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The City of Providence, in my home State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, is in dire financial trouble, as I have posted here many times before. The City, with its large tax-exempt university base and decades-long history of lush public sector benefits, has struggled...

I posted earlier in the week about the Super Bowl commercial run by Pete Hoekstra, who is running for Senate from Michigan against Debbie Stabenow. The commercial was part of a campaign highlighting the loss of jobs in Michigan to countries like China. The url now redirects...

From Walter Russell Mead referencing cancellation of his own speech, and taking it all in good humor: I was scheduled to give a talk at the Hannah Arendt conference here at Bard this evening on the problems of the green movement in dealing with the...

Oprah’s worth $1.5 billion.  Think how many struggling artists that could feed. Shakina Nayfack, featured in The Daily News complaining about his student debt, made the following comment in response to my post Another Occupy Wall Street poster child who is not: …. Occupy Wall Street...

From The Corner: she is almost entirely a creature of liberals who want to use her as a prop to discredit and attack conservatives. I gather Meghan thinks she is some kind of youth recruiter for a hipper form of conservatism or Republicanism or something....

12-24-2010:  Welcome Matthew Yglesias readers.  I address Yglesias’ defense of why he called Haley Barbour racist, and his attack on me, in an update below.  And I see that Ta-Nehisi Coates is defending Yglesias, so I’ll address that too. —————————————————– 1947 was the year in...

I have posted previously about the plight of the Jews of Malmö, Sweden, who have been under siege by the Islamist-Leftist Anti-Israel Coalition, what I called Malmö Syndrome. Islamists across Europe have used anti-Israel agitation to justify acts of anti-Semitic violence, and anti-Israel leftists have either encouraged or...

My friend Alec Jacobs is interning at the Daily Caller. They recently sent him on a field trip to the White House to take a tour in order to cover a story on the decorations. As a bonus, they got a funny anecdote: “The tour...

The Democratic National Committee issued the following statement regarding Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele’s comments that Afghanistan was a war of Obama’s “choosing” and that history shows that land wars cannot be won in Afghanistan (emphasis mine): Here goes Michael Steele setting policy for...

The much ballyhooed Cash for Clunkers program has had the unintended consequences of driving up the cost of new and used vehicles and used auto parts, according to independent studies of the auto markets. The Cash for Clunkers program demonstrates the danger of government trying...