The danger of overplaying one's strong hand....
I have been pretty harsh on liberal blogger Allison Kilkenny in the past for her playing the Nork Card on John Bolton and the "sexy" card on Sarah Palin, her hysteria over Catholic charities, and her misfire on Bill Sparkman. She was a big cheerleader for...
Depending on who you ask, and at what moment in time, the "fiscal cliff" either is End Times, or not. Obama is in campaign mode, as usual, that bizarre never-never-land where negotiating means running to rallies. Given Obama's permanent campaign, and the lack of seriousness in his...
There is no more misleading imagery than the ad run by Democrats in which a Paul Ryan-looking figure throws Granny off a cliff due to Medicare cuts: The ad has it exactly opposite to reality. Republican proposals would keep Medicare the same for people already in...
There never was going to be an actual shutdown, the issue was how much drama there would be on or about October 1. The drama held great risk -- for both parties. If played wrong by Republicans, it could have given Obama a last minute boost...
This is the first ad as part of Crossroads GPS $25 million ad buy. The first 20 seconds are powerful. Listening to Obama make excuses is powerful mockery, the most effective kind because it's his own lame words. The last 10 seconds were not nearly as effective...
Via ZeroHedge, The CBO Will Need A Bigger Chart To Forecast Exponentially-Rising US Debt: when it comes to the most recent forecast of US public debt as released hours ago, the CBO has officially run out of charting space. As can be seen on the graphc...
“Barack Obama Deficit-Slayer”, by Matthew Yglesias, June 22, 2009: As the economy recovers, tax revenues will rise, social safety net outlays will fall, and stimulus measures will begin to tamp down. If we can assume further growth in 2011, the complete expiry of Recovery Act provisions, and...
They're not. This is almost as good as his February 2009 rant. (h/t Free Beacon) ...
at least if one is dealing with reality rather than hope, is that Obamacare increases the deficit dramatically: President Obama’s landmark health-care initiative, long touted as a means to control costs, will actually add more than $340 billion to the nation’s budget woes over the next...
Obama's budget proposal shows mounting national debt and deficits. Paul Ryan unveiled the House budget proposal today, which shows a very different trajectory. Via James Pethokoukis comes this chart demonstrating the difference: After the Obama White House released its 2013 budget plan last month, U.S. Treasury Secretary...
The so-called Super Committee is on the brink of failure, if it has not already failed: The congressional committee tasked with reducing the federal deficit is poised to admit defeat as soon as Monday, and its unfinished business will set up a year-end battle over emergency...
I was right when I said Republicans should take the debt deal, as bad as it was, because otherwise any negative consequences would provide Obama an excuse for his own failures. And I was right. Polling in the three weeks since the deal was announced has shown...
What was the first thing that popped into your mind when you read the post title? The Super-Committee, right? When talks break down we're going "to make a series of dangerous unilateral concessions to try to convince" the Democrats "to come back to the conference table." Well, not...
Yesterday Harry Reid appointed John Kerry, Patty Murray and Max Baucus. Today Republicans appointed: Speaker John A. Boehner chose three senior Republican House memebrs: Jeb Hensarling of Texas, and Dave Camp and Fred Upton, both from Michigan. Mr. Hensarling, who is chairman of the House Republican Conference, will...
along with Patty "Why Won't the Koch Brothers Donate to Democrats?" Murray, and Max "Obamacare creates near chaos" Baucus. (via HotAir) What possibly could go wrong? Or right (is Baucus a weak link?)? Analysis, please....
I particularly like the image of the sinking ship inside the "O". Via Instapundit: ...
Today's hashtag is #downgrade. There were may good tweets to choose from, but I picked this winner: ...
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