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It was free speech week. How fitting, I hope we didn’t insult anyone or hurt their feelings. Guest post by Senior V.P. at F.I.R.E., “If there is anyone who values free speech, it is a tenured professor!” Discriminatory Words? Swarthmore College’s War on Sororities Follow...

Things you may have missed: Yale students protest lecture by Rick Santorum How The Left Took Over Academia…. and More Liberal Academics Miss Point Of National Empty Chair Day Guess which political party supports free speech on campus? Robert Gibbs Says Obama’s Decline With Youth...

If you don’t visit College Insurrection every day, you are missing great posts like these: Busting the myth of a liberal student majority Beware attempts to ban “hate speech” on campus College Republicans Take Prime Seat at GOP Convention Chick-fil-A boycotts coming to a campus...

The next Insurrection still is on target for an August roll-out.  Most likely mid-month. The current site really is just a holding place, and all the sidebar and navigation bar links are the same as Legal Insurrection.  That will change when the site goes live. Your Legal...