Antisemitism | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 99
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Antisemitism Tag

Tonight starts the Jewish holiday of Purim:Purim is one of the most joyous and fun holidays on the Jewish calendar. It commemorates a time when the Jewish people living in Persia were saved from extermination. The story of Purim is told in the Biblical book...

The New York Times has a story on the return of Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi to Egypt (emphasis mine): Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi, an influential Sunni cleric who is banned from the United States and Britain for supporting violence against Israel and American forces in Iraq, delivered his...

We don't know the details of the "brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating" of CBS News correspondent Lara Logan in Tahrir Square as the Egyptian crowd celebrated the resignation of Hosni Mubarek, but we know enough. Among the things we know is that the night before the...

In the wake of the overthrow of Hosni Mubarek, we have heard much praise for the "Arab Street," including by Roger Cohen writing in The New York Times two days ago:In the Middle East you expect the worst. But having watched Egypt’s extraordinary civic achievement in...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:Tonight's post brings us back to a variety of topics I have touched upon before:  The Islamist-Leftist Anti-Israel Coalition and its Useful Idiots in the U.S. who use terms such as "Israel-Firsters"; Leftist Jews who are...

I have posted previously about the plight of the Jews of Malmö, Sweden, who have been under siege by the Islamist-Leftist Anti-Israel Coalition, what I called Malmö Syndrome.Islamists across Europe have used anti-Israel agitation to justify acts of anti-Semitic violence, and anti-Israel leftists have either encouraged or excused...

I have criticized Glenn Greenwald on multiple occasions for playing the dual-loyalty card against American Jewish supporters of Israel.Greenwald uses the phrase "Israel-firsters" and also recently accused Eric Cantor, the incoming Republican Majority Leader in the House, of pledging allegiance to Israel.The charge against Greenwald...

I posted earlier about how left-wing bloggers deliberately misrepresented a statement issued by Eric Cantor's office about a meeting Cantor had with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  Glenn Greenwald accused Cantor of pledging allegiance to Israel over the U.S., and Greenwald's accusations were amplified with...

I have documented how Glenn Greenwald peddles the most rank of dual loyalty charges against American Jewish supporters of Israel, by using the phrase "Israel-Firsters."  Now Greenwald is at it again, suggesting that soon-to-be Majority Leader Eric Cantor has pledged allegiance to Israel.  Greenwald's blog...

That's the question being pondered from some fairly thoughtful discussion at American Thinker back in 2008 to some flame throwing from Eric Alterman just recently.I expressed skepticism when a poll was released several months ago showing Jews moving away from Democrats, and while I have yet to...

I previously posted about how Jews were being driven out of Malmö, Sweden, by violence from Muslim immigrants tolerated by anti-Israel leftists, Malmö Syndrome.As I made clear in that post, Malmö Syndrome was just one of many examples of how anti-Semitism inevitably rises from the...