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Antisemitism Tag

Austria's parliament passed a unanimous resolution on Thursday condemning the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement (BDS) as antisemitic. The resolution, tabled by the ruling People’s Party, was supported by all political groups represented in Austria’s National Council.

Rasmea Odeh is a terrorist who not only was convicted of killing two Israeli students, she lied to get into the U.S. and become a U.S. citizen. Odeh was convicted of immigration fraud and deported in September 2017. Now she's making a comeback on campuses, glorified by groups like Students for Justice in Palestine, and just recently at UC-Berkeley, where anti-Israel activists ripped up a photo of her victims.

The recent spike in attacks on Jews in the greater New York City area follows a pattern that does not fit with the media portrayal of violence against Jews being solely a 'white nationalist' problem. All or almost all of the attacks were perpetrated by non-whites, including the deadly shooting in Jersey City, street attacks in Brooklyn, and the machete attack in Monsey. While this seems to come out of nowhere, in fact there has been a highly organized and aggressive campaign to stoke and exploit pre-existing racial tensions against Jews as part of anti-Israel activist tactics. The effort goes back decades to Louis Farrakhan, who serves as an inspiration for "intersectional" activists like Tamika Mallory, Carmen Perez, and Linda Sarsour, formerly of the Women's March.

Boris Johnson's sweeping win in the British elections (via his Conservative Party) was an enormous body blow not just to the socialists, but to the anti-Israel movement. Their hopes and dreams of destroying Israel rested on wrestling control of a major western democracy, and Britain was their best shot.

U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell criticized the city of Berlin on Friday for allowing a pro-Hamas conference. "We have raised our concerns over this. Hamas is a terrorist organization and should not be welcomed in Berlin," the U.S. envoy said on Twitter.

In a recent post, I documented how American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) ejected me from its annual conference Thanksgiving weekend because it was afraid I would provide negative coverage. For background on the harassing treatment I received, see Fearing Negative Coverage, ‘American Muslims for Palestine’ Conference Ejects Legal Insurrection Reporter. Now we know why AMP wanted to cleanse the audience of media who could report accurately on what was going on: The AMP conference was an anti-Israel, anti-Semitic hatefest, and the keynote speaker was Democratic Representative Rashida Tlaib, who has worked with the group on many occasions.