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Gateway Pundit has a good update on the murder of Ilan Halimi: Ilan was lured to his death by a woman he had met in his telephone store. They met up late on the night of January 20, 2006, in one of Paris’s southern suburbs,...

MSNBC, Obama’s favorite network, reported on Obama’s trip with Joe Biden to get a burger. Just two wild and crazy guys out for some red meat. Andrea Mitchell (does she have nothing else to do?) reported that Obama ordered a burger and mustard. Sounds like...

Texas Governor Rick Perry said that he doesn’t think Texas should secede from the U.S. Here is Perry’s quote: We got a great Union. There’s absolutely no reason to dissolve it, but if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know,...

Posted April 8, 2009 Newsweek magazine’s cover proclaims The Decline and Fall of Christian America, while the article inside the cover proclaims The End of Christian America. The substance of the article doesn’t really prove the headline, but the goal of whichever editor wrote the...

George Bisharat is a law professor at the University of California*, Hastings College of Law. His is the son of a Palestinian father who immigrated to the U.S. several years before the creation of Israel, and an American mother. I first learned of George Bisharat...

“J Street” is a new web-based group which promises to promote “peace” in the Middle East. J Street has garnered much attention, and a Memeorandum thread, based on an article in Jewish Week which asks “What is [it] about J Street, the pro-peace process lobby...

Conservative Republican Congressman Michele Bachmann has come under fire for stating that voters should be “armed and dangerous” over the administration’s engery tax plans. While the leftwing media tried to twist this statement into a literal call to arms, in fact Bachmann was using a...

I am pleased to introduce The Official Guide To Obama Kitsch. Kitsch is a word of Germanic origin which denotes something that is in poor taste, tacky, pretentious, cheap or trashy. In order to qualify, the product must (1) feature the name or likeness of...

Barack Obama held his first press conference as President tonight. With the “stimulus” plans on the table at the House and Senate, the press had an opportunity to show that it no longer was slobbering over Obama. The press failed. Not a single reporter challenged...

Every now and then, someone writes something that says exactly what I wanted to say had I said it. An article by Yuval Levin in Commentary Magazine, titled “The Meaning of Sarah Palin” so well expresses my disgust at the treatment of Sarah Palin, that...

As we get closer to Barack Obama taking office, the cry for “war crimes” trials of Bush administration lawyers who expressed legal opinions regarding coerced interrogation grows louder. I have yet to hear anyone call for a war crimes trial for the attorneys during the...