senate to examine how Cornell’s faculty members are educated in diversity issues at the Student Assembly’s meeting on Thursday. The resolution originated from one of the demands BSU delivered to Cornell’s administration last semester regarding faculty training, according to a BSU facebook post.

Three students from the State University of New York at Albany claimed in January that they were victims of assault on a bus and that the motivation for the crime was racism. They are now being charged for filing a false claim. CNN reports:
N.Y. college students accused of fabricating racially motivated attack Three New York college students who said they were targets of a racially motivated attack face multiple charges for what prosecutors are calling a false claim. A grand jury on Monday indicted Ariel Agudio, Asha Burwell and Alexis Briggs, all 20, each on a charge of third-degree assault and multiple counts of falsely reporting an incident, the Albany District Attorney's Office said.

The newest offering from Prager University asks an interesting question. Why are there still Palestinian refugees and no Jewish refugees? Dumisani Washington of Christians United for Israel hosts the video and points out a number of facts which are frequently ignored by critics of Israel.