Report: Top Biden Officials Furious Over Admin Resuming Oil and Gas Leasing
We know top officials in Biden's administration work hard not to implement policies....
We know top officials in Biden's administration work hard not to implement policies....
It looks like a green energy bloodbath....
Does that mean John Kerry has to abandon private airplanes and transportation?...
Granholm also threw her team under the bus, when she testified about the road trip at a recent House Science and Technology Committee hearing....
Biden's bureaucrats decided to use fiscal persuasion. After all, it appears to work for their boss....
The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee canceled the vote to confirm Jeff Marootian as the office's assistant secretary so DOE Sec. Granholm put him the role just below that position....
"That did not go down well: a regular gas-powered car blocking the only free spot for a charger?"...
Oil and gas development and drilling help support jobs and the economy in these areas....
The Republican-led House Small Business Committee wrote to the Department warn the new rules could put 10-30 percent of manufacturers out of business....
The agency overestimates the reliability of wind and solar and there is not enough reliable power plant capacity on the grid to keep the lights on....
American media is trying to persuade Americans to embrace the healing power of blackouts....
Climate cult dominoes are continuing to fall....
Alert from reader Danelle: The Biden administration dropped a Friday-before-a-holiday-weekend regulatory bomb on the Texas Oil industry in the form of a proposed regulation listing the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard, which populates the Permean Basin, as "endangered," casting aside an Obama-era conservation agreement that was working....
180 Democrats are going to have to explain to their constituents why celebrities and super-wealthy get exemptions from climate cult rules. ...
"It is putting us in the danger zone, the grid. With all the movement and demand for more electric appliances that would take the place of gas whether it be a stove or furnace."...
The government once again failing Native Americans: "It just seems like they are listening more to the environmentalist people."...
Meanwhile, Microsoft is betting one startup can deliver on nuclear fusion by 2028....
The standard for maximum per-cycle water consumption (gal/cycle) now is 5. Many newer dishwashers are 3.5. But the DoE wants to make it 3.3....
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