Chick-fil-A | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 3
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Chick-fil-A Tag

Ted Cruz won a stunning victory tonight. Twitter was abuzz. But one Tweet with a photo seemed to capture the night. Cruz has Chick-Fil-A at victory party #txrunoff #txsen — Jane Cummins (@janecummins) August 1, 2012 Tea-partier Cruz has Chick-Fil-A at victory party in the #txrunoff (In case...

We've seen the Mayors of Boston and Chicago abuse their power to drive a lawful business out of their jurisdictions by threatening to withhold business permits because the founder and President support the definition of marriage as one man - one woman. When those threats generated an outcry even...

My post earlier today, Sarah Palin visits Chick-fil-A, civility and new tone ensue on Twitter, has generated a fair bit of attention. The tweets highlighted in the post were not even the worst of them. As has become typical when Palin is attacked from the left, the attacks quickly become mysogynistic, sexualized, and sexist, with the "C" word liberally thrown in by women as well as men. Here are some more samples of the sea of profanity and vitriol, so you realize (which you already do, I know), we are dealing with:

Well, if we're using the same "difference of opinion" standard that was used to call for the boycott of Chick-Fil-A, then it sure would seem it. If the 30 states that have enacted legislation or constitutional amendments defining marriage as between a man and woman...

After Sarah and Todd Palin attended a rally for Ted Cruz in Texas yesterday, they stopped by a Chick-fil-A. Palin posted photos on her Facebook page and also sent out tweets about the visit (h/t Charles). Stopped by Chick-fil-A in The Woodlands to support a great business....

Sarah Palin attended a rally with Ted Cruz and Jim DeMint yesterday in Woodlands, Texas. Reader duchess of kitty attended, and sent this report, video and photo: This was just one of the many “Get Out The Vote” rallies the Tea Party (the TX Tea Party as well as the...

Chicagoans are used to politicians running roughshod over our city. It's a war zone today, but not just from the drug cartel and gang shootings that are ravaging our neighborhoods. The politicians from the local up to the federal think they're little kings, who use...

First it was the Mayor of Boston who announced his intention to block business permits for Chick-fil-A not because there is any evidence that it discriminates in employment or services, but because its founder and his son (now the President) support keeping the definition of marriage as one man -...

I've had readers follow people to get the a bumper sticker photo before, but this is a first. From reader and commenter vonbeck2: I followed this SUV into a Chick-Fil-A in Slidell, LA to get this picture. When i saw it I thought the pres just started laughing...

Tolerance.  The concept could be a bumper sticker. But if so, it would not be welcome on the campus of Northeastern University, which just banned Chick-fil-A from campus. From The Boston Glove via TaxProf (h/t Instapundit): Northeastern University said yesterday that a Chick-fil-A fast-food restaurant will not be...

Call me a skeptic (or a shill), but I think I am being more level-headed than those who think last night put Santorum on the fast track. He's not a limited government guy.  That's one of the reasons. Advice Santorum should not take.  No matter how many...