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2012 Election Tag

Jennifer Rubin makes the argument that Mitt Romney was the big loser at CPAC because Romney failed to address Romneycare, contributing to the narrative that Romney has no politically good explanation.  According to Rubin, a simple mea culpa would help tremendously:Romney has a huge problem...

We've seen the videos:And now we're hearing from Ann Coulter (h/t @Allahpundit):“I would say he’s the only Republican who could win,” Coulter said on “Fox & Friends.”Though the first-term New Jersey governor has repeatedly said he won’t run for the White House, Coulter isn’t convinced.“I’ll...

Not sure this will help Mitch Daniels' putative campaign:For real, or the campaign equivalent of Stuxnet?--------------------------------------------Related Post:So Tell Me About Mitch DanielsFollow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

Now that Sarah Palin has invoked the 3 a.m. phone call (which she says went to an answering machine when Egypt was calling), it is worth looking at the original Hillary advertisement, which touched on the doubts so many have about Obama:Here is a version...

Thanks to reader James for the link to this chart by Nate Silver, showing where Silver believes various potential Republian candidates fall on a sliding scale of insider/outsider and conservative/moderate:Sweet spot, or mushy middle?If it is any help, here's how Silver describes Pawlenty's position:Tim Pawlenty...

Mark Tapscott at The Washington Examiner posted yesterday Why Mike Pence Should Run For President.A Google search reveals that there are a number of others also urging Pence to run.Pence has a self-imposed end of January deadline to decide.  So before he opts out of...

I like Tim Pawlenty as a potential Republican nominee, although I still do not know enough about him or who else is running to say whether I would support him.  The comments from readers on Pawlenty were very informative.But I don't think this helps:Candidates need...

If you have noticed, I am very intolerant of cheap shots and snide comments directed at Sarah Palin, particularly when those cheap shots and snide comments come from conservative bloggers and Republican politicians.Perhaps I react this way because when Palin Derangement Syndrome first struck this...

I was going to write a post about Dana Milbank's attention-seeking column in The Washington Post about how he supposedly is going to stop writing about or even talking about Sarah Palin for the month of February.  The Milbank column really is a window into the mind of...

This is part of a continuing series in which I ask my readers to inform me as to possible Republican presidential candidates with whom I am not that familiar, or at least not familiar enough to make a judgment.  There is, of course, one potential...

I wrote yesterday about John Hinderaker's post at Powerline, Sarah Palin for President, Forget About It.While Hinderaker does not respond to my post, he does respond today to a reader letter which made many of the points I made.  Hinderaker's response is a call for realism,...

From an article about Sarah Palin's aides putting out feelers in Iowa (emphasis mine):A top official in the Iowa Tea Party who insisted on anonymity to avoid betraying Palin's trust told RealClearPolitics that a friend of SarahPAC met with him in person in Des Moines...

On January 5, 2011, three days before the Tucson shooting, I warned that the mainstream media would mount Operation Demoralize:The mainstream media will undertake, and already has undertaken, a concerted effort to blame the Republican House for everything that goes wrong, for not living up...

If Republicans want to know exactly what not to do to win in 2012, then follow advice similar to that offered by David Frum as to why Sarah Palin should "stop talking now" about the false accusations that she was responsible for the Tucson shooting:"There is no one left in...

No, not Michael Bloomberg, Barack Obama:Bracing for a half-billion-dollar onslaught of outside GOP cash in 2012, President Barack Obama’s advisers are quietly working to bring back together the major donor base that produced a record-breaking fundraising haul in his first run for president...

As I posted yesterday, I thought Obama gave a good speech at the Tucson memorial.  The mainstream media, which has been seeking a way to redeem Obama's presidency, is portraying the speech as turning point in which Obama brought us all together, in contrast to...

It is said that a lie travels halfway around the world before the truth can put on its shoes.This weekend, a lie traveled several times around the world, and the truth still is nowhere to be found in the mainstream media.That lie is that a...

Bill Kristol has floated the idea of a Paul Ryan - Marco Rubio ticket in 2012:Having just returned from the e21 and Manhattan Institute-sponsored Conversation with Paul Ryan (very ably conducted by Paul Gigot)--and having seen Marco Rubio speak recently as well, I'll just say...